Torment My Own Mother 2

I feel bad about it, but I'm not sure if I should extort my own mother? Not even a little bit, definitely. I remember that despite being married, she would often go out partying with friends or acquaintances, who knows what other things she did, that slut. But I've already been asking for all the love she lacked in giving me, with photos of my own mother, the truth is that it really turns me on, but also I like it when others see her and tell me they desire her, I think I'm getting used to it, always seeing how other men would talk to her so affectionately, I don't doubt she would have slept with one of them. At first, I felt sad and angry, then I started feeling attraction towards her but only started seeing her as a slut, she's the slut of my mother. With an incredible body, it can't be said any other way, or what they think, judge for yourselves:Extorcione a mi propia madre 2I have a strong desire to fuck her and share her with friends, that's why I showed some photos to a friend of mine yesterday who likes milfs, I told him I found them on the internet, obviously I didn't tell him they were my mother's photos, that was his reaction...Family Incest
mother and sonThose photos were taken from my mom's CEL while she was bathing, besides being mothers and whores their passwords are re easy Isabella123 :v jajaja but I'm tired of those photos taking advantage that I can take any photo of my mom I'll ask her where her ass is 😈😈🥵 we're going to keep extorting herExtortion

Incest mother and son
Extorcione a mi propia madre 2
Family Incest
mother and son

Comentarios Destacados

NewarPH +5
Son fake las fotos que te paso, o todo el post entero..
Por favor basta de estos contenidos.

Go real.
Es su amigo jajaja, solo sacan fotos Fake de X y las vuelven a subir, solo cambio de número.

15 comentários - Torment My Own Mother 2

Ufff ojalá y tuviera una situación así 🔥
Bro wa real o es fake. La foto de la piba de robo la tengo en azul.
Obvio que es la negra loly la primer foto y varias más este es un cuento peliculea mal 🤣🤣🤣
Joder cogetela y sácale más fotos esta tremenda putita
Ahí te van mas 10.. q buenaaa esta tu madre peroo seguirla con el chantaje gracias por compartir..