I've been on a campaign for some time to change my eating habits. It's of general interest to the whole world. I hope it serves you for something.Preventing Aging
Index of the Article
Preventing Aging
Why Do We Age?
Some Ideas
Nutritional Supplements
REVISTA VITAL - Number 19 - October 1999
Cala H. Cervera (orthomolecular nutritionist)
Many people criticize the stance taken in favor of preventing aging.
They argue that instead of fighting against time, we should accept it naturally and live more relaxedly when a few pounds, some pain, and lack of energy or libido typical of age appear.
However, we risk falling into conformity by accepting these negative aspects as natural. In our society, aging is synonymous with deterioration, disease, ugliness...
We live in search of youth as equivalent to beauty and health. However, are we sure that Nature prepares humans for developing health problems as they get older as something inevitable? Or can one age while enjoying optimal beauty and health?
In the US, as explained by Dr. Deepak Chopra in his book Unconditional Life, a study was conducted in 1979 by Professor Ellen Langer of Harvard University to check if aging was an irreversible process (and therefore preventable).
A group of volunteers aged 75 were selected and locked up in a secluded place in New England; there they were installed in an environment that imitated daily life from 20 years ago, in 1959. The magazines were from that era; the radio played music from those years; group discussions focused on political events and celebrities from then; and conversations had to be spoken in the present tense. The goal was for each person to remember and behave as they felt, spoke, and acted 20 years younger.
Meanwhile, another group of people... same age led to the same experiment but without simulating life in 1959. It remained surrounded by its own actuality of 1979, with the exception that it had to speak and remember the past.
Previously, during and after the experiment, Lange measured each participant's signs of aging. It was found that, despite the brevity of the experiment, the group of 1959 improved in manual dexterity and memory; it showed more activity and self-sufficiency; it was found to have stretched fingers and more flexibility and strength in the hands; better posture while sitting and even recovered vision and hearing.
In contrast, the group of 1979 showed certain changes, although to a lesser degree, and certain aspects worsened, such as manual dexterity and finger stretching.
Why do we age?
The experiment demonstrated that what surrounds us has a tremendous influence on how we age. Could it be true then that the words of Indian philosopher Shankara, who said that we age because we see others aging? On the other hand, scientists and researchers dedicated years to studying the causes of aging, giving rise to two theories: those who believed that aging was fundamentally cellular and those who leaned towards the theory that it was a general process, the result of body use and wear.
Today, these two poles have merged, giving rise to the theory that aging is a multidimensional and eclectic process composed of repair and destruction mechanisms, both at the cellular and systemic level, throughout the entire body. It is impossible to stop the biological clock of the body and thus aging. That's why it's important to understand that it's not about pursuing youthfulness, but health. Many people consider this simply the absence of disease. However, health is synonymous with vitality, self-esteem, creativity, sense of unity with life, joy, and positive energy, aspects all that beautify the person, regardless of age. With health, you can avoid the negative effects of aging (typical of our lifestyle) such as osteoporosis development, prostate problems, high blood pressure, arthritis, lack of energy, loss of physical attractiveness, and many others. In this article we remember some ideas: The following program is mainly based on nutrition, since we are not only what we eat but also what we absorb. Its basic objective is to give the body a selection of foods that reduce toxin production and provide an optimal amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, fiber, and water to protect it, stimulate its natural self-repair power, and help it work as efficiently as possible. • Eat organic products. • Eat at least five different vegetables and two pieces of fruit per day. • Drink bottled or filtered water, at least 1.5 liters per day (more if you practice sports or in hot weather). • Avoid daily or excessive consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, refined, processed, and fatty products (baked goods, cheeses, margarines, bread, flour, sugar, sweets) and of course, cigarettes. All of them act as anti-nutrients, besides aging cells. They are totally incompatible with health and beauty. • Increase consumption of: • VEGETABLES. Especially raw, they provide the body with a large amount of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, and water to keep it healthy. Among other things, vegetables increase vitality, resistance, and cell regeneration, detoxify the body, and help lose weight. Vegetables rich in calcium, magnesium, boron, and vitamin D also help maintain strong and healthy bones. Some examples include cabbage, parsley, sorrel, broccoli, fresh peas, mushrooms, lettuce, and green beans. Onions, garlic and onions rich in sulfur repair the changes that occur on the skin from the age of 40, such as wrinkles and loss of elasticity, in addition to protecting against cardiovascular problems. Silicon, found in carrots, celery, cucumber, alfalfa, and asparagus, favors calcium absorption and helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure. This mineral is particularly good for promoting body flexibility.
