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Poringa should not only be a portal to sex and lust, but also an information center that's why here is an informative post:
Courtesy article from: Independent Anti-AIDS Committee
Author: Dr. Justo Aznar Lucea,
Full Professor of Medicine University of Valencia, Spain
The Tribune
The first of December celebrates World AIDS Day, a circumstance that gives rise to some considerations about this disease. The first is that AIDS is an infectious-contagious disease and should be fundamentally considered as such, but certain aspects related to its modes of transmission have given it unusual social notoriety.
At present, the picture that AIDS draws for us is a showcase of successes and failures. The successes are mainly referred to its treatment possibilities. Until recently, AIDS was a mortal disease; now, thanks to new therapeutic guidelines, especially with antiretrovirals, it has practically transformed into a chronic disease of long duration, although without ruling out mortality in the long term. This is a great achievement that all society and especially patients can rejoice in.
Also, progress has been made in early treatments for infected people, which is contributing to a notable decrease in the number of those who develop the disease over the past few years, as statistics on the evolution of AIDS typically point out.
Another important achievement has been the drastic reduction in the transmission of infection from an expectant mother to her newborn child. Until recently, approximately 20% of children born to seropositive mothers were also seropositive, and a significant percentage of these children developed AIDS within a short period of time, with a life expectancy of just a few years. However, today, with advances in early diagnosis of HIV in pregnant women and adequate treatment of the same, vertical transmission from mother to child has practically disappeared.
The possibilities for new therapies continue to be researched, with the most gray part of these investigations being the achievement of an effective vaccine, which is still distant. of being effective.
However, all that has been considered so far about the treatment of AIDS, refers to developed countries, the richest ones. In poor countries, where 90% of patients are concentrated, AIDS is still a deadly disease; the development of the disease in infected people continues to be very high and vertical transmission from mother to child has barely decreased, and all this because the inhabitants of these countries, especially those from sub-Saharan Africa, lack the necessary economic resources to be adequately treated. Without a doubt, along with preventing infection, this is the most important challenge that AIDS poses to Western societies. The resources dedicated to treating this disease in poor countries must multiply by five for treatments to reach reasonable levels of effectiveness; but also, channels must be established to ensure that these resources reach patients and do not disappear on the way. It's hard for Western society to rest peacefully on World AIDS Day while watching millions of people die each year from a disease that could become chronic if we dedicated more resources to defeating it.
The other major field of action against AIDS is prevention, where opinions are more divided. I wouldn't want to provide any statistical data in this article, but rather make some general reflections; however, I cannot resist commenting on one thing. According to the latest data (up to 2003) from the WHO, over 8,000 people die every day worldwide due to AIDS and over 14,000 are infected, so if we do not manage to reverse this trend, it will be difficult to eradicate this serious disease. In our country, something similar is happening. The number of AIDS patients is decreasing, but the number of new infections is increasing. This obliges us to immediate reflection. Just as... Policies for treating AIDS have been effective, proposals to prevent infection have constituted a serious failure. Therefore, it is convenient to remember once again that, although infections due to drug use and homosexual behavior are decreasing, those derived from heterosexual relationships are increasing, especially among women. That is to say, the cause of contagion towards which most campaigns are directed, in rich countries and of course in Spain, has not been resolved. As is widely known, these campaigns focus primarily on promoting condom use, disseminating the message that its use ensures sexual relations without any possibility of contracting HIV. However, as has been demonstrated with abundant scientific bibliography and objective epidemiological data, nothing is further from reality. Condoms significantly reduce the risk of contagion, but do not eliminate it completely, so by transmitting this message, campaigns favor the multiplication of sexual contacts, resulting in an absolute increase in infections. This can also be observed for other sexually transmitted diseases, which have increased significantly coinciding with intense campaigns to promote condom use. There is no doubt that health authorities should expand their objectives in prevention campaigns against AIDS, including messages to encourage sexual relations within a stable and healthy couple context. This is the only remedy, recommended by the most prestigious international medical societies, to definitively treat AIDS. But promoting these campaigns requires personal courage collective that not all sanitary authorities have it.If you'd like you can comment... 😉 😛 😃
14 comentários - Info sobre el SIDA
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Besos y Lamiditas !!!
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Buen post informativo... nunca está demás... gracias por compartir e invitar! 😉
mejor prevenir q curar
Muy buena info!
Todos debemos luchar contra esta Enfermedad
Como bien dijo oliverovsky, MEJOR PREVENIR QUE CURAR!