Well, friends, I'm taking the courage to celebrate my 5000 comments in this way by posting information about reproductive health, because we all like sex but also we have to know what methods we have to not contract any type of venereal disease or bring an unwanted child into the world. The best way to enjoy sex is safely, I hope it helps you. It's unusual to post this here but I feel accomplished if someone gets some doubt or reinforces certain concepts, I already did that on T for the same purpose trying to inform, greetings and thanks again for stopping by
In today's world, there are various types of birth control methods to choose from. There are different methods that adapt to different people. If you're using the birth control method for the first time, or considering changing your method, or restarting contraception again after having a baby, it's a good idea to see the available options and discover their advantages and disadvantages before making a decision.
Contraception is very important because it prevents you from having an unplanned pregnancy. Various contraceptive methods satisfy different people, so it's a good idea to see the different options and find out about their effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages before making a decision. When considering the contraceptive method, there is a lot of information available and diverse options that are offered so that you can be sure to find a long-term fertility regulation method that satisfies you.
Family planning is the use of natural or artificial objects, substances, and procedures, used voluntarily, both temporarily and definitively, to regulate the reproductive capacity of a person or couple, to prevent conception, with the aim of avoiding an unplanned pregnancy. Family planning provides couples with the opportunity to determine both the number of children and the intervals between births, offering advantages in reproductive health. Understood as complete well-being, physical, mental, and social, and not simply the absence of disease in all areas of the reproductive system and its processes of functioning. Therefore, reproductive health implies that people be able to have a satisfying and safe sexual life, as well as the right of men and women to have access to secure, effective, and acceptable fertility regulation methods, with health services that provide them with the possibility of having a healthy child when they decide.
In general, the anticonceptive methods are classified as Definitive and Temporary. As their name indicates, the definitive ones are theoretically irreversible. The temporary ones, (which if reversible) are divided into four categories: natural, barrier, intrauterine, and hormonal.Natural Temporary Methods• Periodic abstinence.
• Calendar rhythm method.
• Basal body temperature method.
• Cervical mucus - Billings method.
• Extended breastfeeding or Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM).
• Interrupted coitus.TEMPORARY BARRIER METHODS• Condom or condom. • Diaphragm. • Local spermicides or spermicides. • Vaginal sponges.TEMPORARY METHODS: INTRAUTERINE DEVICES (IUD)Inert devices or passive devices. Active devices or ion-releasing devices. Hormone-releasing devices.TEMPORARY HORMONAL METHODS. ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES OR PILLS CONTRACEPTIVES INJECTABLE CONTRACEPTIVES OTHER METHODS DEFINITIVE (SURGICAL) METHODS.
Pulse method of calendar rhythmCalculation according to Ogino and Knaus. This method is based on the possibility that ovulation occurs between days 12 and 16 of the cycle, considering it to be 26-30 days long, and taking the first day of normal menstrual bleeding with regard to quantity and frequency as the start of the cycle, trying to express which are the fertile days so that they can be days of abstinence or extra protection, for example:
For a woman with cycles of 26-30 days, the fertile days or possibility of getting pregnant are from day 9 to 19 of the cycle. Between the first and eighth days, there may be sexual relations with low risk, and from day 20 to day 30 as well.
Although it is known that ovulation occurs only one day in the cycle and approximately on day 14 of a 28-day cycle, there are more days of effective contraception due to the survival of sperm, which is approximately 48-72 hours. Also, the egg, once expelled, has a period of high fertility during its transfer to the uterine cavity that lasts approximately 24 hours.
The possibility of error or failure of this natural method is due to causes of disturbances and irregularities in the cycle, such as irregular menstrual bleeding, whether prolonged or very frequent. These may be produced by hormonal alterations and even by daily situations such as a trip, a systemic disease, surgery, and physical efforts, including pressures, stress, etc.
The acceptability of this method is scarce, since it imposes limitations on sexual life, which increase more due to the lack of effective contraception that the couple needs in their daily relationship. The failure rate in general terms is 15-20%. Basal Body Temperature MethodThis method is based on the fact that the temperature in a normal ovulatory cycle is bifasic and shows an elevation in the second half of the cycle, which indicates that ovulation has occurred. The effectiveness of this method is not very good (Pearl Index 0.5-3)
The release of the follicle (ovulation) is recorded as having occurred the day before the moment when the temperature starts to rise.
The ovulatory temperature increase implies an increase in the basal temperature of 0.4-0.6°C (on average 0.5°C) within 1-2 days.
To keep a proper record of the thermal curve, you have to take your temperature every morning, before doing anything, and make a graph where you note the number found each time.
It is preferably recommended to sleep for at least 6 hours at night.
This method also presents limitations and poor acceptability, as well as an important possibility of failures.Cervical Mucus Method - BillingsThis method designed by Australian neurologist John Billings involves identifying and interpreting the cyclic changes of cervical mucus to determine the moment of ovulation, when the mucus is abundant, transparent, and fluid. From a practical perspective, the woman who follows this method must identify the sensation of dryness or moisture in her external genital area. If she wants to confirm, she can insert a cotton swab or tampon, or even her own fingers into the vagina and determine the physical properties of the mucus mentioned earlier. The authors of this method describe the characteristics of vaginal secretion, dividing the cycle into several phases:Phase 1.Call of 'dry days', immediately after menstruation, without vaginal discharge.Phase 2.Subsequently, an increase in secretion is perceived with the emission of a white and sticky fluid. The duration of this phase is variable, ranging from 2 to 5 days.Phase 3.
A clear, fluid (like egg white), transparent secretion that is considered a sign of ovulation and usually persists for two or three days after it. This mucus is very stretchy (filmy).
The period of risk of pregnancy is supposed to start on the first day when you observe secretion (Phase 2) and continues until the fourth day after the appearance of clear, fluid, and transparent mucus (Phase 3).
Cervical mucus technique is classified as ineffective due to its high failure rate (Pearl index: 1.4-25.4).Prolonged Maternal Breastfeeding or Amenorrheic Lactation Method (MLA)Someone said that 'lactation was the natural mother's anticonceptive', and it is well-known that a woman will not become pregnant while lactating. Although not entirely true, it has a physiological and scientific basis.
