How are friends of this wonderful community? Again we're here to introduce you to a new porn girl interviewed, @Afrodita_Morbosa. As the title says, we put her in four to answer our questions.

What does your alias mean on Porniga?
It means a goddess in love and morbid at the same time in intimate moments.
39 years.
Where are you from? (It's not necessary to answer, maybe just the country of origin)
What measures?
Oh, it's been a long time since I took her, haha... 87-65-90

How do you keep your body in shape?
I do sports I like it a lot.

What part of your body do you like most? (forbidden to say any part of the face, haha)
Haha... my booty, my breasts I like myself just as I am.

Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Where?
No, I don't have.
What is your marital status?
Married with children.
What are you wearing right now?
A sports leggings with a muscular fitted and sneakers.

Who and how did you convince you to participate in Porn?
I went in because a special friend showed me and told me to upload photos.
Did you participate in another social network or was Poringa your debut?
Yes, but I like it more here, I only post photos on P.
What motivated you to make your first post?
I motivated myself because when we saw the posts with this friend, we got really hot, and one day he proposed to me and I accepted, and since then I've been here on P.
Why do you like it when people see your body and comment on how they wish to penetrate you?
I really like it because with their flattery you feel very good, they boost your self-esteem a lot, what they say warms you up, I love warming up, knowing they're touching and looking at my photos gets me off.
What do you feel when you read your followers' comments?
It's something so hot without words you feel happy I don't know something nice they kill you with their occurrences to express their desire to warm you up or their tenderness both facets I like them always as long as they do it in a cool way and not badly.
Do you think you're an example to follow for women?
What a difficult question, I don't believe myself to be perfect or even an example, simply because I'm an uncommon woman, not in physical aspect, but inside I'm very broad-minded when it comes to mind and I like how men think, it's not that I'm machista, I'm not, but women are very complicated. I tried to have friendships around here and couldn't. In contrast, men pamper me and tell me nice things when we're together on those days, many people surprise you by saying hot things but in their hearts they give you good advice and all those lovely men.
Do they have sex only to upload posts to Poringa?
I have sex when I want to, and sometimes it's just to upload photos because that turns people on and I like them to enjoy.

What video have you enjoyed watching more?
The truth for all, but the one who most was 'it heats up my lingerie'
What do you prefer: Anal or vaginal? Why?
I really like vaginal because I like feeling the cock inside me, and also I like anal, I enjoy it a lot from both. And honestly, everyone wants to make me booty up based on comments and private messages.

Who is your favorite Poringa boy?
There are several boys and men that I like their bodies and the way they take photos of themselves, and when they read my comments on their posts, they'll realize that I've liked them. I don't have a preference.
Who's your favorite porn star?
@Marcelo makes me cum his morbidness sets me on fire.
What type of lingerie do you like?
The ones with boning, of cotton.

What color lingerie do you like?
Black, white, red etc..., not fluorescent colors.

How many men have you been with at the same time?
Only with one.
What's your best post? (Must put the link)
What's your best photo? (Need to put the photo)

Who is your best follower on Poringa?
They are many from the highest rank to the lowest, they are many of them know which because I almost always answer them.
What position do you like most for getting?
Number four, stop and the man behind grabbing your hair and looking at us in the mirror.

With what man would you like to get together?
I like to take with my husband and with my special friend.
What's your ideal type of man?
Educated, charming, gentleman, affectionate, passionate, morbid, meticulous, romantic, takes care of his body, neat, from a good heart and NOBLE.
How many different cocks have penetrated you throughout your life?
Where would you like to get caught?
In an elevator, on a bus and an airplane.
Have you slept with a black person? And if not, would you like to do it?
No, it's one of my fantasies, I only exchanged photos and he made some videos talking that got me really hot, I lost contact.
What's the importance of the cock size to you?
The truth is that if it has 16 cm or more above already is and knows how to use very important.
Do you regret some photo you took on Poringa?
No, never.
How long is the largest cock you've had sex with?
I didn't measure her haha more than 17 cm
What position do your followers like photos in most?
Of four for my Ass.

