Favored and Historic Gatero Apartments

This post is more than nothing about nostalgia remembering the gatero apartments where I had the best time and got more or better girls. DEPTO DE SUIPACHA AL 300 IN FULL MICROCENTRE.Deptos Gateros Preferidos e HistóricosCHICKS I SCORED: Ani the Captain, Jade, the Belen sisters, and Cindy. Historic flat where the captain worked whom I scored innumerable times and besides many girls who were with her. I scored those four and passed great with all of them. ANIimages
PoringaJADEButt cheeks
Big breasts
beautiful breastsAPARTMENT BLACK DOOR PERSON TO 900.HistoricGIRLS THAT SCREWED ME: Narela of the best orteras in the rubro (keep working but in another department), Huma, Naty, Key. This is without a doubt top 3 departments where I got screwed by the best girls. The best orteadas at Narela were mine when I was here, Huma was another girl with tremendous service and no need to mention Key who was a machine and unfortunately I don't have photos. NarelaBreasts yummy
My favoritesHumaDeptos Gateros Preferidos e HistóricosNatyimagesFLORIDA GALLERY AT 500breastsGIRLS THAT GOT ME: Sofia, Mily Love, Solcis, Denisse, Arami and like five more that I don't even remember the name. In this gallery they published and still publish a bunch of girls. There's everything, from very good ones to others with very bad service, several bad ones I already forgot their names and contacted them through Skokka. The good ones I named and the best were Sofia and the Paraguayan Mily Love and Denisse. I miss Sofia so much, what boobs, what a beautiful woman in general and what she would give you a kick. Denisse the blonde Paraguayan doesn't publish anymore and had a service of ten and a terrible good vibe. Mily Love still publishes but is on another side. SOFIAPoringa
Butt cheeks
Big breasts
beautiful breasts
Breasts yummy
My favorites
Deptos Gateros Preferidos e HistóricosDenisseimages
Butt cheeksMILY LOVEBig breasts
beautiful breastsSOLCISHistoric
Breasts yummy
My favorites
Deptos Gateros Preferidos e HistóricosAPARTMENT OF EMERALD AT 600imagesWOMEN WHO GOT ME: Uliney the Colombian, Yoselin, sisters Clarita and Paola, Marlene Hot. This apartment was home to Colombian Uliney for a long time, the escort I had sex with most often and became friends with, so she let me do her hair and even stay over to sleep. Unfortunately, she retired. Here too, Paraguayan Yoselin published many years ago, who has excellent service and is still working somewhere else. Also sisters Clarita and Paola whom I got in a tremendous trio and Clarita separately several times. And also Marlene, a brunette little ass that shared an apartment with Yoselin (they had a wooden panel separating their rooms). ULINEYbreasts
Butt cheeks
Big breasts
beautiful breastsYOSELINHistoric
Breasts yummy
My favorites
Deptos Gateros Preferidos e Históricos
Butt cheeks
Big breastsAPARTMENT OF MARCELO T DE ALVEAR AT 900beautiful breastsGIRLS THAT GOT ME: The Polish woman, Bianca, Fabiana Rubi (transsexual) and Fernanda. In this dept I got like 20 times with the Polish woman, who now has lowered her service a lot but in those years (2014-2015), she was one of the best on the market and seemed like a crazy porn actress, one of the best deep throats with arcs that could be heard from the next room, full and basically anything. I also got off 10 times with Bianca (Luli Coronel), the famous Paraguayan who still publishes in another dept and is one of the few who surpassed the Polish woman in terms of deep throat. They shared a dept with the Polish woman and had a panel separating the rooms. The most unforgettable deep throat that they made me, seemed like it was soaking the cock with the amount of saliva she left from the testicles to the tip. I also got off with transsexual Fabi Rubi who is one of the best transsexuals on the market. She published for a short time in this dept, then went where she is now over Av Córdoba which is where I got her most often. Also, I got off with Fernanda, another girl with good service although in another floor of the same building. POLISH WOMANHistoric
Breasts yummy
My favorites
Deptos Gateros Preferidos e HistóricosBIANCAimages
Butt cheeks
Big breasts
beautiful breasts
HistoricFabi RubiBreasts yummy
My favoritesFERNANDADeptos Gateros Preferidos e Históricos
imagesAPARTMENT ABOUT CONSTITUTION SOVEREIGN CEVALLOS AL 1600 (BULLETIN OF TRANSEXUAL CHICKS, MOST PERUVIAN) CHICKS I'VE HAD: To all those currently, Nahomi the owner of the apt, Yaritza, Sara, Melany, Kiara and Alejandra, Tilsa. The apt is Nahomi's, a Peruvian chick who used to do the street and those with her are mostly Peruvians doing the streets of Constitution. They start working late, around 18 or 19 and keep all night. Naomi I fuck you almost always by being friends and knowing her for years, even sometimes she doesn't charge me. The others let themselves be taken photos and filmed almost always because they know I'm Nahomi's friend. Not all are together every day, some are only on specific days and then make other places, generally the street in Palermo woods, so it's a matter of asking. Those who are always here for sure are Nahomi, Yaritza, Sara and Alejandra. NAHOMI (photos taken by me at two encounters and another encounter fucking and getting rough)breasts
Butt cheeks
Big breasts
beautiful breasts
Breasts yummy
My favoritesYARITZA (the first take of a meeting)Deptos Gateros Preferidos e Históricos
PoringaMELANY (taken in a meeting the two first)Butt cheeks
Big breasts
beautiful breastsKIARA (with Melany in the first one, pulled out of her face)Historic
Breasts yummy
My favoritesALEJANDRA (of her face the two first and in a meeting posing and teasing me with the rest)Deptos Gateros Preferidos e Históricos

