Muebles & Decoración siempre de la mano de las últimas tendencias, presenta para su selecta clientela, los entretelones de los procesos previos a los cuales son sometidos nuestros especímenes para poder ser integrados nuestros muebles u obras de arte....
Recientemente hemos recibido varios premios internacionales por varias de nuestras obras... links a continuacion:
Obviamente muchos de nuestros clientes han preguntado como llegamos a tal grado de perfección de performance y calidad en nuestros productos.
Y por ello hemos decidido abrir una pequeña ventana para compartir con ustedes algunos de nuestros secretos...
Para ello elegimos uno de nuestros modelos más populares y en donde se pueden observar varios de los pre-tratamientos más pedidos segundo consta en nuestra vasta base de datos CRM.
El modelo AK 9067 ha sido elegido para éste fin. Este modelo se usa de base para los siguientes productos, claro está con pequeñas diferencias de ajuste final
1. Esculturas vivas para Gamers
2. Poltronas reclinables para CEO
3. Base soporte para módulo multifuerza para Gimnasios.
Esos produtos son de alta rotación, y muchos de ustedes ya conocen ampliamente sus prestaciones.
Como base elegimos a una Señorita de 19 años, Ex-Novia del hijo del Cliente, que fue sorprendida infraganti a un día de la boda. La Señorita en cuestión fue captada por investigadores privados en actitudes comprometedoras con uno de los padrinos de la boda.
Un completo dossier documentando lo acontecido nos fue entregado para anexarlo dentro del proceso legal necesario para estos casos.
The father of the groom, Don Soprano, brought her to our facilities today since the groom didn't have the courage. Miss Carmen, that's what she was called, but for our protocols it becomes totally irrelevant from her entry and acceptance as a specimen, since she will pass to be called AK 9067 once the legal paperwork is completed.
From a legal standpoint, Miss Carmen had signed premarital contracts that gave the groom's family rights over her in case of embarrassing situations like this one in particular, so our legal team, acting within the legal framework, validated 100% of the procedure.
That validation allows us to strip her of 100% of her human rights... passed on to be a specimen like any raw material we use for our furniture.
Here are some photos of the specimen to be modified moments before arriving at our facilities. AK 9067 was preparing for her wedding at the hotel where the nuptial party would take place.
The important point here is that the specimen is already prepared and will be subjected to the procedure right now. We recommend looking for drinks and snacks so they can enjoy the show and not miss any details.9:00 am Subject arrival... washed and disinfected.
After a 40°C water bath with industrial-grade detergents, it is subjected to a chemical enema to remove 100% of feces from its intestines.
Total depilation except for head hair. Application of grade 30 wax and finished with laser. Antifolicular serum application.
10:00 am Arrival at pre-quirofano (preparation)
Restrictive harness placement several times.
a. Legs are wrapped and tied to the sides... leaving the subject exposed to a 170-degree opening.
Both feet are placed using a metal exoskeleton in a fixed position of 180 degrees relative to the tibia. Many ligaments are broken.
b. Arms are wrapped together at the back. Some clients request amputation since they have little use in the future. However, this client requested leaving them intact.
c. Collar and abdominal belt adjusted and connected to the base table.
d. Urethral catheter insertion.
10:30 am Start of invasive procedures
Anus prolapse:
A traditional method is applied by inserting a gloved arm brusquely up to the elbow... then it is withdrawn suddenly...
After several repetitions, 30 or 50 normal, part of the intestine usually becomes exposed...Observe how part of the intestine has been exposed... it's obvious that it's not enough.... but with this small burst, the subject is ready for step 2
Note how the surgeon's glove came out after 50 repetitions with bloodstains. That dear customers is normal, don't worry. Our AK 9067 as we lovingly call her should be proud to be part of this project.The second step involves the use of vacuum pumps... to expose even more the intestinal tract.
However, it is taken advantage of to apply suction to other parts that will need to be prolapsed or removed later on.
In this case, vulva, vagina, and nipples.Important to note that at all times AK 9067 is aware of what's being done to its body. In Furniture & Decoration, we understand it's crucial for the subject to be informed about what's happening to them. Obviously, AK 9067 can't move and can't make any sound.
In addition to restrictive harnesses, a medication was also supplied in its trachea that temporarily disables speech function, etc.
2:00 pm
The vacuum process takes around 2-3 hours... Our volunteer needs the 3 hours. It was delayed especially due to the difficulty of extracting the uterus.
But as you can see below... it was successfully prolapsed and is observed in all its splendor.
The Ano is already ready to start phase 3.
Nipples are already perfectly swollen and ready for extraction. But let's not get ahead of ourselves...
AK 9067 has never looked so beautiful.The protocol indicates that both the anus and uterus must be inflated almost to collapse. The surgeon must have great care since each individual has its own limits, so it proceeds with extreme caution. Anus and Uterus receive an inflatable ball that will expand them from inside, preparing them for the next stages...Miguel, our surgeon has already reached the maximum expression of his anus.... at that point the sphincter muscles have been completely broken... never again will AK 9067 have control to close its anus...
And as you see... Miguel is repeating the procedure for the uterus.
Now we'll leave those two important parts like this for about 2 hours.
During that time, we'll focus on AK 9067's breasts.
The client has requested a special treatment. Apparently his son's ex-girlfriend had special pride in how beautiful her breasts are and how sensitive they are.