In 1971, Prolactin hormone (PRL) was isolated, which was investigated and related to lactation. Later, situations were identified where its elevation was linked to various syndromes that presented with galactorrhea and/or Amenorrhea, Anovulation, hirsutism, and female sterility.
This means that during lactation there is Amenorrhea and Anovulation for a time, and it is possible that PRL levels act favoring lactation and Amenorrhea, determining consequently a physiological period of infertility; it is not known with certainty when ovulation is restored and PRL levels can vary due to various causes.Interrupted coitusIt is well known that it's difficult to practice contraception in and on the man. Its long reproductive cycle, which requires 60 to 80 days for the formation of spermatozoa (male reproductive cells), makes it hard to apply an effective method without severe side effects. Until now, there is no natural method available to control male fertility. Interrupted coitus (IC) is the oldest known and practiced method by men for birth control. This method consists in withdrawing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation occurs.Advantages.It is a natural method that does not require training by technicians nor the use of chemical or mechanical procedures.Instructions and contraindications.From the perspective of contraception, it's an unreliable method since penile lubrication before ejaculation carries sperm, resulting in a high failure rate, as well as ease of inducing unsatisfying sex or neurosis. The seminal fluid secreted before ejaculation and imperceptible to men also contains sperm, increasing its high failure rate and prostatitis.
CondomThe condom is a rubber cover or cap that is placed on the penis during erection, retaining semen and preventing it from reaching the cervical mucus. The condom is the oldest preventive method. For example, we have a description of a condom made by Falopio, an Italian doctor from the 16th century, who wanted to prevent the spread of venereal diseases, now called sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If used with correct manipulation and technique, the Pearl index is 3-5. More realistically, it's a Pearl index of 14. Currently, condom use has other functions besides those mentioned earlier: preventing sexually transmitted infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV) infection or HIV-AIDS, which has given great relevance to its use. It is one of the most publicized methods to try to reduce sexually transmitted infections. There is also a female condom. These are made of latex and fit inside a woman's vagina like a reverse condom. They should not be used at the same time as a male condom because they can rub against each other and break.
Compared to modern hormonal methods, condoms are less reliable and effective in protecting against unplanned pregnancy, but if used correctly and consistently, it's the only method that will protect you against STIs, even HIV/AIDS.What are the advantages?Condoms are the only method that can protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV-AIDS, That's why many couples use a condom to protect themselves against STIs including HIV-AIDS, along with another more reliable form of contraception, such as the pill, to prevent pregnancy.What are the disadvantages?Although they are very resistant, condoms can tear or break occasionally. Condoms can also fall off during sexual intercourse and may weaken due to oily substances like sunscreen blockers or lubricants without water-based foundation, for example vaseline. If this happens during sexual relations, and another reliable method is not being used, emergency contraception should be considered.Diaphragm:The Vaginal Diaphragm is a semi-spherical device made of fine rubber, provided with a flexible metal ring and covered in the same rubber. The effect of the Diaphragm is based on mechanical occlusion of the cervical canal that prevents spermatozoa from ascending. The Diaphragm is placed at the bottom of the vagina to achieve its purpose of occluding the uterine cervix. Due to the fact that a displacement of more than 12 hours quickly causes vaginal inflammation (colpitis) with discharge (abnormal genital secretion), the Diaphragm must be placed and removed within the said 12-hour period. In combination with a spermicidal cream, the failure rate reaches diverse levels (Pearl index: 2-25).
Spermicides or local spermicides:The objective of current spermicides is double: on the one hand, the excipient acts as a mechanical blocker at the cervix and, on the other hand, the chemical substance dissolved destroys spermatozoa.
Surfactant agents primarily act on the integrity of the sperm membrane. Maximum protection is obtained by applying the spermicide together with a mechanical system (diafragma, etc.), a very simple method that does not require medical professionals and presents some degree of protection against sexually transmitted infections.
Participation of medical professionals and presenting some degree of protection against sexually transmitted infections.
All spermicides must be applied immediately before coitus, a fundamental premise if maximum effectiveness is to be achieved. After coitus, the woman should not perform any cleaning in her vagina for at least 6 hours.
It should also be noted that if sexual relations last more than 2 hours after application of the spermicide or there has been another sexual relation within that time, the spermicide should be reapplied.
Most local spermicides have nonoxinol 9, otoxinol 9, and chlorobenzene as their active agent. Even some vaginal sponges and condoms include it to increase both its contraceptive effectiveness and protection against sexually transmitted infections such as AIDS.Vaginal sponges:A non-prescription and doctor-supervision-free contraceptive. Made from polyurethane, they contain around 1g of spermicide (nonoxinol-9) with a maximum duration of 24 hours. Regardless of the frequency of intercourse, it adjusts to the upper part of the vagina covering the cervix, having three main functions:Contraceptive Barrier method obstructing the external cervical orifice. Sperm absorption. Its disadvantage is allergic reaction and vaginal irritation that it may produce, its Pearl index is 9 to 27.
Due to their characteristics, DIU's can be classified as:Inert devices or passive ones:those that fulfill their function on their own, without any substance intervening, due to the action exercised by a foreign body inside the uterus.Active devices or ion liberators:What joins the action of plastic material (foreign body) to that of ions released according to its composition (copper or copper and silver).Liberating Devices of Hormones:which, in addition to the action of the device itself, present an effect characteristic of the active substance (levonorgestrel) – LNG - released by the device. This method also known as endoceptive, is one of the most reliable and safe methods over a long period (5 years), with additional benefits, such as avoiding menstrual cramps, reducing the amount and duration of menstrual bleeding, and a rapid return to fertility after its withdrawal.
