Good as I always say, if I've made it this far, it's because of the visit and good camaraderie from the people who are here every day, even though I don't do it, it's not out of malice, it's because I want to answer everyone, and I realize as time passes that everything becomes difficult. That's why I admire the people I consider my friends, those people who have a lot of time in this place with an incredible amount of comments, an enormous number of followers, posts, don't need to name them, I think they know, to those who visit me and can't leave comments but leave favs and points. If they want, they can send private messages, which will be returned, to those who don't see us often but leave their points, favs, reco. Today I'm leaving a work from a professional photographer, I think one of the best.
Darryl Briggs

So that the download doesn't get heavy I'll be in another post with photos from this same photographer, while you enjoy these, thanks for passing by, commenting, greetings.
Darryl Briggs

So that the download doesn't get heavy I'll be in another post with photos from this same photographer, while you enjoy these, thanks for passing by, commenting, greetings.
16 comentários - Festejo rango elite
saludos Misko
Mis felicitaciones. Muy buen post.
Excelente forma de festejar amigo.
Aupa Alex
Felicitaciones por el nuevo rango !!!!
Gran mix de hermosuras !
Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!