Hello to all, sorry for the absence, due to work-related reasons I had to step away for a few days, but it's time to come back. And I'll do it with this amazing girl, who received her special edition after participating in the first Miss Bum Bum held in Mexico. Always wanted to make a poringa girl version of that contest, because there are poringa girls with beautiful booties like @Afrodita_Morbosa, @Nina_Saint, @angieyruben, @Isis_Diosa, @feli04 or @MorochitaTrola

They left wanting more, the girls of the monthly edition

11 comentários - Sheilla Mell en la revista Sexy (mayo 2015)
La rubia es un bombón y tiene un culo maravilloso !
Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!