It's curious but I ended up being with several prostitutes who in bed turned out to be modest. Those weren't good ejaculations haha The normal girls there go very covered, because besides they don't like the sun to tan them. I saw women working on construction, hammering and completely covered, even with their face covered, they had to sweat a lot. To brag you have to suffer.
But until about 100 years ago women went with their breasts in the air, a small loincloth and nothing more. But a right-wing general said that one had to dress in Western style hahaaha And now they are modest. Obviously the whores go with little clothes, but only at work hahaahaha
But until about 100 years ago women went with their breasts in the air, a small loincloth and nothing more. But a right-wing general said that one had to dress in Western style hahaaha And now they are modest. Obviously the whores go with little clothes, but only at work hahaahaha
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