MILF Uru-Calentando a mi marido desde la pile de hotel

I accompanied my husband on another business trip, he had brought me a yellow mesh bra from his last trip to Argentina, but it was forbidden for me to wear it in public. I think the word 'forbidden' generated something in me, so when he left for his boring meetings, I went to the hotel's swimming pool with the yellow mesh and started sending him photos through WhatsApp...

I started with some easy photos in the afternoon, half-hidden from people, but as it got darker and there were only adults left at the swimming pool, I asked one of the guys collecting towels if he could take some photos for my husband...

The situation re-contradicted me, the boy's hand was shaking and I didn't tell my husband who was taking the photos he was sending me...

I think that helped shorten his meeting with the Japanese, as 15 minutes later he came down and we were fucking in the jacuzzi next to the swimming pool..., it was the most exciting thing that had happened. There were three more couples, a couple of twenty-year-olds with their girlfriends who were already quite drunk, and another young couple on the other side of the pool who joined when they saw the exciting scene... We all ended up mounted, galloping in different corners of that huge jacuzzi, moving to the rhythm of the bubbles... Unfortunately, I couldn't record it because we had our hands occupied, but at one point I saw an old pervert discreetly taking a photo with his cell phone from the bar.

I hope you like the photos, they're not the best, but this time my husband wasn't helping me with the camera...

I started quietly with some innocent selfies...MILF Uru-Calentando a mi marido desde la pile de hotel


RipeIt was getting dark and I warming up...Uruguayan




EnterizaI already had an improvised photographer with me when I got into the water and everything started to get out of control...hotmom

MILF Uru-Calentando a mi marido desde la pile de hotel







EnterizaIf you like it leave me a nice comment, I'll try to keep uploading experiences with my husband today

84 comentários - MILF Uru-Calentando a mi marido desde la pile de hotel

tu concha me calienta la verga
Vagina predilecta de perfúmenos, de pasiones encantados

De tu follaje nace la rosa irresistible, de alaridos escuchados

Capullo florido de tu caverna, erección insostenible, despertados... Resumen en el msj anterior jajajja
Diosaaa . Estuvooo mortall. Que manera de pararme la vergaa
terrazo +1
Que buena mascarada te hubiese dado mientras moraban esos de atras
Toda vos me recalienta y esa vivencia es muy HoT.
tremenda 🇺🇾 Uru @milfuruguaya
Preciosa por todos lados 🔥
te dejamos 1️⃣0️⃣ PUNTOS
Te seguimos🤤
maf258 +1
tremendamente buena y puta la mejor combinacion que existe, te dedico un polvo
Por dios !!! No podes ser tan perfecta para mi ... me volves loco mal , y mas que seas asi... me encantaria por lo menos ser tu fotografo
Hermosa mujer!!!
Me encantaría ver esos videos con tu marido
AF97 +1
Excelente post! +10
PD.: me encantan los labios de tu concha
evere +1
Que hembra por dios! No podes provocar de esa manera!
Me explotas la pija ! Q fuerte estás, creo que mujeres cómo vos necesitan y se merecen, aunque sea 1 vez , coger con más de un hombre a la vez , tu marido debe procurar q suceda.
Gerofe +1
tremenda mujer con una actitud que parte la tierra...
Que genios que son!! No nos hemos animado a tanto aún… si en la playa 🏝️ una locura… +10
Quien te saco las fotos es la pregunta.
un buen hombre que recolectaba toallas húmedas
@Milfuruguaya Me imagino que no solo recolecto toallas ¿no?
Ufff hermosa milf soñada +10 bebe me dejaste al palo
Wow todo un sueño!!!!! Van10 puntos siguiendo y a favoritos.
INFERNAL!!! Queremos ver más carne!!!
Van los 10
lerace +2
Que hermosa puta sos...las pajas que se habrán echo con vos....terrible esa ropi transparente...te dedico una buena paja en tu honor puta hermosa!!
Jamas me vi comentando estas cosas pero estoy adicto a tus fotos. Más deseable que muchas chicas en sus 20s
Jamas me vi comentando estas cosas pero estoy adicto a tus fotos. Más deseable que muchas chicas en sus 20s
Me encantan las esposas seguras de sí, bien putas!!
Que linda malla,pero más me gusto tu hermosa,divina cola
La pija muy dura me dejaste ,que puta divina sos...van 10s
Que hembra hermosa. Cómo me gusta esa concha y cola que tiene. Que rica mujer. Para darle pija y leche por todos lados. Mi pija para ella.