What are the advantages?The IUD provides a long-term contraceptive option. A healthcare professional will remove it if it's no longer needed or when its effectiveness has expired and is no longer providing contraception.What are the disadvantages?With the IUD, menstrual bleeding is more abundant, longer, and more painful. Uterine infection can occur with this method but it is rare for it to happen. This is not usually the method of choice for women who have not had a pregnancy or for women with anemia.Intrusive Thought.The 'intelligent' contraceptive is one of the most effective and safe ones currently available in Mexico, it's a T-shaped intrauterine device similar to copper IUD that must be inserted by a doctor into the uterine cavity, contains an active principle called levonorgestrel (LNG) which releases inside the uterus at a constant rate and in very small amounts. This progestin acts only locally thickening cervical mucus and inhibiting sperm function making it difficult for the egg to be fertilized. It has a 5-year effective life, but can be removed whenever you want.
Any woman who wants to use short or long-term contraception can use it, but it's more recommended for those who have already had children since the insertion is easier and they have less risk of expulsion. It's important to clarify that the endoceptive does not contain estrogen and levonorgestrel acts basically only in the uterus, so effects on the rest of the body are usually negligible.
This method reduces the monthly growth of tissue inside the matrix (endometrium) and with this, menstrual bleeding is shorter, less abundant, and less painful, even disappearing completely for some women, which is undoubtedly a great advantage. This occurs only while using the endoceptive and as soon as it's removed, menstrual periods return to normality. It's important to note that you can get pregnant from the first cycle after removal.
The endoceptive is an effective and safe method of contraception with an approximate 99.7% efficacy rate, which can be used for a long period. We recommend that the user of this method attend regular medical check-ups and be attentive to any changes or pain outside what your doctor indicated.Mechanism of action of IUDs:Recent investigations have shed new light on how IUDs prevent pregnancy. Studies suggest that IUDs prevent sperm from fertilizing eggs and do not support the common belief that they prevent or avoid implantation.
Although the mechanism of action of copper IUDs is still not known with certainty, it is most likely that the primary action consists in altering the survival of sperm and eggs before they can meet.
In contrast, the endoceptive method that releases LNG, although it also prevents sperm and eggs from uniting, has a mechanism of action that causes cervical mucus to thicken and thus prevents sperm from passing through it.What are the advantages?The IUD with levonorgestrel provides a very reliable long-term contraceptive option. After removing the IUD, fertility levels will quickly return to normal. After some months of adaptation, periods are normally lighter, shorter, and less painful or can stop bleeding altogether. It also offers some protection against pelvic infections and uterine cancer.What are the disadvantages?The periods can be irregular with occasional light bleeding between periods and in some women it may even persist after the first three months. Some women may initially experience headaches, breast sensitivity, or nausea. Insertion may be difficult in some cases and may be associated with a bit of pain and bleeding. IUD is not the method of first choice for women who have never had children.
Hormonal Contraception is based on the use of female hormones that intervene in the mechanism of ovulation temporarily and reversibly. There are various modalities, depending fundamentally on the route of administration, composition, and dosage. Currently, Hormonal Contraceptives are the most widely used worldwide, as they offer the highest rates of anticonceptive efficacy. Characteristics that a hormonal contraceptive should offer:Security:Good cycle control, which represents security for the user.Effectiveness:High anticonceptive effectiveness of which the contraceptive method may prevent an unplanned pregnancyReversibility: possibility of the user returning pregnant if she so desires.Less impact:What presents a minimum of collateral effects (lipid metabolism, carbohydrate and blood coagulation).Accessibility:To be within reach (economic, social etc.) of the user.Acceptability:A contraceptive is well accepted when it has met the required characteristics; therefore, it will have as a consequence...Continuity:If all previous requirements are met then we will give continuity to the birth control method.
The pillThere are two main types of pills, the combined pill and the progesterone-only pill (the mini-pill). The progesterone-only pill (the mini-pill) This version of the pill contains only one active ingredient, progesterone. It works differently from the combined pill, mainly thickening cervical mucus at the entrance to the uterus, making it difficult for sperm to complete its journey. With some progesterone-only pills, ovulation can also be prevented in some women. Take a pill every day until all the pills in the package are finished. Then start a new package the next day. This means you'll take pills during your period and won't leave an interval between packages. There are different types of progesterone-only pills available.
How effective are they?If the progesterone pill is used correctly, it is 99.6% effective (4 out of every 1000 women may become pregnant per year).What are the advantages?The progesterone-only pill offers a very reliable form of birth control for women who are breastfeeding or cannot tolerate estrogens.What are the disadvantages?It's very important to take the progesterone-only pill at the same time every day or it won't work. It's worth talking to your doctor about different options and finding what suits you best and your lifestyle. The margin of error is around three hours with the previous type of pill and 12 hours with the new progesterone-only pill. Periods can be irregular, with some bleeding between periods, especially during the first few months. On the other hand, some women stop having periods with the progesterone-only pill.
They are easy to consume and have a high anticonceptivity rate of 99.7%, in addition to the fact that the content of estrogens and progestins used has decreased significantly (micro-dosed) which makes side effects very mild and most women adapt easily to them. They are generally administered in regimens of 21 or 28 days and you should take them daily at the same time, preferably at night.
The latest news about pills is a micro-dosed anticonceptitive that does not gain weight, prevents acne and even reduces facial hair, all thanks to its formula with drospirenonaHow effective are they?If the combined pill is used appropriately, it is 99.7% effective (3 out of every 1000 women may become pregnant per year)What are the advantages?The combined pill is one of the most effective reversible contraceptive methods available to women today and also the most widely used method. The pill prevents unplanned pregnancies, but a woman can become pregnant again when she stops using it. In addition to protecting against unplanned pregnancy, the pill makes your menstrual cycles more regular, reduces premenstrual pains, painful periods, cramps, and gives you lighter periods with few days and little flow.What are the disadvantages?Some women may experience side effects when starting to take the pill, but these usually decrease during the first months of use. Side effects can include staining between periods, headaches, and sensitivity in the breasts. Some combined pills contain a higher dose of estrogen. If you're taking this type of pill and experiencing side effects, it might be useful to ask your doctor if you can switch to a low-dose estrogen pill. In very few cases, some women may develop thrombosis, but this is very rare and much rarer when the risk of thrombosis has no relation to hormonal contraception use. The risk of thrombosis depends on various factors, including family history, age, body weight, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and increases if there's a combination of risk factors. The link between thrombosis and the pill is much weaker than other risk factors, for example, not using birth control and having the risk of getting pregnant. Using the pill may contribute to a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer, but this risk is minimal.
