To old and new comrades poringa boys. Before starting with this new contribution I want to express how truly disappointed and frustrated I find myself after the experience with my last post, the movie

which finally lifted because it was a material
truly good
which I wanted to share with you and finally got many visits (and downloads) and no comments nor points, nor favorites nor anything. my dear friend
He said recently that he had lost the
to pass and leave a mark
At least so that the gesture is returned to you and unfortunately I see it's like this, that it no longer supports what happens in your posts. And even more surprising to me is seeing that when you promote it in shouts you had 3 comments in 5 minutes. I don't know what's going on, I deeply regret that the community spirit that was there is losing itself in this way. For now, I'll leave another contribution, maybe the last until things change.

Dear friends, we're back at it with another gallery of beautifullteens. This time it's the turn of a tender girl who still doesn't let go of her dolls and what's worse, loses her pacifier every now and then and cries until something is put in her mouth. I present to you MIKA, who can't find her binky. Do we help her look?

As always, those who want to download all the Photos can do so from

Guys, COMMENTING IS APPRECIATED. If you pass by and like it and download it and get your pants wet with my hard work, at least leave a 'thank you', stick a banner, take a step, something. A post is time sitting in front of the PC so that you can enjoy it. Scratch if it tickles you. greetings

12 comentários - Un chupete para Mika
Muy buen post amigo
Es verdad Loly... ojala se recupere todo eso para volver a hacer de esta comunidad lo que fue. gracias x pasar.
Si le gusta tanto el chupete seguramente le va a gustar mi "biberón" !!!!
Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
Gracias por compartir
Yo pase por tu Post y comente, vos pasaste por el mío? Comentaste?
Grande Rúben! gracias por pasar como siempre y a todos. el apoyo es algo que da ganas de volver a postear. tal vez uno no es mujer o tiene una pareja para compartir un post pero el laburo de tratar de encontrar material que pueda resultar novedoso o de calidad tambien es laburo y ver que se lo valora, hace que tambien se valore a los demas. es una cadena. saludos y gracias a todos x el apoyo.!!!