As everyone knows in Argentina, the dollar went almost to 800 pesos and food prices increased more than 116%, so I was short of cash, I told the storekeeper if she trusted me and she said only accepted trusting me if I gave her a good blow. So on this stormy day, taking advantage that there wasn't much people going to the store, we took advantage and I fucked her with all my fury.
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If you want the video comment and give me a like.

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24 comentários - I'm fucking the warehouse girl.
Ella-Si de cuál.?
El-Esa de ahí abajo.!
El-Si si
Ella-Para que la necesitas.?
El-Para este oyito bebé.. y mano hasta el fondo
Porfa pasa el video, un video con semejante potencial seguro puede revivir a los muertos, limpiar la contaminacion y acabar con la corrupcion
Camí ❤️
van puntos!!!!