Interview with Pornographer - Exclusive T!

With 'P' of Pornographer
The pornographer almost without wanting it became one of the most famous users in this section, much was speculated about who he is, what he does and if... really exists?. As every mystery, it feeds itself like that until growing to viagra-like proportions 😀 , I decided to give him a small interview to Don Pornographer based on all the unknowns that turned around in the Chat, without any response so far.Entrevista con Pornographer - Exclusivo T!

K-len:Tell me, Pornographer, people in the chat want to know you, it's a great mystery for everyone T!Pornographer:What does Don K want to know? Ask only.K:Okay, let's see, what age does a Pornographer have?P:28K:What does he/she work at?P:I work in a medical night shift...half day by half, not every day, and I'm studying to be an accountant, I still need 8 subjects.K:How did I know Taringa Don Pornographer?P:heheh searching for material for other forums where I posted.K:Have you ever been outside of somewhere?Not SuitableWhat?K:see...of course but since I had to change my avatar I stopped posting...K:SawThe imageWhat did users take away from the last meeting and attribute it to your personality? Are you bald and have a mustache like a broom? 😊K:😃...nah, I didn't see her ha ha!K:Remember some post, photos or video that are memorable?P:Good the most memorable is the post where I put pictures of my girlfriend but I won't tell you which one it was, I posted it over 1 year ago and with the nickname I used before that was: the assassin, the funny thing about this anecdote is that that post had a ton of points, obviously I mixed the photos with those of other cuties. My girlfriend loves taking pictures but she doesn't let me post them 😞 , then I had many posts with points but I don't remember them because in reality I never give much importance to the score but to people's comments.K:Take photos always, of the amateur type?P:Thousands, all the time...and videos...K:When, (the destiny doesn't want it...) I leave my girlfriend... will I release that material for the public on Taringa?P:heh he could be...I've already done it with other girls...but I think this one is serious about me, she's the one who fits my pornographic profile best... 😃 , never know.K:Tell your Taringa audience... have you eaten good cuties? People think Pornographer ate 50 cuties, gets drunk and breaks all the furniture in the hotels!P:I've eaten MANY cuties, but what can I say they were good, good, good...what to me is good...just 2 more...that's it...I'll break all the rules if so... 😃 there are a few that I'm sure I won't be able to go back to.K:How many shots does Don Pornographer fire?P:Ugh... blood alcohol level... 😃 but let's say three for sure... with my current girlfriend, in the hotel and with all the fantasies she comes up with I've reached six in a one-night stand sleeping only three hours...:DK:Some use Viagra?P:I'm not that old yet...and for now I don't need it, we'll see later why stop doing that if that's the case...K:This is a half-gay question, but the female audience wants to know how much 'leggings'?P:heh I didn't know we had a female audience...but for that question I don't have complexes, my pride is in full bloom 20 centimeters exactly and 3.5 approx. wide.K:Did you kind of blend in with some of the posts?P:heh heh I knew you were going to ask that, if it was a post with an amateur popurri....I had like 100 photos in the post just in case, with my identity I'm quite reserved, you know because of legal issues...jejeje...I must have posted it like 6 or 7 months ago and nobody imagines...I like to play with people's opinions and see the reactions that's why I value comments so much and almost nothing points.K:How long has he been on Taringa?P:Enough, they'll be doing it like they're 22 years old or a bit more maybe.K:Can we give you the websites that most people visit?P:Ah no, I never reveal my sources, although to be honest it would be a very extensive list, in my favorites I must have around 3300 pages ordered in folders and perfectly well identified but I don't visit all of them always only sometimes.K:How many know their true identity?P:Only one person, my work colleague, his username is: axelrose but he never posts anything, only enters so I don't think they'll notice much now that he's on vacation.K:In the chat there were rumors that Axelrose was his other identity, valid as clarification...P:Nahh...I introduced him to T! and since then he's more fanatical than me, only that he doesn't post, we work day by day, one day each.K:To close the interview, what would I tell people who follow him every night in the non-apt section?K:What I always say, many thanks to everyone for the comments and support and affection they show me despite finding ourselves in a very impersonal medium like internet, and yet I've come to appreciate a lot of people without even knowing them, as I always say since this is a way to bring people together, what's better than putting it at 100% to offer something better every day, my task can be summarized by posting for the people and with that I'm more than satisfied.K:I appreciate your good vibes Don Pornographer... in this interview. and we'll see each other at the...Not suitable... P:Don't even think about it, my dear friend. Reported for T!K-len^^ Note: Before the existence of, XXX content was posted inside Taringa in a category called Not SuitableThen all that material was moved to Poringa.

166 comentários - Interview with Pornographer - Exclusive T!

😀 jajajaj muy buena la entrevista!!!! Grosos los 2!!!

