When the satisfaction of such fantasies does not interfere with other common sexual activities, it can be said that the degree of interference of that singularity is 'minimal', and can be considered a variant of normality. But when that type of peculiar satisfaction is sought with insistence, reducing the satisfaction produced by other common sexual activities, then it is said that the subject suffers from an 'accentuated' degree of that singularity. In these cases, the subject borders on paraphilia. It is considered dependent when the search for that peculiar form of satisfaction interferes in other sexual activities to the extent that the subject loses freedom of choice and cannot stop acting sexually in that same singular way. In such a situation, already one speaks of paraphilia, because the individual can reach the extreme of not being able to get excited or reach orgasm unless it is in that peculiar way.
The curious sexual practices are countless and all have one or several names. Here are some of them, without any intention of being exhaustive:By the AFetishism of cripples.
Genital depilation fetishism.
High fetishism.
Amputee fetishism.
Sunlight exposure fetishism.
Simulated fight fetishism.
Exhibitionist fetishism in public places.
Audible sexual activity fetishism.
Pain fetishism (distinguished from masochism by the absence of an erotic component).
Fantasy fetishism during sexual act with a person other than one's partner.
Bathwater fetishism.
Domestication fetishism.
Blindfolded partner fetishism.
Congenital defect fetishism.
Punishment fetishism.
Automobile fetishism.
Anal fetishism.
Obesity fetishism.
Androgynous fetishism.
Doll or robot fetishism with human appearance.
Cross-dressing fetishism.
Age difference fetishism.
Sacrilegious object profanation fetishism.
Flower smelling fetishism.
Amputation idea fetishism.
Erotic strangulation fetishism.
Audio excitement fetishism after listening to others excited by Homoerotic and heteroerotic. Autagonistofilia: Excitation of creating situations where the person can be accidentally surprised naked or having some sexual activity. Autoabasiofilia: Excitement at being or becoming 'fuck you'. Autoasasinofilia: Masochistic excitement to be killed. Autoasesinofilia: Sexual excitement placing oneself in situations where one could die. Autoasfixiofilia: Practice of asphyxiophilia during masturbation. Automisofilia: Excitement at being soiled. Autonepiofilia: Excitement from using diapers and being treated like a baby. Axilismo: Practicing coitus within the armpit of the partner.By the BBasophilia: Excitation only produced by kissing.
Flogging: Excitation by whipping the soles of the feet of the couple.
Belonephilia: Excitation with the use of pins and needles.
Biastophilia: Excitation by assaulting someone against their will.
Blastolagnia: Person attracted to very young women.By the CCandalagnia or candaulism: Excitement seeing the couple copulating with another person.
Cateterofilia: Sexual excitement using some type of catheter.
Chezolagnia: Only gets excited while masturbating during defecation.
Ciprieunia: Excitation only with prostitutes.
Clastomanía: Excitement at tearing and dismembering the partner's underwear.
Clismafilia: Excitement injecting liquid into the anal cavity.
Coitolalia: Excitement produced by talking during sexual activity.
Coprophagia: Excitement eating feces.
Coprophemia or coprolalia: Excitement saying obscenities in public.
Coprofilia: Excitement observing someone else defecate or smearing excrement on the body.
Coreofilia: Excitement through erotic dancing.
Crematistofilia: Excitement produced by paying for sex.
Cryptoscopophila: Excitement contemplating others in their daily home life.
Chronophilia: Excitement of young people relating to people of both sexes older than themselves.
Crurofilia: Excitement seeing and touching legs.
Cyesolagnia: Sexual excitement with pregnant women.By D and EDendrophilia: Excitation when rubbing against trees.
Dipoldism: Getting excited by hitting children's buttocks.
Discipline: Excitement from being forced to do humiliating things.
Dysmorphophilia: Attraction to people with deformities (mastectomized, hunchbacked, etc.).
Ecdemolagnia: Excitation from traveling or being away from home.
Ecdiosis: The excitement only occurs when undressing in front of strangers.
Ebephilia: Excitement of an adult towards a male adolescent.
