Good I reached 100 posts and threw a party at my house.
All the poringa girls were invited or almost all, but only Frutillita10 came and asked if she had some friends who could come, no doubt and immediately got 5 friends and they arrived on time.
Now the ones missing were unionstereo and cotaro who were the only ones who could come to my house on a Monday.
With me was my sensei Lerueru but Frutillita brought a digital and a film recorder, and she took away my sensei's work from me
So Lerueru made the most of it and went to meditate in his apojeos.
Waiting for the boys, I served the girls a picadita and they started picking and doing other little things masss.
Casually under the coffee table I brought some toys for them to have fun while the guys were coming
He, how nice that they're having fun and I'm still waiting for the two big boys to come who could have come
I joined them for a little while as I was waiting and suddenly my soul came to me and I started singing the girls want cha cha, the girls want cha cha and the punk rock boys are going to give it to them
Well, the guys arrived, welcome to my house Unionstereo, Cotaro. They told me they were delayed because Cotaro couldn't find Unionstereo's house. 'Ahh, good now that they're here and let's start the party' But Unionstereo wanted a whiskey cola
The girls were already hot again and the boys Bonner and Cotaro didn't doubt it and gave it to them
Frutillita10 doesn't participate but... was getting hot with all this relaxation but stays firm and keeps working
The one who was hogging everything was unionstereo, who wanted to give it to 3 minitas together, already he was re-loco and was going at it like a fulluser Poringa boy, and behind him was frutillita10 capturing every detail
I was enjoying myself my way by observing everything so I could tell you what happened later, and beside me, little fruit 10 was making a tremendous effort to capture everything.
Now the one who's giving it hard and hard is Cotaro who's hotter than hot, competing with Unionstereo to see who could last longer with 3 minutes
Fucking with 3 minutes first
And then united with the 3 minutes also
They were passing each other these two hot guys, they were some bosses
The competition I won with unionstereo that was pumping and pumping, while Cotaro sat next to Frutillita10 to rest and see what she was capturing
And unionstereo while I was about to cum, with the force that his son of pu... let out a fart, IF YOU READ WELL HE TORE A RE-POWERED FART And well the noise, no, the din that such a disaster caused us all and we ended up in laughter jjajajajajaja
Ew that's disgusting but good at least it happened at the end of the party
Good I hope to have more guests at my next party and when they make their comment whoever wants to participate lets me know so I can put them on my list. Greetings to all.
All the poringa girls were invited or almost all, but only Frutillita10 came and asked if she had some friends who could come, no doubt and immediately got 5 friends and they arrived on time.
Now the ones missing were unionstereo and cotaro who were the only ones who could come to my house on a Monday.
With me was my sensei Lerueru but Frutillita brought a digital and a film recorder, and she took away my sensei's work from me
So Lerueru made the most of it and went to meditate in his apojeos.
Waiting for the boys, I served the girls a picadita and they started picking and doing other little things masss.
Casually under the coffee table I brought some toys for them to have fun while the guys were coming
He, how nice that they're having fun and I'm still waiting for the two big boys to come who could have come
I joined them for a little while as I was waiting and suddenly my soul came to me and I started singing the girls want cha cha, the girls want cha cha and the punk rock boys are going to give it to them
Well, the guys arrived, welcome to my house Unionstereo, Cotaro. They told me they were delayed because Cotaro couldn't find Unionstereo's house. 'Ahh, good now that they're here and let's start the party' But Unionstereo wanted a whiskey cola
The girls were already hot again and the boys Bonner and Cotaro didn't doubt it and gave it to them
Frutillita10 doesn't participate but... was getting hot with all this relaxation but stays firm and keeps working
The one who was hogging everything was unionstereo, who wanted to give it to 3 minitas together, already he was re-loco and was going at it like a fulluser Poringa boy, and behind him was frutillita10 capturing every detail
I was enjoying myself my way by observing everything so I could tell you what happened later, and beside me, little fruit 10 was making a tremendous effort to capture everything.
Now the one who's giving it hard and hard is Cotaro who's hotter than hot, competing with Unionstereo to see who could last longer with 3 minutes
Fucking with 3 minutes first
And then united with the 3 minutes also
They were passing each other these two hot guys, they were some bosses
The competition I won with unionstereo that was pumping and pumping, while Cotaro sat next to Frutillita10 to rest and see what she was capturing
And unionstereo while I was about to cum, with the force that his son of pu... let out a fart, IF YOU READ WELL HE TORE A RE-POWERED FART And well the noise, no, the din that such a disaster caused us all and we ended up in laughter jjajajajajaja
Ew that's disgusting but good at least it happened at the end of the party
Good I hope to have more guests at my next party and when they make their comment whoever wants to participate lets me know so I can put them on my list. Greetings to all.