Larga vida al Rey Porno!!!!
groso ! un idolo.. cuanta leche derramada le debemos .! galones !!
28 años, es el hermano gemelo que nunca tuve......
Aguante Don! Pornographer!!, lo sigo siempre. Mis saludos y aprecios a usted Sr.
Grande K-lenchu. La proxima quiero una en la que el maestro Porni lo entreviste a Ud.
ole le le, ola la la, el porno es lo mas grande de toda
Barbara la entrevista y reconozco los meritos de Pornographer. Pero no nos olvidemos
de Gergal que me parece otro de los grosos de T.
Grosos los 2.

Pornographer presidente!
Gergal vice!

Pornographer, una religión... un modo de vida!!! Larga vida al rey!
🙌 🙌
Yo sabia que era un vago. Trabaja dia por medio el vaguito.!!!!
Igualmente si no le alcanza la guita pa llegar a fin de mes aviseme Don Porno, que en
T! le hacemos una vaquita. Pero ud siga igual. Nada de conseguir un laburo full time
que no le permita postear eh!!!

Es la primera vez que leo algo en NO APTO. Mucha gracias Don Porno por su material y
a K-lenton genial la idea de la entrevista...
che porno...sigue estando el fantasma del 5to?

mandale saludos a mati, lo extraño 😞
EXELENTE.Groria al REY,y a Gergal tambien.Un abrazo MAESTRO.

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Larga vida al rey!!!!!!

Nunca digo nada para no escracharme, pero que groso que es
Pornographer !!!
todavia me estoy riendo de la foto. gracias por tantas alegrias
Muchas gracias a todos por los comentarios, la verdad que estaria bueno ir poniendo
todas las semanas entrevistas a otros usuarios de T! para ir conociendolos un poco
mas, gracia a la muchachada por el aguante dia a dia...y no se olviden, denme muchos
comentarios y pocos puntos...y ahora ...manos a la obra... 😀 😀 😀 😀

P.D.: Gracias Don K por la buena onda, nos estamos viendo amigo...
Que groxo que es Don Porno!!!

Excelente entrevista, ojala Maestro K-lenton realize entrevistas a aquellos
posteadores mas relevantes de Taringa. Perfecto !!!
maestro porno..... te rogamos que con tus posts nos sigas quemando la cabeza 🔥
🔥 🔥

🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌
muy buena entrevista con respuesta de altura. Don porno es un grande
Yo se quien es o era la novia !!!!!!! entonces ya se a quien pedirle la foto que ando
Felicitaciones muchachos, es bueno saber que Taringa se compone de gente copada y
CLAP CLAP CLAP...!!!! Aplaudo de pie al rey del porno.
larga vida al rey..... gracias por darme ese empujoncito para ponerla a mi esposa...
Quemooooostroooooooooooooosssssss:alaba: 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌
🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌
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🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌
Saludos a los dos
🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌
Excelente entrevista K!, ya estás preparado para hacer entrevistas en infobae. 😀
Un grande pornographer !
aplausos y mas aplausos !

pero quisiera agregar una pregunta:
su día de cumpleaños?

propongo que el día del nacimiento de don Pornographer sea un día de festejo en T!
., un día especial en el que todos los post estén dedicados a él, que todos les demos
los 10 puntos de ese día, que nos guardemos nuestro mejor material para postear en
ese momento.

a pesar de que no te conozco ni creo que te valla a conocer dejame decirte q con tus
posts y tu buena onda me sacaste una sonrisa en algunos momentos medio de bajon y
eso vale mas que todos los puntos del mundo
ahhh y asi como lo menciono al querido Pornographer dejenme mencionar a gergal
que es otro groso,, no se vallan nunca 😢 😢 😢 😢
p.d:te pasaste lenton veo q aportaste aire fresco a la comitiva de T! segui asi!!
yo quiero ir a la despedida de soltero del gran maestro!!! aunque sea como aguatero
-o mejor dicho, lechero- jajaja
Che, leo muchos Don Porno, Don K, pero el verdadero Don es DonPochin!!!

Pornographer, aunque últimamente no esté mucho por acá, sabe que en otra época era un
habitué del tema. Gracias por tantas alegrías
Señor Pornographer, voy a desearle, sin importarme si suena gay o no, lo mejor que
puedo desearle por tantas alegrias: Dios le conserve la totola. Se lo merece.
8|me sono como politica 😀 postulate a presidente 🙌
JA! buenisimo. Por un momento pensé que leía una entrevista en la revista Caras.

Vida al Rey. 😀
Para finde año hacer la vaquita y meeting en cocodrilo!!! 😛
Muy cierto Porno un grande !!!.......Y Gergal también
Don K entrevistelo tambien a Gergal otro groso,muy bueno lo suyo tambien.Don Porno
como siempre GRACIAS.:alaba:
Only 🙌

No hay mucho mas que decir.

Firma :

Un fiel adepto a T! (en silencio por supuesto) 😀
Larga vida al Dios Porno y Don K!!
exelente entrevista..

🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