Caps Cuckold hermosos 2

Caps Cuckold hermosos 2
I left him with my panties as a reminder that he screwed your wife

He asked your wife if she was alone. And she, being right next to you,
He responded that yes...

Where should I put my hand after?
He asked my wife

In anywhere and everywhere. Tonight I am yours. My wife replied...

Why don't you go up and thank him for giving your wife the moment of her life?
last night?

My husband is on the other side of this wall.
Make him listen like you're screaming your name.

When he was blowing me, you were sitting here.
When he took me by the hand to the dance floor, you were just sitting here alone
While he was touching and squeezing my ass, you were sitting here.
When we sat back down beside you, and he was kissing me with passion, you only
staring at...
Even you were sitting here when he took me out of the bowling alley and turned you into it.
In my cuckold

My husband chooses the best lingerie for you to undress me, not him.

Love, this isn't going to clean itself...

Consented Infidelity
This guy is totally sure that he's going to fuck your wife tonight...

He's right.

Caps Cuckold hermosos 2- NoneIt's obvious I love you. I understand that this turns you on.
And it would be fun to go out and have fun like a single woman again.
But the question is: Can you bear with me having sex with other types?
Wouldn't it be humiliating if other people found out?
And what if I get pregnant with another kind and not yours?

It's worth being brave and motivating myself to be who I really am.
I would warm up a lot too.

Okay then...

I got a message from my work colleague saying 'look how wonderful'
My date for tonight-

...And it was a photo of my wife...

Now you understand why your wife wouldn't stop talking about him...

My lover says that you are my husband in every sense of the word.
Except for something: You're not allowed to come on me.
And I accepted it...that was never the best part of our relationship, anyway...

Now tell your husband what you want him to do after I've left you.
Get inside.

6 comentários - Caps Cuckold hermosos 2

Amigo puedo ayudarte con tu amada esposa, para ella será la mejor experiencia que pueda experimentar.
Hola! Jaja, no hace falta que me ayudes. Ella ya se ayuda sola hace 6 años. Ha cogido más con otros que conmigo. Pero siempre son bienvenidos los corneadores de alma con buena onda 😉
Me encantaría ser su tercero en la cama. Si quieren les mando fotos por MP
Pero mirá lo tarde que te leo!

Por qué solo en telos?
Qué pasa (o pasaba por aquel entonces, en 2018) en casa?
Tell us. 😉
uf esa podria ser yo
Dos años después! (me demoré un poquito en leer me parece...)

Dos años después lo has logrado?
Contanos, contanos.

Ojalá que si, si ese es tu deseo.
Y sino, que hayas logrado lo que te propusiste, sea lo que sea.