P!oringueando, Hermafrodismo,info,historia,imagenes

Recapping the history of P!, I think this topic, never had we addressed it. And being this a community where we never stopped talking about anything related to sex, I thought it would be interesting to inform us a bit about it. Obviously, I don't intend under any point of view, nothing more than showing an existing pathology and one that's never too late to learn something!!

P!oringueando, Hermafrodismo,info,historia,imagenes

Hermafrodito or Hermafrodita (in ancient Greek, Ἑρμαφρόδιτος) is a character from Greek mythology. He was the son of Aphrodite and Hermes, in honor of whom he received his name, a mix of his parents' names. But Aphrodite, feeling guilty of adultery, separated from her son and left him on Mount Ida (Frigia) to be cared for by the nymphs of the mountain, who raised him.

As time passed, the boy became a beautiful young man. One day, Hermafrodito decided to travel through Greece. On his way to Caria, in Halicarnasso, he was overcome with heat on that sunny day and approached a lake to cool off, then jumped into it naked. The nymph Salmacis - or Salmácide - spirit of the lake, noticing his presence and observing his bare body, felt an immediate attraction towards him and soon undressed and approached him to try to conquer him, but the young man resisted.

Despite this, the nymph did not give up and, a little later, from the nearby fountain where Hermafrodito had approached, Salmacis embraced him tightly, dragged him underwater, and while struggling with him, begged the gods not to separate their bodies, saying: You struggle in vain, cruel man! Gods, make it so that nothing can ever separate me from you or you from me. The gods granted her wish and both bodies fused into a single being of double sex.

Hermafrodito then begged his parents, the gods, that any young man who bathed in that lake would suffer the same fate. Thus, the lake would take away the virility of anyone who bathed in it, just as the gods had granted.
The hermaphroditism is a term in biology and zoology, with which it designates organisms that possess at the same time reproductive organs usually associated with both sexes: male and female. That is, those living beings that have a mixed apparatus capable of producing masculine and feminine gametes.

Although hermaphrodites produce both types of gametes, they rarely fertilize themselves, but rather cross between different individuals acting as women and men in simultaneous hermaphroditism; or, in adulthood, they go through periods in which they only reproduce with one sex (or, alternated dioecious). Some fish can change sex starting their life with one and, after reproducing several times, transforming into the other sex, in a process called sequential hermaphroditism.

Except for tapeworms, which can autofecundate (although this fecundation never occurs in the same reproductive organ, two proglottides would unite for fertilization), the remaining hermaphrodites need the collaboration of another congenital for reproduction. In plants, it's the same, as many flowers possess both sexes, but gametes mature at different times, so cross-pollination is required to carry out fertilization.

Scope of hermaphroditism

As a reproductive strategy, hermaphroditism is ideal for animals that have trouble finding a partner, whether due to their habitat, low population, isolation, or slow migration. The disadvantage it would present is a lower efficiency in reproductive tasks due to the lack of specialization.

It is said that most hermaphrodites are not functional because although it is possible, it is rare (especially in animals) for autofecundation to occur, which is a fact only in some hermaphroditic species.

Hermaphroditism and humans

In the human species there are several cases similar to hermaphroditism, but the most correct term to refer to a person with these conditions is intersexual, in addition, generally people who possess the organs of both sexes are incapable of reproducing in both ways.

The Klinefelter syndrome, a disease that only affects men, sometimes manifests through characteristics such as ginecomastia (large mammary glands), criptorquidia, azoospermia (deficient production of sperm) or micropene, but it would hardly be considered a form of intersexuality.

The medical term true hermaphroditism applies to cases with gonads of both sexes in different proportions, since in some cases they contain follicular ovaries and seminiferous tubules in the same gonad (ovotestis). However, rarely has it been confirmed in humans the ability to produce eggs and sperm at the same time, as typically one of the two types does not develop correctly. It is a pathological condition in all cases.


Intersexuality is a rare condition by which an individual presents a discrepancy between their chromosomal sex (XY/XX), gonads (testicles/ovaries) and genitals (penis/vagina), possessing therefore genetic and phenotypic characteristics of men and women, in variable degrees. It may possess, for example, a vaginal opening, which can be partially fused, an erect organ (penis or clitoris) more or less developed and ovaries or testicles, which are usually internal.

Previously, the term hermaphrodite was used, but it has begun to be replaced, as it may result in misleading, insensitive and confusing by comparing a common characteristic in some animal and plant species with a birth condition that occurs in a few human beings, which is only remotely and analogously similar.