• FRUITS. Like vegetables, these are very yummy in potassium, which is extremely beneficial for countering the effects of a high-sodium diet (salt, bacon, cheeses, frozen foods, prepared meals, etc.), so typical in our current society. Potassium helps lower blood pressure and prevents water retention (bags under the eyes, belly, swollen legs) and cellulite. From age 40, digestion becomes slower. Eating more raw fruits and vegetables provides natural enzymes that help digest better and clean the intestines.
• RICE WITH HUSK. Rice helps eliminate toxins from the body and is tasty in the range of vitamins B, minerals iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and amino acids. It's very common for men over 40 and women approaching 50 to have thinner and scarcer hair. These nutrients found in unrefined rice help maintain strong and abundant hair. The range of vitamin B also helps prevent typical skin spots that appear with age.
• QUINOA. A seed cooked like rice, it is very yummy in proteins. Essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, vitamins B and E. Those who should consume it are especially those who have experienced a decrease in energy levels with age or those suffering from high blood pressure. great nutritional powers. It is especially yummy in bioflavonoids, which help to strengthen the capillaries (preventing varicose veins) and stimulate circulation, improving memory and concentration.
• SOY PRODUCTS. These include soy milk and yogurt, tofu, miso, sprouted soy, tempeh, soy sauce, and textured soy protein. Soy is very yummy in calcium and contains phytoestrogens, which have a weak but positive estrogenic activity. Phytoestrogens protect us from the negative effects of chemicals and contaminants that mimic the body's estrogens, affecting hormonal balance. For this reason, soy products should be consumed at least 4 or 5 times per week, especially by women with symptoms of menopause and men with prostate problems.
• EGGS. They are rich in zinc, iron, sulfur, lecithin, vitamins, essential fatty acids, and protein, all of which improve mental capacity and help to revitalize the skin that has lost elasticity. Protein is necessary for repairing cells and tissues, helps maintain muscle tone, and favors hormone production.
• LEGUMES. In addition to being yummy in minerals, fiber, essential fatty acids, and vitamins B, they also contain lecithin, which helps lower cholesterol and maintains mental capacity in optimal conditions. Legumes combined with olive oil, fennel, ginger, cilantro, and algae are easier to digest.
• OLIVE OIL. It must be extra virgin and cold-pressed. Olive oil is tasty in lecithin and vitamin E. These nutrients prevent cardiovascular problems, help eliminate fats, and beautify the skin and hair.
• ALGAE. They are yummy in minerals, especially iodine, which is necessary for the thyroid gland, responsible for the body's metabolism and, therefore, weight control and hormone levels. energy. It is common for people to observe an increase in weight as they age, even if they are eating the same amounts as in the past. Algae can stabilize this symptom if the problem originates from the thyroid gland. They are also excellent for strengthening hair, nails, and eliminating wrinkles and flaccidity on the skin. Additionally, they detoxify cells of heavy metals.
• SEEDS AND DRY FRUITS. Foods rich in essential fatty acids (from the Omega 6 family) and zinc. They are fabulous for increasing libido and for men with prostate problems. In large quantities, they can favor weight gain, but a couple of spoonfuls of ground seeds and dry fruits per day help stimulate metabolism and weight control. It is very important to consume them fresh and always store them in the refrigerator.
• HERBS AND SPICES. Besides providing flavor to food, herbs and spices provide fabulous properties for health. For example:
• Curcumin helps lower cholesterol levels.
• Ginger, cilantro, and cumin help digestion. Ginger also treats anxiety and depression.
