Moves you need to try before the world ends (Gifs)

Hello P! people, today I'm bringing some poses that caught my attention and are ideal for practicing with your partner, lady, lover, friend @ with rights or someone you just met 😃 Let's start with the GIFs:Moves you need to try before the world ends (Gifs)This is easy to do, besides the woman feels much more when compressing her vagina and the man has a beautiful view 😉coupleGood pose for oral sex and different, the man standing and the woman with her legs above his shoulders, guys need to have strength to keep the cutie there 😛PositionsA lovely pose this, besides a lovely view for the man, it's also going to please her when they're changing poses to stimulate the vaginal walls that we sometimes don't explore...KamasutraQuite well-known and easy to do, try doing it above a table, desk, or something like that 😃gifsThis is good for doing, the woman is on top given a turn as it can be seen, but unlike other positions where the woman is above, in this one the man takes control... Do it 😃Moves you need to try before the world ends (Gifs)This is easy if the man wants control and the woman submission, tie her up and give it to her nonstop 😉coupleThis is great and I never did it, so let's implement it. Although the cutie has to be quite flexible, kneeling in front of the man, and the man also kneeling behind her. Let's try it tonight!!PositionsJames Deen brings us this pose, the man has to be able to hold his woman and she rest on his arms. Try it and tell me!KamasutraWhat a good pose, the woman with her legs open passes them over the man's legs and the man also with his legs open (like a little minx given in) moves his legs and hips towards the inside...gifsGood pose, man lying down below and woman on top with legs open and feet against the walls to push herself up and down.Moves you need to try before the world ends (Gifs)This is for doing on a chair or sofa the man sitting and the woman on top of him with bent legs and supporting their feet on his legs. That's all for today, I hope you enjoy them, put them into practice and tell me how it went 😉 For my other posts:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">

17 comentários - Moves you need to try before the world ends (Gifs)

ya eh probado la mayoria pero mi mina no awanta el riel en algunos posiciones!!!

Muy bueno tu aporte 👏 👏 👏


La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta.
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Todas muy buenas!!! Algunas demasiado acrobáticas para esta altura de la vida y de los kilos... 🙄 pero que han tenido su momento de gloria en otros tiempos... jejeje... 😀

Esta es una que nos encantaaaaaaaa... 🤤

Y esta, también de nuestras poses favoritas.... 🔥 maaaallll.... 🔥 🔥 🔥

Gracias por realizar este interesante estudio y compartirlo con todos nosotros! 😀

Van los puntos que nos quedan y recomendamos!

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Compartir es lo que nos motiva a seguir posteando!!
se requiere tener muy buena condición física para algunas de las posiciones que sugieres, pero se puede hacer el intento antes de que pase mas tiempo. Excelente post
Algunas con para practicar con el trumatólogo, por las dudas! Me tenté con varias, eh... Tendré que buscar personal trainner...
La verdad es que las probé casi todas !!! 😉 😉 😉
Muy buenos los GIFs !

Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!

Moves you need to try before the world ends (Gifs)
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
la ultima
@peterpunk77 cuando quieres hermoso
contigo todas!!!
caro yo kiero hacer todas las poses con vos hermosa hablame no seas malaaa
me dijeron que el domingo se termina el mundo... arrancamos?
Uhhh, no sabia nada... Dale aprovechemos y si no se termina, por lo menos la pasamos re bien jajaja
excelente post! esta noche probamos las que nos faltann