How effective is it?The three-month injection is 99.7% effective (three women out of every 1,000 will be able to get pregnant per year).What are the advantages?The injection is a semi-prolonged acting anticonceptive method that maintains the anticonceptive in an effective manner without the need for daily treatment. The three-month injection containing only progesterone is convenient for women who cannot tolerate estrogen or are breastfeeding.What are the disadvantages?Some women find that their periods become irregular with this method, or stop altogether, and some women gain weight. Some women may also experience headaches, dizziness, and spotty skin. Regular periods and fertility can be restored a year after stopping the injections.
They work by releasing a constant dose of a progestin called etonogestrel into the bloodstream, which prevents pregnancy during the time you are using it. This is a reversible method and as soon as you decide to get pregnant, you can ask them to remove the implant and quickly return to your fertility level.
This method has the advantage that you don't have to remember anything and you're protected for the time you're using it, which favors spontaneous sexual activity.
The side effects vary from person to person, with the most common being irregular menstrual periods. Some women experience spotting or bleeding between cycles, heavy bleeding during certain cycles, and some stop having their period for an extended period of time. These symptoms are more noticeable during the first year of use and normally menstrual periods regularize after this time.
?What are the advantages?The implant is prepared for women who want long-term contraception. It's also convenient for breastfeeding women and those who don't tolerate estrogen. It can reduce heavy and painful periods.What are the disadvantages?Her application and especially her removal require small surgical procedures. Her use can cause temporary side effects such as superficial irritations at the application site, irregular bleeding, headaches, mood changes, and sensitivity in the breasts. Some women may gain weight and some may notice that their periods become irregular after the first year or even stop bleeding. Some may also notice an effect on their skin.
We know that bilateral tubal occlusion (OTB) although not perfect, is the most effective birth control method. But this anticonceptivity does not reach 100%, as you have to take into account that in some exceptional case, a technical error may occur that facilitates spontaneous recanalization of the tubes.
Like tubal sterilization, vasectomy should be considered a surgical procedure that is irreversible, although it has been successfully reversed in some countries. However, vasectomy should only be performed on men who do not wish to have any more children.
It is a simple intervention that can be carried out in an operating room or even in the doctor's office, as it does not require general anesthesia, only local anesthesia, so the patient can return home once the procedure is over. In the same week after the procedure, testicular discomfort may appear, which disappears with the use of a suspender, relative rest, or administration of some analgesic.
After vasectomy, a semen study (sperm count) should be performed to confirm the effectiveness of the intervention. This can be done one or two months later, or once there have been twelve ejaculations. Complications are rare and localized.
There are no changes in libido, erection, and/or ejaculation, as testosterone is not modified and spermatozoa continue to be produced in the same way. Although they do not pass through the deferent ducts, so they are not present in the ejaculate. The latter will only consist of seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles.
It is one of the methods that offer greater anticonceptivity efficacy. Only in rare cases can a failure occur due to the ducts recanalizing and spermatozoa passing again through the ejaculate, producing pregnancy.
In today's world, there are various types of birth control methods to choose from. There are different methods that adapt to different people. If you're using the birth control method for the first time, or considering changing your method, or restarting contraception again after having a baby, it's a good idea to see the available options and discover their advantages and disadvantages before making a decision.
Where do I start?
Contraception is very important because it prevents you from having an unplanned pregnancy. Various contraceptive methods satisfy different people, so it's a good idea to see the different options and find out about their effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages before making a decision. When considering the contraceptive method, there is a lot of information available and diverse options that are offered so that you can be sure to find a long-term fertility regulation method that satisfies you.
Family Planning
Family planning is the use of natural or artificial objects, substances, and procedures, used voluntarily, both temporarily and definitively, to regulate the reproductive capacity of a person or couple, to prevent conception, with the aim of avoiding an unplanned pregnancy. Family planning provides couples with the opportunity to determine both the number of children and the intervals between births, offering advantages in reproductive health. Understood as complete well-being, physical, mental, and social, and not simply the absence of disease in all areas of the reproductive system and its processes of functioning. Therefore, reproductive health implies that people be able to have a satisfying and safe sexual life, as well as the right of men and women to have access to secure, effective, and acceptable fertility regulation methods, with health services that provide them with the possibility of having a healthy child when they decide.
Classification of Contraceptive Methods
In general, the anticonceptive methods are classified as Definitive and Temporary. As their name indicates, the definitive ones are theoretically irreversible. The temporary ones, (which if reversible) are divided into four categories: natural, barrier, intrauterine, and hormonal.Natural Temporary Methods• Periodic abstinence.
• Calendar rhythm method.
• Basal body temperature method.
• Cervical mucus - Billings method.
• Extended breastfeeding or Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM).
• Interrupted coitus.TEMPORARY BARRIER METHODS• Condom or condom. • Diaphragm. • Local spermicides or spermicides. • Vaginal sponges.TEMPORARY METHODS: INTRAUTERINE DEVICES (IUD)Inert devices or passive devices. Active devices or ion-releasing devices. Hormone-releasing devices.TEMPORARY HORMONAL METHODS. ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES OR PILLS CONTRACEPTIVES INJECTABLE CONTRACEPTIVES OTHER METHODS DEFINITIVE (SURGICAL) METHODS.
Natural Temporal Methods
Pulse method of calendar rhythmCalculation according to Ogino and Knaus. This method is based on the possibility that ovulation occurs between days 12 and 16 of the cycle, considering it to be 26-30 days long, and taking the first day of normal menstrual bleeding with regard to quantity and frequency as the start of the cycle, trying to express which are the fertile days so that they can be days of abstinence or extra protection, for example:
For a woman with cycles of 26-30 days, the fertile days or possibility of getting pregnant are from day 9 to 19 of the cycle. Between the first and eighth days, there may be sexual relations with low risk, and from day 20 to day 30 as well.
