Title:Giri Giri Sisters
Type: Manga
Genre: Inset
Volumes: 1-10 chapters
Fansub:[mof]Mundo Otaku Fansub
Try several very tempting stories xD the first 3 chapters focus on 2 sisters and a brother their dads leave home and strange things happen jejeje at last another girl joins them to make the story more entertaining. Well, the others are one chapter per story that's if they're very good[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 1[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 2[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 3[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 4[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 5[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 6[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 7[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 8[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 9[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 10[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Giri Giri Sister[/mof][mof]Type Magazine[/mof]
Try several very tempting stories xD the first 3 chapters focus on 2 sisters and a brother their dads leave home and strange things happen jejeje at last another girl joins them to make the story more entertaining. Well, the others are one chapter per story that's if they're very good[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 1[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 2[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 3[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 4[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 5[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 6[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 7[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 8[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 9[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Chapter 10[/mof][mof]
[/mof][mof]Giri Giri Sister[/mof][mof]Type Magazine[/mof]
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