Miss Bumbum 2014: las candidatas a “la mejor cola de Brasi

Already you can start voting in a new edition of Miss Bumbum Brasil, the contest that chooses the best Booty from the neighboring country. The 27 selected postulants, representatives of each state, have already been selected, and until November you can vote to determine which will be the 15 finalists that will form part of the final election. This year, the peculiarity is that twins are competing: Rafaella and Graziella Fornazieri, representing Alagoas and Acre respectively. Remember that last year's winner was Dai Macedo, a 25-year-old girl. It's a lot of work, a lot of sacrifice, assured the young woman to the press after obtaining the title. I abstained from doing many things. I didn't go to clubs. I didn't eat sweets. I went to the gym on Saturdays and Sundays, she revealed. The contest winner, besides fame, takes away a cash prize of 50 thousand reais (around 180 thousand Argentine pesos). Get to know the 27 Miss Bumbum 2014 contestants.Miss Bumbum 2014: las candidatas a “la mejor cola de BrasiAna Flavia Magalhaes de GoiaswomenAna Paula Costa of Espiritu SantosexyAna Paula Souza de AmapacandidatesAna Paula Souza from DFBrazil 2014Bruna Valentim of Rio de JaneiroMiss BumbumClau Dullius de Rio Grande do SulMiss Bumbum 2014: las candidatas a “la mejor cola de BrasiClaudia Alende de ParanawomenGisa Gomes de San PablosexyGraziella Fornazieri de AcrecandidatesJacqueline Veloso of PernambucoBrazil 2014Juliana Bittencourt of ParaMiss BumbumKarine Gaglianoni de PiauiMiss Bumbum 2014: las candidatas a “la mejor cola de BrasiLais Fernandes de RoraimawomenLucyanne Sanches de MaranhaosexyMichelle Docio of TocantinscandidatesNathalia Matos of Rio GrandeBrazil 2014Paola Araujo of SergipeMiss BumbumPatricia Oliveira de Mato GrossoMiss Bumbum 2014: las candidatas a “la mejor cola de BrasiRafaella Fornazieri de AlagoaswomenRebeka Francis de RondoniasexyRenata Alves de CearacandidatesTamirys Martins de AmazonasBrazil 2014Thaynara Ferreira de ParaibaMiss BumbumVanusa Hoppe of Mato GrossoMiss Bumbum 2014: las candidatas a “la mejor cola de BrasiVivian Cristinelli of Cuties GeraiswomenYara Mucillo de BahiasexyGive Macedo, Miss Bumbum 2013

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