Hello everyone! How are you? Today I woke up feeling like a slut and since I started the day, I wanted to warm up many nipples
I went to work dressed like a slut directly... everyone was looking at me on the bus, with such faces! I had put on some leggings and cowboy boots that I usually wear to go dancing. But today I said, oh well... to all of this sending my boyfriend pictures all day making fun of him... he was going crazy, asking me everything haha

Question that all day I couldn't get a photo and well I got home and dressed like this with this shorty and sent my boyfriend a msg saying I was going to do some shopping at the Chinese place on the way back (where there are always drunk guys taking beer sitting on beer crates at the door)...When I went to the Chinese, uff for what? They told me everything except nice... hahahaha what a nice slut uff girl how are you some of the comments.. I walked out like a lady from my house.. and when I left it was the same.. I wasn't wearing anything else besides that shorty and a t-shirt and some sneakers. The short as you can see in the photos was well fitted and I got very hot. Well, when I got back home I was all soaked... I couldn't take it anymore.. and well I wrote to my boyfriend while telling him everything. He couldn't take the heat and flew to my house and said: before all this happens let's take some photos and be happy making this post for you guys while we get rid of our heat
I hope you guys enjoyed the post and leave many points and comments... seriously, it heats me up a lot to know what they would do... what they would do if they had that between their hands??? Haha kisses for all loves and until next post Muaaa

49 comentários - My Booty is still hungry... Help me?
a eso no le puedo decir rica colita como a la mayoría, LE TENGO QUE DECIR PERO QUE PEDAZO DE ORTO TENES MAMITA! LPM TE LA DEVORO!
pero que están comiendo, cada vez mas culonas estas poringueras! 😋
La ultima foto no me la esperaba, me tomo por sorpresa y me impacto muchisimo. Me dio mucha hambre de vos... recorreria todo tu majestuoso cuerpo con mis manos y con mi boca. Y recien cuando me sienta satisfecho de la exploracion tactil y gustativa... te penetraria pasionalmente hasta que acabemos los dos juntitos.
Tengo esto por si te ayuda