What's the hottest comment someone has ever made to you?
Oh so many... What a mouth of a headmaster! I'll break your ass...
Where do photos usually take place?
In hotels or my house.

What would you never do if you hadn't done it yet?
Do you mind the size or don't you have prejudices? Why?
It matters that it's not so small that it's understood, that it be normal this way.
Have you ever been sexually disappointed?
Where and with whom and how was your first time?
It was on the Booty in my boyfriend's car, I was so hot that it didn't hurt me.
How long have you been holding out?
Nine hours but sleeping making myself mimos.
Have you had multiple orgasms? What has been your record?
Yes, 7 orgasms.
Are you able to ejaculate, that is, the so-called squirter?
Do you prefer them to give you oral sex or do it yourself?
The two things excite me, that they give me pleasure and that I give it.
Have you tried the 69?
If many times.
How do you like them to finish: mouth, face, ass, or some special part?
The truth everywhere, gets me excited using the word: pussy and Booty also face.
Any complaint about your partner or is a 10 with you?
It's a 10, I know him well.
Do you like rough or delicate sex?
I like it when he starts delicate and transforms into hard and bold in words etc...
Have you ever cheated on your man?
If with my special friend.
What part of your body do your fans like the most?
The Booty.

Do you like being choked when you give a blow job?
Yes, you feel well slutted.
What would you say to women so they join in sharing their body on Pornhub?
Don't be timid and prejudiced, that life is short and you pass it very well by sharing it anonymously.
Does being on Onlyfans help your self-esteem?
Very much so.
In what place do they ask you for more dedicated ones?
In the Booty.
Have your followers sent you many photos of their cocks? Which one has been the most enjoyable to you?
If many, I like all because it gives me a thrill that they did it for me.
Do you think about becoming a professional actress in the porn genre someday?
The truth no.
What nationality are your biggest followers?
From Argentina.
Finally. Something you want to say to all your followers on Pornga that have dedicated liters and liters to your cause.
I want to tell you thanks for all those rich orgasms that everyone has dedicated to me, which I really enjoy and warm up.
Something you'd like to ask your fans to get a dedicated one of yours.
That they always comment on my posts when they like them.

Some comment or suggestion for Interview Magazine P.
Nothing, thanks for remembering me, and good luck!

It has been an enormous pleasure for us to make this interview with you.
We hope you enjoyed the interview. If you want to see this goddess's posts, go to this link:http://www.poringa.net/Afrodita_Morbosa/postsTo the porn girls who want to be interviewed send us a private message to @Entrevista_P, @AltairSol or whoever is talking @Omar896

57 comentários - Pusimos en cuatro a Afrodita Morbosa para ustedes
Muy buena entrevista !
Ufff...@Afrodita_Morbosa es una de mis poringueras FAVORITAS, con un cuerpo exquisito, hecho a mano, además que como persona (aunque no tengo el placer de conocerla), me parece que es un 10, excelente que la hayas entrevistado amigo!!
Muy buenas las fotos también, pero creo que te faltó esta, que es mi favorita, y ratifica lo que te digo, un cuerpo delicioso, hecho a mano, ella es un sueño hecho mujer sin dudas Omar, me vuela la cabeza y me revoluciona las hormonas también!!:F:F:F ❤️
MUCHAS FELICITACIONES A AMBOS, por el excelente trabajo realizado amigos!! 👏👏 +10
Un fuerte abrazo Omar!!
Se pasaron con el post "muchas gracias" @Omar896 y @AltairSol... y espero que hayas mas entrevistas de poringueras.. +10 excelente post!
muy picante las preguntas que le realizaron a ella!
ummm que rico!
me encanta esta foto! esa concha esta lista para ser atacada!
Buena entrevista y y muy calientes respuestas!
Besos, Pao y Pablo
ummm si una fantasía.. rica
me encantan sus post.... gracias por esta entrevista @Entrevista_P .... la conocemos aun mas ahohra.
y de verdad que esa cola es una de las mejoreS!!!!
sigan así (Y)
Mami que buen culo!!