Take care a bit more!!!'

Hello! This is my first post, it's a news article I read on the nation online, it's about a virus that affects men and women, it's not too late to take note and inform yourself about it. Men's health / 50% will get infected at some pointHuman Papillomavirus: a virus that is also a man's thingCause half of the penile cancers, which each year cause 250 amputations
Fabiola Czubaj
The human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, is not just a women's issue. One in two sexually active men will eventually become infected with that microorganism, regardless of their preferences for choosing a partner.
Husbands should definitely worry about HPV due to biological responsibility: not becoming the transmitter of a virus that can cause cancer in their partner and themselves, as it affects both men and women regardless of sexual orientation, said Dr. Silvio Tatti, director of the Program for Screening, Therapy, and Vaccination of the Genital Inferior Tract at the Hospital de Clínicas yesterday.
The HPV is responsible for nothing more and nothing less than 50% of penile cancers in the country. And since consultation for diagnosis usually comes late because the disease can have no symptoms until it's very advanced, there are approximately 250 amputations per year.
That's why it's so important to consult a doctor as soon as possible if warts, white spots or ulcers appear on the penis, scrotum, groin, anus, mouth, or throat. Because two high-risk strains, types 16 and 18 of HPV, started competing with alcohol and tobacco among the causes of oral cancer, whose age of appearance dropped from 60 to 30 years.
A study by the University of Texas on 100 cases of tongue and pharyngeal cancer found that in 70, the presence of types 16 and 18 of HPV. This shows that the same viruses that cause genital cancer are also oncogenic for oral tissues. Through oral sex, HPV can enter the mouth and produce a tumor lesion, explained Dr. Eduardo Cecotti, professor consultant of the Oral Pathology Section of the National Academy of Medicine and president of the 35th Jornadas. International Association of Argentine Odontological, where today a course on oral cancer will be held. High and low risk The HPV has over a hundred types, but between 30 and 40 infect the male and female genitalia. There are those of low risk (benign), which cause genital warts, and those of high risk, which are 13 and cause cancers of the uterine cervix, oropharynx (tonsils, amigdala, base of the tongue, palate) and anus, vagina, vulva and penis. Among these strains are types 16 and 18, sexually transmitted. Until now, little has been spoken about the role of men in the circulation of human papillomavirus. It is more, during a press conference held yesterday, Dr. Tatti explained that there are no routine exams for detecting HPV in men, as there are in women, despite the fact that 50% of sexually active men are infected with a high-risk type. They are starting to appear clinical trials on the incidence of the virus in heterosexual men and those who have sex with other men, said the elected president of the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. In addition to sexual relations through vaginal, anal or oral contact, HPV is transmitted by contact with genital mucous membranes and there are not too many measures to prevent a transmission that, according to the World Health Organization, is more frequent from men to women. There is the condom, monogamy, late start of sexual relationships and stable couples -listed Tatti-. And although they may seem archaic principles, which have nothing to do with ideology or religion, but with biology and virus transmissibility, those four measures act as a barrier to reduce sexual infection. The use of condoms reduces the risk of transmitting HPV by no more than 70%. It is estimated that two-thirds of people who have sexual contact with another Infected will develop the infection between 3 and 6 months following. It's a very good element to preserve yourself from sexual transmission infections that are in the blood or secretions, such as semen or vaginal discharge -he specified-. But it's not a good element to prevent mucosal infections, like the vulva. The reduction exists, but it's around 60 percent.

From available data, it's clear that oral and anal sex are high-risk practices. The 90% of anal cancers, which Tatti defined as 'vertiginous growth in men and women who practice anal sex', is caused by HPV type 16. By his part, Cecotti recommended consulting the dentist twice a year to control buccal mucosas if oral sex is practiced. 'Dentists are trained in lesion detection and will derive suspicious cases and initiate treatment with guaranteed success', he said.

First free screening program

The Hospital de Clínicas launched the first Screening, Therapy, and Vaccination Program for the Lower Genital Tract, where men and women access information, detection, and treatment of HPV infection. It operates in the External Consultation Sector, on the hospital's upper floor (Av. Córdoba 2351, Capital), and guarantees treatments. 'Patients who want to get vaccinated and have an indication can do so through their social work or prepaid, or with a discount of almost 50% at the hospital pharmacy', said Dr. Silvio Tatti, who directs the program. Contact: (011) 5950-8582.

Source: http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1194197&origen=NLCien

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