Although it is known that ovulation occurs only one day in the cycle and approximately on day 14 of a 28-day cycle, there are more days of effective contraception due to the survival of sperm, which is approximately 48-72 hours. Also, the egg, once expelled, has a period of high fertility during its transfer to the uterine cavity that lasts approximately 24 hours.
The possibility of error or failure of this natural method is due to causes of disturbances and irregularities in the cycle, such as irregular menstrual bleeding, whether prolonged or very frequent. These may be produced by hormonal alterations and even by daily situations such as a trip, a systemic disease, surgery, and physical efforts, including pressures, stress, etc.
The acceptability of this method is scarce, since it imposes limitations on sexual life, which increase more due to the lack of effective contraception that the couple needs in their daily relationship. The failure rate in general terms is 15-20%. Basal Body Temperature MethodThis method is based on the fact that the temperature in a normal ovulatory cycle is bifasic and shows an elevation in the second half of the cycle, which indicates that ovulation has occurred. The effectiveness of this method is not very good (Pearl Index 0.5-3)
The release of the follicle (ovulation) is recorded as having occurred the day before the moment when the temperature starts to rise.
The ovulatory temperature increase implies an increase in the basal temperature of 0.4-0.6°C (on average 0.5°C) within 1-2 days.
To keep a proper record of the thermal curve, you have to take your temperature every morning, before doing anything, and make a graph where you note the number found each time.
It is preferably recommended to sleep for at least 6 hours at night.
This method also presents limitations and poor acceptability, as well as an important possibility of failures.Cervical Mucus Method - BillingsThis method designed by Australian neurologist John Billings involves identifying and interpreting the cyclic changes of cervical mucus to determine the moment of ovulation, when the mucus is abundant, transparent, and fluid. From a practical perspective, the woman who follows this method must identify the sensation of dryness or moisture in her external genital area. If she wants to confirm, she can insert a cotton swab or tampon, or even her own fingers into the vagina and determine the physical properties of the mucus mentioned earlier. The authors of this method describe the characteristics of vaginal secretion, dividing the cycle into several phases:Phase 1.Call of 'dry days', immediately after menstruation, without vaginal discharge.Phase 2.Subsequently, an increase in secretion is perceived with the emission of a white and sticky fluid. The duration of this phase is variable, ranging from 2 to 5 days.Phase 3.
A clear, fluid (like egg white), transparent secretion that is considered a sign of ovulation and usually persists for two or three days after it. This mucus is very stretchy (filmy).
The period of risk of pregnancy is supposed to start on the first day when you observe secretion (Phase 2) and continues until the fourth day after the appearance of clear, fluid, and transparent mucus (Phase 3).
Cervical mucus technique is classified as ineffective due to its high failure rate (Pearl index: 1.4-25.4).Prolonged Maternal Breastfeeding or Amenorrheic Lactation Method (MLA)Someone said that 'lactation was the natural mother's anticonceptive', and it is well-known that a woman will not become pregnant while lactating. Although not entirely true, it has a physiological and scientific basis.
In 1971, Prolactin hormone (PRL) was isolated, which was investigated and related to lactation. Later, situations were identified where its elevation was linked to various syndromes that presented with galactorrhea and/or Amenorrhea, Anovulation, hirsutism, and female sterility.
This means that during lactation there is Amenorrhea and Anovulation for a time, and it is possible that PRL levels act favoring lactation and Amenorrhea, determining consequently a physiological period of infertility; it is not known with certainty when ovulation is restored and PRL levels can vary due to various causes.Interrupted coitusIt is well known that it's difficult to practice contraception in and on the man. Its long reproductive cycle, which requires 60 to 80 days for the formation of spermatozoa (male reproductive cells), makes it hard to apply an effective method without severe side effects. Until now, there is no natural method available to control male fertility. Interrupted coitus (IC) is the oldest known and practiced method by men for birth control. This method consists in withdrawing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation occurs.Advantages.It is a natural method that does not require training by technicians nor the use of chemical or mechanical procedures.Instructions and contraindications.From the perspective of contraception, it's an unreliable method since penile lubrication before ejaculation carries sperm, resulting in a high failure rate, as well as ease of inducing unsatisfying sex or neurosis. The seminal fluid secreted before ejaculation and imperceptible to men also contains sperm, increasing its high failure rate and prostatitis.
All these natural methods have a low contraceptive effectiveness, require high motivation and active participation from the couple.
Barrera's Temporal Methods
CondomThe condom is a rubber cover or cap that is placed on the penis during erection, retaining semen and preventing it from reaching the cervical mucus. The condom is the oldest preventive method. For example, we have a description of a condom made by Falopio, an Italian doctor from the 16th century, who wanted to prevent the spread of venereal diseases, now called sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If used with correct manipulation and technique, the Pearl index is 3-5. More realistically, it's a Pearl index of 14. Currently, condom use has other functions besides those mentioned earlier: preventing sexually transmitted infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV) infection or HIV-AIDS, which has given great relevance to its use. It is one of the most publicized methods to try to reduce sexually transmitted infections. There is also a female condom. These are made of latex and fit inside a woman's vagina like a reverse condom. They should not be used at the same time as a male condom because they can rub against each other and break.
