Tamy (Amateur)

Tamy is a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend, so she came crying to my house, I've known her since she was little, and I'm trying to distract her with this page and it seems like I'll be very serious, she commits to posing for you very soon... do you think it's very bad? or does it make you feel bad???I can imagine what you must do with that mouthTamy (Amateur)


Tamy (Amateur)

amateurI'd say perfectTamy (Amateur)Raise his spirits, boys...amateur

Tamy (Amateur)Now says he wants his spots to show a lot more...

20 comentários - Tamy (Amateur)

se ve re piola...
esta buena la perra 😃 😃 😃 😃 🙂
pasame el msn q le levanto el animo y me la levanta a mi
Estamos dispuesto a ayudarla y consolarla pobrecita... 😉 😉
que grande chabon .... la verdad que sos una re buena persona al tratar de consolar a esa pobre criaturaaa....
Parece gauchita...
Igual suma suma !!! seguro que tiene alguna amiga que esta re buena !!!
yo tambien soy un buen tipo,me le presentas?
Que haga una dedicada con mi nick y seguro llueven puntos!!!!!

muy buena tamy al toque se me paro la japi 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
che soy yo o no se ven las fotos