Chanel Prestonand his assistantShae SummersThey are taking care of preparing designs for the new season. The agency they collaborate with has sent them a new model to work with. When they start taking measurements, and facing two beauties with generous cleavage and fitted skirts,JohnnyHe can't help but get an erection, something that really annoys Chanel who doesn't hesitate to scold him for his lack of professionalism. What happens then so that they all end up screwing in the end?... Magic! The magic of porn.
Chanel Prestonand his assistantShae SummersThey are taking care of preparing designs for the new season. The agency they collaborate with has sent them a new model to work with. When they start taking measurements, and facing two beauties with generous cleavage and fitted skirts,JohnnyHe can't help but get an erection, something that really annoys Chanel who doesn't hesitate to scold him for his lack of professionalism. What happens then so that they all end up screwing in the end?... Magic! The magic of porn.
3 comentários - Taking measures to know how much the leggings are.