Female condom
Compared to modern hormonal methods, condoms are less reliable and effective in protecting against unplanned pregnancy, but if used correctly and consistently, it's the only method that will protect you against STIs, even HIV/AIDS.What are the advantages?Condoms are the only method that can protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV-AIDS, That's why many couples use a condom to protect themselves against STIs including HIV-AIDS, along with another more reliable form of contraception, such as the pill, to prevent pregnancy.What are the disadvantages?Although they are very resistant, condoms can tear or break occasionally. Condoms can also fall off during sexual intercourse and may weaken due to oily substances like sunscreen blockers or lubricants without water-based foundation, for example vaseline. If this happens during sexual relations, and another reliable method is not being used, emergency contraception should be considered.Diaphragm:The Vaginal Diaphragm is a semi-spherical device made of fine rubber, provided with a flexible metal ring and covered in the same rubber. The effect of the Diaphragm is based on mechanical occlusion of the cervical canal that prevents spermatozoa from ascending. The Diaphragm is placed at the bottom of the vagina to achieve its purpose of occluding the uterine cervix. Due to the fact that a displacement of more than 12 hours quickly causes vaginal inflammation (colpitis) with discharge (abnormal genital secretion), the Diaphragm must be placed and removed within the said 12-hour period. In combination with a spermicidal cream, the failure rate reaches diverse levels (Pearl index: 2-25).
Spermicides or local spermicides:The objective of current spermicides is double: on the one hand, the excipient acts as a mechanical blocker at the cervix and, on the other hand, the chemical substance dissolved destroys spermatozoa.
Surfactant agents primarily act on the integrity of the sperm membrane. Maximum protection is obtained by applying the spermicide together with a mechanical system (diafragma, etc.), a very simple method that does not require medical professionals and presents some degree of protection against sexually transmitted infections.
Participation of medical professionals and presenting some degree of protection against sexually transmitted infections.
All spermicides must be applied immediately before coitus, a fundamental premise if maximum effectiveness is to be achieved. After coitus, the woman should not perform any cleaning in her vagina for at least 6 hours.
It should also be noted that if sexual relations last more than 2 hours after application of the spermicide or there has been another sexual relation within that time, the spermicide should be reapplied.
Most local spermicides have nonoxinol 9, otoxinol 9, and chlorobenzene as their active agent. Even some vaginal sponges and condoms include it to increase both its contraceptive effectiveness and protection against sexually transmitted infections such as AIDS.Vaginal sponges:A non-prescription and doctor-supervision-free contraceptive. Made from polyurethane, they contain around 1g of spermicide (nonoxinol-9) with a maximum duration of 24 hours. Regardless of the frequency of intercourse, it adjusts to the upper part of the vagina covering the cervix, having three main functions:Contraceptive Barrier method obstructing the external cervical orifice. Sperm absorption. Its disadvantage is allergic reaction and vaginal irritation that it may produce, its Pearl index is 9 to 27.
Temporary Methods: Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
Due to their characteristics, DIU's can be classified as:Inert devices or passive ones:those that fulfill their function on their own, without any substance intervening, due to the action exercised by a foreign body inside the uterus.Active devices or ion liberators:What joins the action of plastic material (foreign body) to that of ions released according to its composition (copper or copper and silver).Liberating Devices of Hormones:which, in addition to the action of the device itself, present an effect characteristic of the active substance (levonorgestrel) – LNG - released by the device. This method also known as endoceptive, is one of the most reliable and safe methods over a long period (5 years), with additional benefits, such as avoiding menstrual cramps, reducing the amount and duration of menstrual bleeding, and a rapid return to fertility after its withdrawal.
What are the advantages?The IUD provides a long-term contraceptive option. A healthcare professional will remove it if it's no longer needed or when its effectiveness has expired and is no longer providing contraception.What are the disadvantages?With the IUD, menstrual bleeding is more abundant, longer, and more painful. Uterine infection can occur with this method but it is rare for it to happen. This is not usually the method of choice for women who have not had a pregnancy or for women with anemia.Intrusive Thought.The 'intelligent' contraceptive is one of the most effective and safe ones currently available in Mexico, it's a T-shaped intrauterine device similar to copper IUD that must be inserted by a doctor into the uterine cavity, contains an active principle called levonorgestrel (LNG) which releases inside the uterus at a constant rate and in very small amounts. This progestin acts only locally thickening cervical mucus and inhibiting sperm function making it difficult for the egg to be fertilized. It has a 5-year effective life, but can be removed whenever you want.
Any woman who wants to use short or long-term contraception can use it, but it's more recommended for those who have already had children since the insertion is easier and they have less risk of expulsion. It's important to clarify that the endoceptive does not contain estrogen and levonorgestrel acts basically only in the uterus, so effects on the rest of the body are usually negligible.
This method reduces the monthly growth of tissue inside the matrix (endometrium) and with this, menstrual bleeding is shorter, less abundant, and less painful, even disappearing completely for some women, which is undoubtedly a great advantage. This occurs only while using the endoceptive and as soon as it's removed, menstrual periods return to normality. It's important to note that you can get pregnant from the first cycle after removal.
The endoceptive is an effective and safe method of contraception with an approximate 99.7% efficacy rate, which can be used for a long period. We recommend that the user of this method attend regular medical check-ups and be attentive to any changes or pain outside what your doctor indicated.Mechanism of action of IUDs:Recent investigations have shed new light on how IUDs prevent pregnancy. Studies suggest that IUDs prevent sperm from fertilizing eggs and do not support the common belief that they prevent or avoid implantation.
Although the mechanism of action of copper IUDs is still not known with certainty, it is most likely that the primary action consists in altering the survival of sperm and eggs before they can meet.
In contrast, the endoceptive method that releases LNG, although it also prevents sperm and eggs from uniting, has a mechanism of action that causes cervical mucus to thicken and thus prevents sperm from passing through it.What are the advantages?The IUD with levonorgestrel provides a very reliable long-term contraceptive option. After removing the IUD, fertility levels will quickly return to normal. After some months of adaptation, periods are normally lighter, shorter, and less painful or can stop bleeding altogether. It also offers some protection against pelvic infections and uterine cancer.What are the disadvantages?The periods can be irregular with occasional light bleeding between periods and in some women it may even persist after the first three months. Some women may initially experience headaches, breast sensitivity, or nausea. Insertion may be difficult in some cases and may be associated with a bit of pain and bleeding. IUD is not the method of first choice for women who have never had children.