52 comentários - Post #100, party at my house with fruit
Contame pa´ la proxima, prometo no comer a nadie. 😀
#100, party at my house with fruit" title="Post #100, party at my house with fruit" />
buenisimo! saludosss!!! 😀 😀
Muy bueno el post de festejo !! 😀
CHAVONROJOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Al fin salio el post!!!
😛 😛
Felices 100 post!!!!! F-E-L-I-C-I-T-A-C-I-O-N-E-S
MIRA MIS AMIGUITAS..!!que desenvueltas que estaban..!jaja!
Bueno,me diverti mucho ...muy buen post...muy buena fiesta..... 😛 muy buena la picadita....jajaja! 🙄
\"Frutillita\" 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
gracias frutillita por grabar todo y compartirlo con como estar ahí.
gracias chavonrojo...yo puedo ir a tu casa de Lunes a Domingo de 00.22 a 23.13 si te va avisá. 😛
la prox estoy seguro
y la hacemos full, repitiendo a frutillita
con pechochita y con tamy
asi q vamos por masssssss!!!!!!!
y pepepepep 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤
pero mas me gustaria estar en la prox fiesta de chavon rojo
con las poringueras y pepepepepep
Espero salir mejor de como me puso Resucitado en su post (OBVIAMENTE, si es que llegás a invitarme 😉 )
Te felicito y te dejo unos puntos por haber llegado a los 100, pero más por haber hecho este buen post!
Lobirov voy a tener encuenta tu horario
ferchu muy tentadora tu propuesta, en cuanto pueda hacemos una con todos
Gracias por pasar y comentar y dejar puntines
Gracias por tu comentario y puntines..
Por lo que se aprecia en las imágenes lo festejó a lo grande¡¡ Qué fiestita, y qué invitados¡¡¡
Ya me permitì invitarme para el festejo de los 200¡¡¡ 😀
Gracias amigo por pasar y comentar
Frutillita ya durmiò un ratito, asì que dìgale que llame a las amigas, y nos vemos en unas horas en su casa¡¡ Yo siempre estoy listo ja ja¡¡ 😀 😀 puedo con tiempo puedo extender un poco el horario...
vamos che ...avisá lugar y fecha para los 600 puntos 🙎♂️
Suena conveniente pero las amigas de frutillita10 hoy tenian otra joda, igual vemos que hacemos
Saludos y gracias por su buena onda
Le agradezco al fotógrafo que haya inmortalizado mi mejor perfil 😉 😀
Amigos gracias por pasar comentar y dejar puntines
vamos todos los muchachos a anotarce
Saludos mi amigo
100% fulldiego P!
ojala algun dia pueda estar en una fiesta asi
Una increible fiesta para festejar, para los 200 de usted yo hago el post!
Saludos mi amigo!
yo te invite con todo mi cariño a la mia y vos no fuiste capaz de avisar...
🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️
no te olvides de resucitado para la proxima..
Gracias por permitirnos soñar a través de este buen relato con imágenes
Lluvia de bendiciones para que logres cientos de post más!!!
brujo777 P! mi pasión
largo todo y voy para allá...
Brujo gracias por estar y sus bendiciones siempre me alientan a masss..
Resucitado disculpeme se me quedo su invitacion debajo de la alfombra pense que se la habia dado..
Teto, quedamos asi yo lo ubico para otro lunes o cualquier dia
Valentinxxx, es obvio que lo invito para la proxima..
LARRYBRYANT, como no usted esta anotado para la proxima
Delvecchio es cuestion de anotarse pero lo llamo para la proxima
Poringueras: frutillita10, misionerita, virginialopez, y tal vez littlebaby tambien..
Bueno les estoy avisando gente y saludos a todos por su buena onda
Si todavía queda alguna vacante, anoteme por favor 🙎♂️ 😀
Disculpe la demora, se me habia pasado y no comenté antes en su post.
Felicitaciones y que sigan los éxitos amigo!! 😉
sdpv P! Gracias por el post
te deje mi regalito ...(puntitos) 😛
perdon la tardanza!! 🙄
besitos!!! 😉 😉
\"Frutillita\" 😛
jajaja!! 😉
Frutillita muchas gracias por estar y dejarme unos puntines te lo agradezco y hasta el proximo encuentro
littlebaby gracias por tucomentario y sabes que siempre te aguanto y no hay drama, ya que siempre pasas y comentar, mis post...
suspendidodeporvida, amigo siempre hay lugar para uno mas y gracias por tu apoyo y comentario
Saludos a todos