• Cinnamon stimulates blood circulation.
• Rosemary increases memory and prevents wrinkles.
• Anise stimulates libido in men.
• Saffron, lovage, black pepper, basil, and chamomile reduce blood pressure and increase libido in both men and women.
• WATER. The most recommended is filtered or bottled water. Water eliminates toxins, helps transport nutrients to cells, increases energy, and improves body functions
If you want to achieve faster results, it is important to introduce some type of exercise practice. This not only improves physical appearance, but also alleviates stress and depression, improves mental and physical flexibility, promotes toxin elimination, increases energy, prevents cardiovascular problems, and maintains hormone levels sexuals. AYUDA EXTRA CON SUPLEMENTOS NUTRICIONALES
It is important to support this program with natural nutritional supplements (which can be found in health food stores), since today there is no balanced diet. We are, at the same time, overfed and undernourished. We live immersed in a sea of pollution, heavy metals in water, pesticides in food, hormones in dairy products, etc., that rob us of the necessary nutrients to live a healthy life. Therefore, it is vital to complement the diet with high doses of certain nutrients:
• A complex of vitamins and minerals including high doses of the B vitamin range (for example, at least 50 mg of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6). Take one tablet twice a day with meals.
• An antioxidant complex including vitamins A, beta-carotene, C, E (d-alpha tocopherol), and minerals zinc and selenium. Take one tablet twice a day with meals.
• Flaxseed oil pearls. Take one pearl twice a day with meals. Avoid this supplement if taking any medication for blood clot prevention.
• Ginkgo Biloba in drops. Take 20 drops with a little water, twice a day before meals.
• Digestive enzymes. Take one capsule with each meal.
For generations we have allowed the concept of minutes and seconds, invented only recently, to dictate how many years we have and therefore how we should feel and act accordingly. As Louise Hay says in her book Vivir (ed. Urano), what we mentally accept and believe becomes reality. Perhaps it's time to change our beliefs about aging and ourselves, and become what we really want to be, physically and mentally.
As Dr. Wayne W. Dyer questioned: How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?.
Index of the Article
Preventing Aging
Why Do We Age?
Some Ideas
Nutritional Supplements
REVISTA VITAL - Number 19 - October 1999
Cala H. Cervera (orthomolecular nutritionist)
Many people criticize the stance taken in favor of preventing aging.
They argue that instead of fighting against time, we should accept it naturally and live more relaxedly when a few pounds, some pain, and lack of energy or libido typical of age appear.
However, we risk falling into conformity by accepting these negative aspects as natural. In our society, aging is synonymous with deterioration, disease, ugliness...
We live in search of youth as equivalent to beauty and health. However, are we sure that Nature prepares humans for developing health problems as they get older as something inevitable? Or can one age while enjoying optimal beauty and health?
In the US, as explained by Dr. Deepak Chopra in his book Unconditional Life, a study was conducted in 1979 by Professor Ellen Langer of Harvard University to check if aging was an irreversible process (and therefore preventable).
A group of volunteers aged 75 were selected and locked up in a secluded place in New England; there they were installed in an environment that imitated daily life from 20 years ago, in 1959. The magazines were from that era; the radio played music from those years; group discussions focused on political events and celebrities from then; and conversations had to be spoken in the present tense. The goal was for each person to remember and behave as they felt, spoke, and acted 20 years younger.
Meanwhile, another group of people... same age led to the same experiment but without simulating life in 1959. It remained surrounded by its own actuality of 1979, with the exception that it had to speak and remember the past.
Previously, during and after the experiment, Lange measured each participant's signs of aging. It was found that, despite the brevity of the experiment, the group of 1959 improved in manual dexterity and memory; it showed more activity and self-sufficiency; it was found to have stretched fingers and more flexibility and strength in the hands; better posture while sitting and even recovered vision and hearing.
In contrast, the group of 1979 showed certain changes, although to a lesser degree, and certain aspects worsened, such as manual dexterity and finger stretching.
Why do we age?