Hormonal Temporal Methods
Hormonal Contraception is based on the use of female hormones that intervene in the mechanism of ovulation temporarily and reversibly. There are various modalities, depending fundamentally on the route of administration, composition, and dosage. Currently, Hormonal Contraceptives are the most widely used worldwide, as they offer the highest rates of anticonceptive efficacy. Characteristics that a hormonal contraceptive should offer:Security:Good cycle control, which represents security for the user.Effectiveness:High anticonceptive effectiveness of which the contraceptive method may prevent an unplanned pregnancyReversibility: possibility of the user returning pregnant if she so desires.Less impact:What presents a minimum of collateral effects (lipid metabolism, carbohydrate and blood coagulation).Accessibility:To be within reach (economic, social etc.) of the user.Acceptability:A contraceptive is well accepted when it has met the required characteristics; therefore, it will have as a consequence...Continuity:If all previous requirements are met then we will give continuity to the birth control method.
Oral contraceptives or birth control pills
The pillThere are two main types of pills, the combined pill and the progesterone-only pill (the mini-pill). The progesterone-only pill (the mini-pill) This version of the pill contains only one active ingredient, progesterone. It works differently from the combined pill, mainly thickening cervical mucus at the entrance to the uterus, making it difficult for sperm to complete its journey. With some progesterone-only pills, ovulation can also be prevented in some women. Take a pill every day until all the pills in the package are finished. Then start a new package the next day. This means you'll take pills during your period and won't leave an interval between packages. There are different types of progesterone-only pills available.
How effective are they?If the progesterone pill is used correctly, it is 99.6% effective (4 out of every 1000 women may become pregnant per year).What are the advantages?The progesterone-only pill offers a very reliable form of birth control for women who are breastfeeding or cannot tolerate estrogens.What are the disadvantages?It's very important to take the progesterone-only pill at the same time every day or it won't work. It's worth talking to your doctor about different options and finding what suits you best and your lifestyle. The margin of error is around three hours with the previous type of pill and 12 hours with the new progesterone-only pill. Periods can be irregular, with some bleeding between periods, especially during the first few months. On the other hand, some women stop having periods with the progesterone-only pill.
The Combined Pill
The combined pill contains two active principles, an estrogen and a progestin that prevent your body from releasing an egg each month (inhibits ovulation). You should see a doctor or nurse to have the pill prescribed, they will review your complete medical history to find the pill that best suits your body. There are several different types of combined pills. Not all types of pills will be suitable for you, so it's worth seeing your doctor about different options.They are easy to consume and have a high anticonceptivity rate of 99.7%, in addition to the fact that the content of estrogens and progestins used has decreased significantly (micro-dosed) which makes side effects very mild and most women adapt easily to them. They are generally administered in regimens of 21 or 28 days and you should take them daily at the same time, preferably at night.
The latest news about pills is a micro-dosed anticonceptitive that does not gain weight, prevents acne and even reduces facial hair, all thanks to its formula with drospirenonaHow effective are they?If the combined pill is used appropriately, it is 99.7% effective (3 out of every 1000 women may become pregnant per year)What are the advantages?The combined pill is one of the most effective reversible contraceptive methods available to women today and also the most widely used method. The pill prevents unplanned pregnancies, but a woman can become pregnant again when she stops using it. In addition to protecting against unplanned pregnancy, the pill makes your menstrual cycles more regular, reduces premenstrual pains, painful periods, cramps, and gives you lighter periods with few days and little flow.What are the disadvantages?Some women may experience side effects when starting to take the pill, but these usually decrease during the first months of use. Side effects can include staining between periods, headaches, and sensitivity in the breasts. Some combined pills contain a higher dose of estrogen. If you're taking this type of pill and experiencing side effects, it might be useful to ask your doctor if you can switch to a low-dose estrogen pill. In very few cases, some women may develop thrombosis, but this is very rare and much rarer when the risk of thrombosis has no relation to hormonal contraception use. The risk of thrombosis depends on various factors, including family history, age, body weight, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and increases if there's a combination of risk factors. The link between thrombosis and the pill is much weaker than other risk factors, for example, not using birth control and having the risk of getting pregnant. Using the pill may contribute to a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer, but this risk is minimal.
Injectable Contraceptives
Currently injectable anticonceptives in the form of injection are combined and have low estrogen and progestin content, which is considered low-hormonal contribution, one ampoule every 30 days, the first should be on the first day of your bleeding and then repeat the dose every 30 days, you can apply it yourself intramuscularly, some come preloaded in syringes. They are recommended for those who do not tolerate or do not want to take oral anticonceptives. Their use is reliable and confidential. They have a 99.7% effectiveness as long as you don't forget the date when you should apply the injection. Its effect is reversible and disappears approximately three months after the last injection. The side effects are similar to those of pills and disappear once the body gets used to the medication.What are the advantages?The injection is a contraceptive method that provides effective contraception without the need for daily treatment, New monthly injectables with low doses of estrone and progesterone also provide confidentiality or discretion. Rapid return to ovulation two or three months after stopping the injectable.What are the disadvantages?Some women find that their periods become irregular with this method, however those of monthly application, low dose, and combined ones will have regular cycles later on: Some women may also experience headaches and dizziness. The injectable one for two or three months contains progestin and is only suitable for women who cannot tolerate estrogen or are breastfeeding.Three-month injectable
How effective is it?The three-month injection is 99.7% effective (three women out of every 1,000 will be able to get pregnant per year).What are the advantages?The injection is a semi-prolonged acting anticonceptive method that maintains the anticonceptive in an effective manner without the need for daily treatment. The three-month injection containing only progesterone is convenient for women who cannot tolerate estrogen or are breastfeeding.What are the disadvantages?Some women find that their periods become irregular with this method, or stop altogether, and some women gain weight. Some women may also experience headaches, dizziness, and spotty skin. Regular periods and fertility can be restored a year after stopping the injections.
