Can we commit capital sins in our sexual relationships?




A great problem of human beings are men and women who think they know everything about sex, without questioning or meditating on knowledge or preconceived ideas based on myths or opinions of others.
At this point in my life, don't tell me you're going to come and teach me something new; I already know what I should do; I do know how to please a man; I know how to take care of myself
There are surely things still to explore...

And... have you tried everything already? And that's just one percent, are you so arrogant??
The stingy man or woman is one who has an orgasm, receives pleasure and is not willing to give it in return.
He arrived, he penetrated me, had his orgasm and fell asleep. Another aspect of the miser is that he does not praise the couple with gifts, preferring to go to dinner at an affordable place even if the occasion deserves a fine or elegant one; whoever does not invest in gifts, no matter how small, because they do not want to spend. I already have her by my side, why should we waste money?

[/swf]Men and women who cannot be faithful, who want to try everything and everyone, who sex dominates them. They constantly pester their partner, there are no caresses without sex. Any comment or situation relates it to that. Coarse and morbid.
[/swf]And from infidelity comes revenge...

but there's a lust that I love!!!!!!

[/swf][/swf]A complaint of many men is that their partner is constantly annoyed, angry, bitter. And there's nothing that can sexually cool them down more than dealing with a woman like that. Sometimes after violence has been exercised, there is remorse and one way to approach is through sex. For a woman it's very difficult to get involved sexually when she feels hurt, although some say it's the most passionate sex.
[/swf][/swf]The person who doesn't have time to dedicate to erotic art. Women who don't even get dressed or put on makeup during the day because night will come and they'll have to undress again.
[/swf][/swf]What gets near me knows that sex doesn't do it for me
[/swf][/swf]Men who their wives complain about because they don't reach orgasm quickly or because they don't want to caress their erogenous zones, but instead go straight for it, penetrate, ejaculate, and that's it. If you don't watch what Penelope Cruz counts.... Today sex bores me as much as going to a bullfight. Additionally, Penélope reveals she became a lazy woman in bed. We'll see how long Bardem will put up with having a girl next to him who no longer enjoys sexual relations...
[/swf][/swf]Within gluttony we could mention patients with jealousy, who limit, restrain freedom and destroy life in a couple. Also, we could talk about excessive drinking or drug use, people who lose control and allow themselves to do things they wouldn't do in their conscience. Men and women who only focus on their own pleasure.
[/swf][/swf][/swf]The extreme of envy, speaking sexually, would be adultery;
[/swf][/swf][/swf]I don't rob my neighbor's wife because I desire her, but so that someone else won't take her away from him.
[/swf][/swf][/swf]Women who do not have sexual relations because they say:
[/swf][/swf][/swf]I close my legs because I know that's what bothers him most.
[/swf][/swf][/swf]Boycott the other's pleasure, not giving him what he desires sexually, like when they don't want to give us a blow job.

The truth fascinates me with sin!!!!
[/swf][/swf][/swf]🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️
30 comentários - los pecados capitales del sexo
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:buenpost: Gracias
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excelente muy original algo diferente ahi va por tu esfuerzo
gracias por compartir con P!
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excelente aporte 😉
... me encantó
Muchas Gracias... obviamente elijo
el cuarto sta copado!!!!
alto trabajo master blaster!!!!
re copado!!
La verdad que muy buen aporte compañero, saludos!
Felicitacion por es post, me gusto mucho!
Saludos chavon!!!
Saludos! 😉
\"Es un sentimiento que solo nosotros los poringueros entendemos!\" [/color]
El petingo del final es mortifero, yo llego a tener una poronga asi y le pongo corbata, le compro un depto en puerto madero y la llevo al programa de la infradotada de Susana Gimenez! 😀 😀 😀
my friedn
lo de la lujuria es lo mio
y el post
a favoritos my friend
me encanto