We show photos that confirm what was said:
Don Soprano has requested the complete removal of nipples. Also the insertion of drainage electrodes to the outside.Miguel initiates with a precise cut with his scalpel for the removal of the nipple and areola. The fact of having applied vacuum or vacuum facilitates the cut. To better understand what Dr. Miguel is about to do, we think it opportune to show a diagram of the internal parts of a breast or mammary gland.Miguel... will remove: Areola, Nipple, Ducts and Mammary Glands. See how he wants it to be seen. Then he will leave... the Skin, Adipose Tissue. And the empty space will be filled with an organic acidic extract to maintain volume.
Please all remain silent. Miguel needs extreme concentration. Remember that AK 9067 is without anesthesia and could still make minimal movements that might compromise or delay the procedure.The piercing I placed on his left breast facilitates the removal of the nipple, areola, and ducts.... The procedure is repeated for the other breast... and we now have AK 9067 ready to place the retaining rings. These will take him until his final days of service. The retaining rings allow us to keep the edges where the Nipple and Areola were previously located in their place and also facilitate future procedures. They anchor themselves through mini thorns or retractable pins made of steel (the same material as the ring); the pins adhere to the skin on the inside, making it impossible to remove them without tearing AK 9067's skin in the future Finally, the rings will be the base for the hermetic caps that AK 9067 will wear.Start of the definitive removal of breast glands, blood and some adipose tissue... complicated and tedious process.Notice the quality of the work!!!! It's beautiful!!! AK 9067 is in excellent hands...This part is critical AK 9067 is at the limit of what's bearable.... let's cross our fingers!!!
The drill is broken at 1600 RPM, destroying the fibrous integrity of the Mammary Glands....
It's an efficient and clean liquefaction process.... so those breasts will only have aesthetic functionality.
Vital signs of AK 9067:The pain is intense ... unbearable ... tears continue to flow from her eyes ... she can't move ... can't scream ... only watches with desperation as she's being vivisected alive ...
Uterus and Ano inflated to the maximum ... that pain ended up being nothing compared to having your breasts drilled with a drill.
Don Soprano was clear... he asked for the protocol without anesthesia.Ready!!!!! Removed mammary glands... Now that space will be filled with an organic acid that will keep AK 9067 always burning intensely inside its breasts... The acid is locally acting and only activates by the action of an electrode that acts as a catalyst. The electrode activates remotely, so the burning starts or stops at the owner's whim.
We will see then the insertion of electrodes and their drainage ducts here.5:00 pm
Beginning of Uterus and Anus final phase
The idea of expanding the uterus is like destroying its muscular structure that makes them rigid, just like with the anus.
The ovaries will be exposed by opening small windows in the uterus and then removing the fallopian tubes through these openings.
Let's see:
Observe that the rings on the Ubers already show the two hermetic caps. And each Ubre's drainage electrodes have been connected to a hose.
The Soprano family will use these access cavities without limits for various purposes... but one of the most common is using them as receivers in parties and bukkake parties...
Take this illustration as an example, imagine if each nipple were removable to allow participants to ejaculate inside the Ubers, and then close. Definitely much more practical and clean.The next thing our surgeon will do is insert an inflatable balloon into the urethra and also expand it to its maximum.
We're already very close to finishing. AK 9067 has behaved like a champion so far... its pulses have reached 120, 140 pm... but they've stabilized at 110.
Now comes the part of the lateral opening of the uterus.... exposure of part of the ovaries and their stitching.Uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries will always be exposed... it is recommended to the user to irrigate them with a 2% saline solution to keep them always fresh and avoid them from drying out prematurely.
Observe the impeccable work of Miguel.... I leave exposed on the sides of the uterus, the fallopian tubes and ovaries. In the longitudinal incision of the uterus, I place a zipper or closure... thus one can access the interior of the uterus as many times as the user requires it. Don Soprano was very precise in his instructions... he will use that space to store the remote control that activates the electrodes on AK 9067's breasts... or spare change for the day...To conclude, AK 9067 will receive our latest model of fake intestine. This one attaches inside the real intestine and has internal cavities that fill up with AK 9067's excrement. Each compartment is calibrated to withstand a specific pressure.... when compartment A reaches maximum pressure... it opens allowing passage to section B... and so on until section F. This patented new technology allows AK 9067 to only need to evacuate every 30 days. Now Observe the introduction and coupling of the tract.... it's a real thrill.
Vital Signs AK 9067:8:00 pm
Dear Clients we have reached the end. AK 9067 will remain in the quito for another 3 hours due to Don Soprano's requests and obviously the final coupling with the selected furniture is missing.
However, protecting our client's wishes, such modifications must be kept under strict secrecy Company-Client.
We know you will understand and apologize.
However, we list some standard procedures that you may request for your orders
- removal of vocal cords
- amputation of legs and arms
- removal of eyes
- removal of tongue
- total removal of reproductive system
- insertion of tube from mouth to rectum of subject to subsequently couple it to the main tube where rats and hamsters make their runs in their cage.
In other words, AK 9067 would be coupled to the circuit where household pets make their runs and why not... they could even live inside her...
As you can see there is a world of possibilities!!!
We look forward to your orders as always.
And ahead of time we announce that in our Christmas edition we will be sharing with you our new Multiforce GYM 007.
See you soon!!!
Don't miss these Fresh Out of the Oven:
Sofy 2: the rejected lady by her friends but with a great spirit of overcoming... the gluttonous crop-eater...with a feminized husband... and her crush with her boyfriend's grandfather also check out the latest post of innocent and naive Susanita... now even deeper!!!
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