Other methods
Vaginal Ring
The ring is placed at the bottom of the vagina and continuously releases estrogen and progesterone that inhibit ovulation and modify cervical mucus characteristics, making it impossible for fertilization to occur. You can put it in yourself, it's a flexible ring about 5 cm in diameter and 4 mm thick. Well applied, it doesn't cause any discomfort, you apply it once a month for three weeks and then remove it one week before applying a new one. It has the same side effects as the pill.What are the advantages?The ring provides a low dose of hormones as an alternative form of contraception. It may also help make periods more regular, light and can reduce cramps.What are the disadvantages?It may cause vaginal irritation, discomfort or vaginal discharge. It can also cause nausea and breast sensitivity. Some women and their partners may feel the ring and be annoying during sexual intercourse.Contraceptive Patch
A transdermal contraceptive that ensures the entry of estrogen and progesterone through the skin, maintaining constant levels of anticonceptive protection. It is used for periods of 28 days, with a new patch applied each week for the first three weeks and no patches applied in the fourth week, when bleeding occurs. The patch is thin and comfortable and designed not to come off.What are the advantages?The patch doesn't have to be put on daily and provides an alternative form of contraception along with the combined pill.What are the disadvantages?The patch currently available is non-transparent, making it visible. Some women may experience side effects when starting with the first patch, but these usually decrease after approximately 12 weeks. They can include bleeding between periods, superficial irritations, headaches and breast sensitivity.IMPLANTS.
The implant is a small rod or capsule that comes preloaded in an applicator. The doctor inserts the needle under the skin on the inner and upper part of the arm and releases the implant, using only local anesthesia. The implant is not visible unless you are very thin or muscular. Its size is similar to that of a matchstick. It has a duration of 3 years. Its effectiveness as a contraceptive is above 99%.They work by releasing a constant dose of a progestin called etonogestrel into the bloodstream, which prevents pregnancy during the time you are using it. This is a reversible method and as soon as you decide to get pregnant, you can ask them to remove the implant and quickly return to your fertility level.
This method has the advantage that you don't have to remember anything and you're protected for the time you're using it, which favors spontaneous sexual activity.
The side effects vary from person to person, with the most common being irregular menstrual periods. Some women experience spotting or bleeding between cycles, heavy bleeding during certain cycles, and some stop having their period for an extended period of time. These symptoms are more noticeable during the first year of use and normally menstrual periods regularize after this time.
?What are the advantages?The implant is prepared for women who want long-term contraception. It's also convenient for breastfeeding women and those who don't tolerate estrogen. It can reduce heavy and painful periods.What are the disadvantages?Her application and especially her removal require small surgical procedures. Her use can cause temporary side effects such as superficial irritations at the application site, irregular bleeding, headaches, mood changes, and sensitivity in the breasts. Some women may gain weight and some may notice that their periods become irregular after the first year or even stop bleeding. Some may also notice an effect on their skin.
Emergency Contraception Pill (ECP)
It should be used only as an emergency contraceptive, not as a regular method or routine use, because it can affect health. It is used within the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. It is not effective after fertilized egg implantation, so it is not an abortive method. Causes nausea and headache that disappear shortly. Has a success rate of around 87%.Definite Methods (Surgical)
Recommended method in patients who have already covered their reproductive expectancy, when pregnancy means a grave and constant threat to maternal health or when it is about avoiding the transmission of hereditary diseases. There are various techniques.We know that bilateral tubal occlusion (OTB) although not perfect, is the most effective birth control method. But this anticonceptivity does not reach 100%, as you have to take into account that in some exceptional case, a technical error may occur that facilitates spontaneous recanalization of the tubes.
This method of contraception consists in the ligation and cutting of the deferent ducts, which, as we know, are responsible for transporting spermatozoa once they have matured, and which are located in each testicle.Like tubal sterilization, vasectomy should be considered a surgical procedure that is irreversible, although it has been successfully reversed in some countries. However, vasectomy should only be performed on men who do not wish to have any more children.
It is a simple intervention that can be carried out in an operating room or even in the doctor's office, as it does not require general anesthesia, only local anesthesia, so the patient can return home once the procedure is over. In the same week after the procedure, testicular discomfort may appear, which disappears with the use of a suspender, relative rest, or administration of some analgesic.
After vasectomy, a semen study (sperm count) should be performed to confirm the effectiveness of the intervention. This can be done one or two months later, or once there have been twelve ejaculations. Complications are rare and localized.
There are no changes in libido, erection, and/or ejaculation, as testosterone is not modified and spermatozoa continue to be produced in the same way. Although they do not pass through the deferent ducts, so they are not present in the ejaculate. The latter will only consist of seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles.
It is one of the methods that offer greater anticonceptivity efficacy. Only in rare cases can a failure occur due to the ducts recanalizing and spermatozoa passing again through the ejaculate, producing pregnancy.
Very secure
Relatively safe
Not very safe
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el post.. impecable !! 😉
un abrazo
que lastima que es muy poco visto o comentado pero toda la imfo es muy buena
para todos los que tengan dudad
la verdad lo felicito por semejante aporte y por esos 5000 comentarios
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pero en tu caso te considero uno de los buenos y viejos poringueros
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felicitaciones por tantos coments
Un post informativo muy interesante.
Gran aporte !!!
Gracias por compartir.
Besos y Lamiditas !!!
muy buenaa infooo la necesitabaa xD
estos dias estoy muy calientee jejejjejeje
soss GRosoo chee
q numeross xD
BRAVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO;) 😉 😉 😉 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
no me invitaste :crying::crying: lo encontre igual 😀 😀
sos u nfenomeno amigazo!!! la verdad ke
buena informacion y muy necesesaria
ojala ke este post lo pudieran ver
muchisimos user... un abrazo amigazo
y me agendo el post... sabes ke sos
un groso y gran amigo 🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒
volvi para dejarte algo amigazo!!!
gracias por tanto pacific
volvi con lo prometido 😳 😳 😳
A MI TAMPOCO ME INVITASTE:crying::crying::crying::crying:
No lo había visto!!! 🙄
Por tus ya + de 5.000 COMENTARIOS!!!
Excelente la información.
A favoritos!!! 😉 😉 😉
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Bue!! estos dos nunca estan de acuerdo Migue, pero yo te dejo +10 por ser mi amigo!!
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😀 😀 😀 😀 gracias por pasar amigo, ya se viene el festejo de los 6000 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️