Culos Malos👉👌Evil Assholes - Nalgas Abiertas 8 (Evilan

Fragment of one of my favorite books by the Marqués:

Philosophy In The Washbasin

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DOLMANCÉ: 'The most used position for women in this pleasure is lying on their backs with their buttocks well separated, head as low as possible, at the edge of the bed. The lascivious one, after enjoying a moment with the perspective of the beautiful butt that's offered to him, after having slapped, palpated, sometimes even whipped, pinched and bitten it, moistens the lovely butt with his mouth before penetrating it; prepares the introduction with the tip of his tongue; also moistens his apparatus with saliva or lubricant and presents it smoothly to the hole he's about to pierce; with one hand he guides it, with the other separates the buttocks from his pleasure; when he feels his member penetrate, he must push with ardor, being careful not to lose ground; sometimes the woman suffers then, if she's new and young; but without regard for the pains that will soon turn into pleasures, the penetrator must push his cock gradually until he finally reaches the goal, i.e., until the hair of his apparatus rubs exactly against the edges of the anus of the object he's encircling...'

ASA AKIRACulos Malos👉👌Evil Assholes - Nalgas Abiertas 8 (Evilan
ABBEY BROOKSanalABEY LEE BRAZILButt cheeksAIDEN ASPENPornstarALANA EVANSBig BootyALANAH RAEAssholeALEKSA NICOLEButtholeANNA BELL PEAKSBig AssesANNA DEVILLEOpen jetsARYA FAEstretched yearsAVERY ADAIRshitholeBRANDI ANISTONCulos Malos👉👌Evil Assholes - Nalgas Abiertas 8 (EvilanBRIELLA BOUNCEanalCHERIE DEVILLEButt cheeksCHLOE CHERRYPornstarCHRISTIE STEVENSBig BootyCHRISTY LOVEAssholeCICI RHODESButtholeDiana DeeBig AssesFELICITY FELINEOpen jetsFRANCESCA LEEstretched yearsFRANCESKA JAIMESshitholeHOLLY MICHAELSCulos Malos👉👌Evil Assholes - Nalgas Abiertas 8 (EvilanIMANI ROSEanalISABELLA DE SANTOSButt cheeksJAZZ ME UPPornstarJESSICA MARIEBig BootyKARMEN KARMAAssholeLAELA PRYCEButtholeLENA PAULBig AssesLUCY TYLEROpen jetsMEGAN RAINstretched yearsMEGAN VAUGHNshitholeMELODY NAKAICulos Malos👉👌Evil Assholes - Nalgas Abiertas 8 (EvilanMIA GOLDanalMISSY MARTINEZButt cheeksMYEISHA NICOLEPornstarPAIGE TURNAHBig BootySARAH SHEVONAssholeSCARLETT WILDButtholeSHAY GOLDENBig AssesSYDNEE CAPRIOpen jetsTARA HOLLIDAYstretched yearsTIFFANY BROOKESshitholeTIFFANY MYNXCulos Malos👉👌Evil Assholes - Nalgas Abiertas 8 (EvilanTIFFANY WATSONanalTori AvanoButt cheeksTori LuxPornstarTRISHA PARKSBig BootyVIOLET MONROEAsshole
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Then let it continue its path quickly: all the thorns are already caught; only the roses remain. To metamorphose into pleasure the remnants of pain that its object still experiences, if it's a young boy who takes hold of his cock and wanks it; if it's a girl, he should caress her clitoris; the titillations of pleasure caused when it prodigiously constricts the patient's anus, will redouble the pleasures of the agent who, filled with taste and voluptuousness, will soon discharge an abundant sperm as thick into the bottom of his joy...Sweat Drop Cake

-'Donatien Alphonse François de Sade
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