Electrofilia: Excitement from using soft electric shocks during sexual practice.
Elephilie: Excitement by certain tissues.
Emetophilia: Excitement from vomiting.
Erotolalia: Excitement from talking about sex.
Scarifications: Excitement from marking the skin with cutting objects.
Scopophilia: Excitement from openly looking at other people during sexual acts (not secretly like in voyeurism).
Stigmatophilia: Excitement from tattoos, piercings or scars on the skin.
Exhibitionism: Excitement from showing openly some sexual behavior in public.
Xenophilia: Sexual excitement from unusual or bizarre things.
Fallophilia: Excitement from large penises.From A to KTransvestic fetishism: Excitement when wearing women's clothes.
Flatophila: Excitement at the smell of intestinal gases.
Formicophilia: Excitement with insects or animals walking on genitals.
Fratriphilia: Excitement with incestuous sexual relations.
Frotteurism: Excitement rubbing genitals against another person's body.
Gerontophilia: Excitement of young people for an old man.
Gymnophilia or nudism: Excitement at nudity.
Gynemimetophilia: Excitement at a transvestite man.
Graffilia: Excitement of young people with milf women.
Gregomulcia: Excitement being fondled by an unknown person in a crowd.
Hebephilia: Attraction to pubescent girls.
Hematophila: Excitement at bloodshed.
Hierophilia: Excitement at crosses.
Hydrophilia: Excitement at any bodily fluid.
Hypnophilia: Excitement watching people sleep.
Hirsutophilia: Excitement at hairy people.
Ignismasmania: Excitement exciting a man to incite him to masturbation.
Jactitationophilia: Excitement at telling one's own sexual exploits.
Ceraunophilia: Excitement at thunder and lightning.
Knismolagnia: Excitement when the other person tickles.
Knisophilia: Excitement smelling incense.From L to NLactafilia: Excitement about breasts that nurse.
Latronudia: Excitement about undressing in front of a doctor, pretending to have an illness.
Lectolagnia: The only excitement comes from reading erotic texts.
Masoquismo: Excitement about one's own humiliation or physical (whipping, pinching, kicking) or moral (humiliation) suffering. It differs from algomania by the presence of an erotic component.
Melolagnia: Excitement with music.
Menofilia: Excitement about everything related to feminine menstrual topics.
Merintofilia: Sexual excitement caused by being tied up.
Misofilia: Sexual attraction to dirty clothes.
Morfofilia: Excitement before people with certain physical characteristics (only blondes, only fat women, etc.)
Moriafilia: Excitement provoked by sexual jokes.
Nasofilia: Excitement about a large nose.
Necrofilia: Excitement only with corpses.
Ninfofilia: Sexual attraction of an adult to an adolescent.
Nosolagnia: Excitement about couples with terminal illnesses.From A to QOdaxelagnia: Excitement at biting or being bitten by the couple.
Ofidiofilia: Excitement in front of reptiles.
Olfactofilia: Excitement from the sweat odor, especially from genitals.
Partenofilia: Excitement over virgins.
Pediofilia: Excitement over dolls.
Pedophilia: Excitement over minors.
Picacismo: Sexual excitement introducing food into body cavities for the couple to recover with their mouths.
Pigmalionismo: Excitement over nude statues or mannequins.
Pigofilia: Excitement from contact with buttocks.
Pigotripsis: Excitement from rubbing or massaging buttocks.
Pubefilia: Excitement produced by contemplating pubic hair.
Pungofilia: Excitement at being pinched.
Quinunolagnia: Sexual excitement in situations of danger.From A to ZRabdophilia: Excitation at being flagellated.
Renifleurism: Excitation at the smell of urine.
Sadism: Excitation at causing physical pain or humiliation in a partner.
Salirophilia: Excitation at ingesting a partner's saliva.
Sitophilia: Excitation with the use of food for sexual purposes (e.g. peeling peppers to masturbate).
Somnophilia: Cuddling and performing oral sex on someone asleep until they wake up.