Surgical intervention

The need or not and the timing of surgical intervention surgical is something that is widely debated. The classic author who justified the interventions was John Money (1921-2006). Recently integrated movements by intersex people have begun to appear, led by new theories on gender such as Queer Theory, raising a voice of denunciation against surgeries on newborns. They denounce that surgeries are performed without the consent of the person, question the pretension of normalizing bodies and denounce that, anyway, that normalization is never achieved. They denounce that operations are mutilating: ...…mutilate the diversity of our bodies; mutilate our genital sensitivity and sexual capacity, our identity and, in many cases, our ability to choose desired surgeries as adults. Mutilate our right to decide central aspects of our lives, and our sense of deserving to be loved and accepted without surgeries. On the third sex The creation of a specific category for intersexual people raises several problems, such as the risk of social marginalization. Some believe that there should not be a clear definition and that it is not necessary to have a legal definition; others think that no definition could be exact, because all people are different. It may be necessary for intersex individuals to identify with some term related to their sexual identity closer than male or female. Problematic The biggest problem facing intersex individuals usually is their inability to decide for themselves their sexual identity, since it often has been assigned by their parents or doctors. The concern of parents about what name to give the baby, or how to raise them, can make them subject to surgical interventions that are harmful to their health, sometimes leaving secondary effects such as pain, infections or loss of sensitivity in the genitals. It is possible that upon reaching adulthood the subject may not be conformable with the assigned identity and consider themselves to belong to the opposite sex.

Some people consider the general classification of individuals into men and women to be too radical, and that there are more than two sexes, so intersex individuals should be treated in a neutral manner until they can decide for themselves. However, it is necessary to take into account that it is not possible to treat a child in a neutral manner as an indefinite identity patient without their sexuality being private, and it is unknown how much the education they receive during childhood will condition their identity in the future.

Intersexuality in culture

The novel Middlesex, winner of a Pulitzer Prize, by American author Jeffrey Eugenides examines the history and dilemmas of Calliope Stephanides, the protagonist of the novel, who is intersexual.

The Argentine film XXY, written and directed by Lucía Puenzo, although it does not attempt to present a clinical case, has as its protagonist Alex, an adolescent diagnosed with hyperplasia at birth. This diagnosis would make her a pseudo-hermaphrodite female.

The manga IS deals with the problems that these people face throughout their lives, how to gain acceptance for what they are and their inability to reproduce.

In 1947, the fourth confirmed case of intersexuality was documented, which after medical examination by Dr. Ferdinand Levin Strauss was found to have two penises and a vagina.
LatinSalud (ed.): “Intersexualidad” (in Spanish). Alburg S.A. New Media Producer. Retrieved July 4, 2011.
a b c MedLine Plus of the National Library of Medicine of the USA (ed.): “Intersexualidad” (in Spanish). Retrieved July 4, 2011.
L., Allen (2009) (in English). Disorders of sexual development. Obstet Gynecol Clin North. pp. 25-45.
AGRAMONTE MACHADO, Adriana Surgical treatment of ambiguous genitalia: fundamentals and psychological and sexual implications Rev Cubana Endocrinología v.17 n.3 Ciudad de la Habana sep.-dic. 2006
UGARTE, Francisca and SEPÚLVEDA Carolina [http://www.scielo.cl/pdf/rcp/v78n6/art02.pdf Study of the newborn with genital ambiguity and palpable gonads] Rev Chil Pediatr 2007; 78 (6): 578-583
FAUSTO STERLING, Anne (2006). Sexed bodies. The politics of gender and the construction of sexuality. Barcelona: Edit. Melusina. ISBN 84-96614-03-4.
Granados, Gabriela Exceptions of nature, misunderstood by society Página de Intersexualite
CABRAL, Mauro Thinking about intersexuality, today in MAFFÍA, Diana (comp) Migrant sexualities. Gender and transgender Ed Feminaria Buenos Aires, 2003 I.S.B.N.: 987-9143-05-1 pags 117-124

Some images to illustrate us


Third sex



P!oringueando, Hermafrodismo,info,historia,imagenes


Third sex



P!oringueando, Hermafrodismo,info,historia,imagenes


Third sex



P!oringueando, Hermafrodismo,info,historia,imagenes

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the band of

20 comentários - P!oringueando, Hermafrodismo,info,historia,imagenes

Esto una vez me paso a mi amigo, no te hagas problemas, jeje. Después te ibas a quejar que nadie te dejaba un comentario jeje. Gracias a vos buen día.
Muy interesante la info que nos dejaste Rodo !

Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!

La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
Gracias Rubito, por pasar !!
Bastante interesante, gracias por la información.
Amigo excelente post informatico e ilustrativo, sabes una cosa nunca había visto fotos así, muy buen aporte, fav y reco, puntos no tengo, si me acuerdo y el alzheimer me lo permite, mañana te dejo puntos. un abrazo. saludos.
1541152 +1
la primera y la segunda foto me parecen casi reales, el resto es photoshop hasta los huevos, pero muy buena info!
muy interesante !!

ya le estas ganando a unionstereo 😀
te parece ??? el es muy bizarro !! jaja
Amigo, vuelvo a pasar tenía una deuda, un abrazo.
..........................................................P!oringueando, Hermafrodismo,info,historia,imagenes

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...............................................Third sex
seya225 +1
muy interesante me encantaría cojerme a una hermafrodita y esta a su ves se cojiera a una mujer y luego yo

Yo si le entro, porque no?? [img=
papilo le da asta ke salga el sol despues no en tucuman