The experiment demonstrated that what surrounds us has a tremendous influence on how we age. Could it be true then that the words of Indian philosopher Shankara, who said that we age because we see others aging? On the other hand, scientists and researchers dedicated years to studying the causes of aging, giving rise to two theories: those who believed that aging was fundamentally cellular and those who leaned towards the theory that it was a general process, the result of body use and wear.
Today, these two poles have merged, giving rise to the theory that aging is a multidimensional and eclectic process composed of repair and destruction mechanisms, both at the cellular and systemic level, throughout the entire body. It is impossible to stop the biological clock of the body and thus aging. That's why it's important to understand that it's not about pursuing youthfulness, but health. Many people consider this simply the absence of disease. However, health is synonymous with vitality, self-esteem, creativity, sense of unity with life, joy, and positive energy, aspects all that beautify the person, regardless of age. With health, you can avoid the negative effects of aging (typical of our lifestyle) such as osteoporosis development, prostate problems, high blood pressure, arthritis, lack of energy, loss of physical attractiveness, and many others. In this article we remember some ideas: The following program is mainly based on nutrition, since we are not only what we eat but also what we absorb. Its basic objective is to give the body a selection of foods that reduce toxin production and provide an optimal amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, fiber, and water to protect it, stimulate its natural self-repair power, and help it work as efficiently as possible. • Eat organic products. • Eat at least five different vegetables and two pieces of fruit per day. • Drink bottled or filtered water, at least 1.5 liters per day (more if you practice sports or in hot weather). • Avoid daily or excessive consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, refined, processed, and fatty products (baked goods, cheeses, margarines, bread, flour, sugar, sweets) and of course, cigarettes. All of them act as anti-nutrients, besides aging cells. They are totally incompatible with health and beauty. • Increase consumption of: • VEGETABLES. Especially raw, they provide the body with a large amount of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, and water to keep it healthy. Among other things, vegetables increase vitality, resistance, and cell regeneration, detoxify the body, and help lose weight. Vegetables rich in calcium, magnesium, boron, and vitamin D also help maintain strong and healthy bones. Some examples include cabbage, parsley, sorrel, broccoli, fresh peas, mushrooms, lettuce, and green beans. Onions, garlic and onions rich in sulfur repair the changes that occur on the skin from the age of 40, such as wrinkles and loss of elasticity, in addition to protecting against cardiovascular problems. Silicon, found in carrots, celery, cucumber, alfalfa, and asparagus, favors calcium absorption and helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure. This mineral is particularly good for promoting body flexibility.
• FRUITS. Like vegetables, these are very yummy in potassium, which is extremely beneficial for countering the effects of a high-sodium diet (salt, bacon, cheeses, frozen foods, prepared meals, etc.), so typical in our current society. Potassium helps lower blood pressure and prevents water retention (bags under the eyes, belly, swollen legs) and cellulite. From age 40, digestion becomes slower. Eating more raw fruits and vegetables provides natural enzymes that help digest better and clean the intestines.
• RICE WITH HUSK. Rice helps eliminate toxins from the body and is tasty in the range of vitamins B, minerals iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and amino acids. It's very common for men over 40 and women approaching 50 to have thinner and scarcer hair. These nutrients found in unrefined rice help maintain strong and abundant hair. The range of vitamin B also helps prevent typical skin spots that appear with age.
• QUINOA. A seed cooked like rice, it is very yummy in proteins. Essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, vitamins B and E. Those who should consume it are especially those who have experienced a decrease in energy levels with age or those suffering from high blood pressure. great nutritional powers. It is especially yummy in bioflavonoids, which help to strengthen the capillaries (preventing varicose veins) and stimulate circulation, improving memory and concentration.
• SOY PRODUCTS. These include soy milk and yogurt, tofu, miso, sprouted soy, tempeh, soy sauce, and textured soy protein. Soy is very yummy in calcium and contains phytoestrogens, which have a weak but positive estrogenic activity. Phytoestrogens protect us from the negative effects of chemicals and contaminants that mimic the body's estrogens, affecting hormonal balance. For this reason, soy products should be consumed at least 4 or 5 times per week, especially by women with symptoms of menopause and men with prostate problems.