Butt cheeks
Big breasts
beautiful breastsPHOTOS (taken at an encounter)Historic
Breasts yummy
My favoritesSARA (taken from a meeting)Deptos Gateros Preferidos e Históricos

Comentarios Destacados

Si todavía seguís vivo después de cogerte todo eso mira si te vas a preocupar por el covid ja
jajj pensaba lo mismo unas defensas ese organismo!!

23 comentários - Favored and Historic Gatero Apartments

En mi opinion falto el depto de sarmiento al 1200, era de lo mejorcito, ahi trabajo Briana, Abigail, Gisel, etc.
De donde sacas tanta guita para delirar en tantas putas? Jaja. Groso, van 10
naty ex black door sigue laburando, habia visto que mia lucesita tiro la data por ig y despues vi sus exp en el foro solo que ahora mismo vi que andaba de vacaciones
en esmerqlda al 600 habre ido tantas veces a coger con sonia, que milf por diooo. a veces iba a tomar unos mates nomas, re copada, aparte era re pendejo la mina una diosa
Con cuantas escorts estuviste en tu vida? De curiosidad. Algún lugar para recomendar donde pueda encontrar minas jóvenes (20-23 años)??
En Marcelo T (dicho sea de paso es misma mano y a metros de Flux/Puticlú) también atendió Vanessa Arancibia.
De los mejores culos que preñé


Viendo las fotos le tengo unas ganas a casi todas del depto. de Cevallos, qué locura!
Preñaste un trava? Jaja pelotudo
Se me piantó un lagrimón con Huma, la escort con la que más reincidí. La conocí cuando estaba en Black Door y estuve con ella como en 3 dptos diferentes: qué manera de hacerle el culo! me encantaría volver a encontrarla
eiguer +1
necestio escort que se dejen a pelo me pasan por privado
Este user roba fotos del foro de distintos foristas y las sube como propias, alto mentiroso!
trexok +2
Buenas, buen post como siempre.
Recordar tmb el legendario "17F",de la calle Catamarca, 24 hs.,Tenia página en la cual indicaba quienes estaban y quien en servicio ..... nunca más vi algo igual
Y del cual salieron varias que dsp fueron independiente

Big breasts
Amigo, sos un grande +10 puntitos, te hago una consulta, al depto de Corrientes y Montevideo, el que esta al lado del Gato Negro fuiste alguna vez? yo fui varias veces, hace mucho que no voy, queria saber si sigue funcionando, ahi me garche a una paraguayita que era terrible, te bailaba sobre la pija cuando te montaba, nunca mas la pude encontrar en otro lado.
A.la.polac y a un par de chicas trans me las cogí sin forro