Triolism: Excitement at observing one's own partner having relations with a third person.
Urophilia (urognia, ondinism): Excitation with the use of urine during sexual practice or urethral sounding.
Voyeurism: Excitation at observing without being seen someone else's sexual act.
Xenophilia: Excitement at people from different countries.
Zoophilia (bestiality): Excitement only with animals.Source:
The curious sexual practices are countless and all have one or several names. Here are some of them, without any intention of being exhaustive:By the AFetishism of cripples.
Genital depilation fetishism.
High fetishism.
Amputee fetishism.
Sunlight exposure fetishism.
Simulated fight fetishism.
Exhibitionist fetishism in public places.
Audible sexual activity fetishism.
Pain fetishism (distinguished from masochism by the absence of an erotic component).
Fantasy fetishism during sexual act with a person other than one's partner.
Bathwater fetishism.
Domestication fetishism.
Blindfolded partner fetishism.
Congenital defect fetishism.
Punishment fetishism.
Automobile fetishism.
Anal fetishism.
Obesity fetishism.
Androgynous fetishism.
Doll or robot fetishism with human appearance.
Cross-dressing fetishism.
Age difference fetishism.
Sacrilegious object profanation fetishism.
Flower smelling fetishism.
Amputation idea fetishism.
Erotic strangulation fetishism.
Audio excitement fetishism after listening to others excited by Homoerotic and heteroerotic. Autagonistofilia: Excitation of creating situations where the person can be accidentally surprised naked or having some sexual activity. Autoabasiofilia: Excitement at being or becoming 'fuck you'. Autoasasinofilia: Masochistic excitement to be killed. Autoasesinofilia: Sexual excitement placing oneself in situations where one could die. Autoasfixiofilia: Practice of asphyxiophilia during masturbation. Automisofilia: Excitement at being soiled. Autonepiofilia: Excitement from using diapers and being treated like a baby. Axilismo: Practicing coitus within the armpit of the partner.By the BBasophilia: Excitation only produced by kissing.
Flogging: Excitation by whipping the soles of the feet of the couple.
Belonephilia: Excitation with the use of pins and needles.
Biastophilia: Excitation by assaulting someone against their will.
Blastolagnia: Person attracted to very young women.By the CCandalagnia or candaulism: Excitement seeing the couple copulating with another person.
Cateterofilia: Sexual excitement using some type of catheter.
Chezolagnia: Only gets excited while masturbating during defecation.
Ciprieunia: Excitation only with prostitutes.
Clastomanía: Excitement at tearing and dismembering the partner's underwear.
Clismafilia: Excitement injecting liquid into the anal cavity.
Coitolalia: Excitement produced by talking during sexual activity.
Coprophagia: Excitement eating feces.
Coprophemia or coprolalia: Excitement saying obscenities in public.
Coprofilia: Excitement observing someone else defecate or smearing excrement on the body.
Coreofilia: Excitement through erotic dancing.
Crematistofilia: Excitement produced by paying for sex.
Cryptoscopophila: Excitement contemplating others in their daily home life.
Chronophilia: Excitement of young people relating to people of both sexes older than themselves.
Crurofilia: Excitement seeing and touching legs.
Cyesolagnia: Sexual excitement with pregnant women.By D and EDendrophilia: Excitation when rubbing against trees.
Dipoldism: Getting excited by hitting children's buttocks.
Discipline: Excitement from being forced to do humiliating things.
Dysmorphophilia: Attraction to people with deformities (mastectomized, hunchbacked, etc.).
Ecdemolagnia: Excitation from traveling or being away from home.
Ecdiosis: The excitement only occurs when undressing in front of strangers.
Ebephilia: Excitement of an adult towards a male adolescent.
Electrofilia: Excitement from using soft electric shocks during sexual practice.
Elephilie: Excitement by certain tissues.
Emetophilia: Excitement from vomiting.
Erotolalia: Excitement from talking about sex.
Scarifications: Excitement from marking the skin with cutting objects.