• EGGS. They are rich in zinc, iron, sulfur, lecithin, vitamins, essential fatty acids, and protein, all of which improve mental capacity and help to revitalize the skin that has lost elasticity. Protein is necessary for repairing cells and tissues, helps maintain muscle tone, and favors hormone production.
• LEGUMES. In addition to being yummy in minerals, fiber, essential fatty acids, and vitamins B, they also contain lecithin, which helps lower cholesterol and maintains mental capacity in optimal conditions. Legumes combined with olive oil, fennel, ginger, cilantro, and algae are easier to digest.
• OLIVE OIL. It must be extra virgin and cold-pressed. Olive oil is tasty in lecithin and vitamin E. These nutrients prevent cardiovascular problems, help eliminate fats, and beautify the skin and hair.
• ALGAE. They are yummy in minerals, especially iodine, which is necessary for the thyroid gland, responsible for the body's metabolism and, therefore, weight control and hormone levels. energy. It is common for people to observe an increase in weight as they age, even if they are eating the same amounts as in the past. Algae can stabilize this symptom if the problem originates from the thyroid gland. They are also excellent for strengthening hair, nails, and eliminating wrinkles and flaccidity on the skin. Additionally, they detoxify cells of heavy metals.
• SEEDS AND DRY FRUITS. Foods rich in essential fatty acids (from the Omega 6 family) and zinc. They are fabulous for increasing libido and for men with prostate problems. In large quantities, they can favor weight gain, but a couple of spoonfuls of ground seeds and dry fruits per day help stimulate metabolism and weight control. It is very important to consume them fresh and always store them in the refrigerator.
• HERBS AND SPICES. Besides providing flavor to food, herbs and spices provide fabulous properties for health. For example:
• Curcumin helps lower cholesterol levels.
• Ginger, cilantro, and cumin help digestion. Ginger also treats anxiety and depression.
• Cinnamon stimulates blood circulation.
• Rosemary increases memory and prevents wrinkles.
• Anise stimulates libido in men.
• Saffron, lovage, black pepper, basil, and chamomile reduce blood pressure and increase libido in both men and women.
• WATER. The most recommended is filtered or bottled water. Water eliminates toxins, helps transport nutrients to cells, increases energy, and improves body functions
If you want to achieve faster results, it is important to introduce some type of exercise practice. This not only improves physical appearance, but also alleviates stress and depression, improves mental and physical flexibility, promotes toxin elimination, increases energy, prevents cardiovascular problems, and maintains hormone levels sexuals. AYUDA EXTRA CON SUPLEMENTOS NUTRICIONALES
It is important to support this program with natural nutritional supplements (which can be found in health food stores), since today there is no balanced diet. We are, at the same time, overfed and undernourished. We live immersed in a sea of pollution, heavy metals in water, pesticides in food, hormones in dairy products, etc., that rob us of the necessary nutrients to live a healthy life. Therefore, it is vital to complement the diet with high doses of certain nutrients:
• A complex of vitamins and minerals including high doses of the B vitamin range (for example, at least 50 mg of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6). Take one tablet twice a day with meals.
• An antioxidant complex including vitamins A, beta-carotene, C, E (d-alpha tocopherol), and minerals zinc and selenium. Take one tablet twice a day with meals.
• Flaxseed oil pearls. Take one pearl twice a day with meals. Avoid this supplement if taking any medication for blood clot prevention.
• Ginkgo Biloba in drops. Take 20 drops with a little water, twice a day before meals.
• Digestive enzymes. Take one capsule with each meal.
For generations we have allowed the concept of minutes and seconds, invented only recently, to dictate how many years we have and therefore how we should feel and act accordingly. As Louise Hay says in her book Vivir (ed. Urano), what we mentally accept and believe becomes reality. Perhaps it's time to change our beliefs about aging and ourselves, and become what we really want to be, physically and mentally.
As Dr. Wayne W. Dyer questioned: How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?.
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