I've been on the page for a few days and, although I found a little bit of everything, both positive and negative things. ...bad vibes and good vibes....in general, the balance is good and in these quarantine times any distraction is good! Some users asked me what kind of videos I watch...and the reality is that I'm not into watching movies or videos...I'm more into photography (not just erotic, but general) and more about softcore....but anyway, here's a sample of what I like on a harder level...hope you enjoy it and comment...kisses
Un poco de sexo
I've been on the page for a few days and, although I found a little bit of everything, both positive and negative things. ...bad vibes and good vibes....in general, the balance is good and in these quarantine times any distraction is good! Some users asked me what kind of videos I watch...and the reality is that I'm not into watching movies or videos...I'm more into photography (not just erotic, but general) and more about softcore....but anyway, here's a sample of what I like on a harder level...hope you enjoy it and comment...kisses
6 comentários - Un poco de sexo