Scopophilia: Excitement from openly looking at other people during sexual acts (not secretly like in voyeurism).
Stigmatophilia: Excitement from tattoos, piercings or scars on the skin.
Exhibitionism: Excitement from showing openly some sexual behavior in public.
Xenophilia: Sexual excitement from unusual or bizarre things.
Fallophilia: Excitement from large penises.From A to KTransvestic fetishism: Excitement when wearing women's clothes.
Flatophila: Excitement at the smell of intestinal gases.
Formicophilia: Excitement with insects or animals walking on genitals.
Fratriphilia: Excitement with incestuous sexual relations.
Frotteurism: Excitement rubbing genitals against another person's body.
Gerontophilia: Excitement of young people for an old man.
Gymnophilia or nudism: Excitement at nudity.
Gynemimetophilia: Excitement at a transvestite man.
Graffilia: Excitement of young people with milf women.
Gregomulcia: Excitement being fondled by an unknown person in a crowd.
Hebephilia: Attraction to pubescent girls.
Hematophila: Excitement at bloodshed.
Hierophilia: Excitement at crosses.
Hydrophilia: Excitement at any bodily fluid.
Hypnophilia: Excitement watching people sleep.
Hirsutophilia: Excitement at hairy people.
Ignismasmania: Excitement exciting a man to incite him to masturbation.
Jactitationophilia: Excitement at telling one's own sexual exploits.
Ceraunophilia: Excitement at thunder and lightning.
Knismolagnia: Excitement when the other person tickles.
Knisophilia: Excitement smelling incense.From L to NLactafilia: Excitement about breasts that nurse.
Latronudia: Excitement about undressing in front of a doctor, pretending to have an illness.
Lectolagnia: The only excitement comes from reading erotic texts.
Masoquismo: Excitement about one's own humiliation or physical (whipping, pinching, kicking) or moral (humiliation) suffering. It differs from algomania by the presence of an erotic component.
Melolagnia: Excitement with music.
Menofilia: Excitement about everything related to feminine menstrual topics.
Merintofilia: Sexual excitement caused by being tied up.
Misofilia: Sexual attraction to dirty clothes.
Morfofilia: Excitement before people with certain physical characteristics (only blondes, only fat women, etc.)
Moriafilia: Excitement provoked by sexual jokes.
Nasofilia: Excitement about a large nose.
Necrofilia: Excitement only with corpses.
Ninfofilia: Sexual attraction of an adult to an adolescent.
Nosolagnia: Excitement about couples with terminal illnesses.From A to QOdaxelagnia: Excitement at biting or being bitten by the couple.
Ofidiofilia: Excitement in front of reptiles.
Olfactofilia: Excitement from the sweat odor, especially from genitals.
Partenofilia: Excitement over virgins.
Pediofilia: Excitement over dolls.
Pedophilia: Excitement over minors.
Picacismo: Sexual excitement introducing food into body cavities for the couple to recover with their mouths.
Pigmalionismo: Excitement over nude statues or mannequins.
Pigofilia: Excitement from contact with buttocks.
Pigotripsis: Excitement from rubbing or massaging buttocks.
Pubefilia: Excitement produced by contemplating pubic hair.
Pungofilia: Excitement at being pinched.
Quinunolagnia: Sexual excitement in situations of danger.From A to ZRabdophilia: Excitation at being flagellated.
Renifleurism: Excitation at the smell of urine.
Sadism: Excitation at causing physical pain or humiliation in a partner.
Salirophilia: Excitation at ingesting a partner's saliva.
Sitophilia: Excitation with the use of food for sexual purposes (e.g. peeling peppers to masturbate).
Somnophilia: Cuddling and performing oral sex on someone asleep until they wake up.
Triolism: Excitement at observing one's own partner having relations with a third person.
Urophilia (urognia, ondinism): Excitation with the use of urine during sexual practice or urethral sounding.
Voyeurism: Excitation at observing without being seen someone else's sexual act.
Xenophilia: Excitement at people from different countries.
Zoophilia (bestiality): Excitement only with animals.Source:
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