Hello friends and friends, today I present this special Christmas edition in this week loaded with emotions, greetings, and why not adding a touch of sexuality.
This important date is approaching for Christians and non-Christians alike, many of us will gather at our homes, at some relative's or friend's place for a good dinner accompanied by people we love and some not so much but that's how parties are.
The typical discussion about where we spent it (in the case of being married, 24th at my in-laws and 31st at my parents' or vice versa). Others working (fucking) and some lucky one on an island surrounded by a lot of alcohol and whores with a desire to fuck until they become unconscious from drinking too much.
Getting together with people you only see at parties or funerals. Eating Yankee food that's okay for them because they're cold as hell and we're hot as hell here, even though we give the marzipan and garrapiñadas a crazy run.
Sometimes you can go to some parties without some relative getting burned by the flying slut and having to buy cream or go to the hospital for the little guy.
Some relative making a fool of themselves dressing up like Santa with the colors of Coca Booty but you're dying to receive a gift from them, no?.
In short, many good and bad sensations we experience during these parties, and I want to share them with the good people in this particular community that is P!
All I have left to wish you all the best in the world and that you have a great time at these parties with your families/friends and at midnight let's raise our cups to toast to the friends we made in this beautiful community.
This important date is approaching for Christians and non-Christians alike, many of us will gather at our homes, at some relative's or friend's place for a good dinner accompanied by people we love and some not so much but that's how parties are.
The typical discussion about where we spent it (in the case of being married, 24th at my in-laws and 31st at my parents' or vice versa). Others working (fucking) and some lucky one on an island surrounded by a lot of alcohol and whores with a desire to fuck until they become unconscious from drinking too much.
Getting together with people you only see at parties or funerals. Eating Yankee food that's okay for them because they're cold as hell and we're hot as hell here, even though we give the marzipan and garrapiñadas a crazy run.
Sometimes you can go to some parties without some relative getting burned by the flying slut and having to buy cream or go to the hospital for the little guy.
Some relative making a fool of themselves dressing up like Santa with the colors of Coca Booty but you're dying to receive a gift from them, no?.
In short, many good and bad sensations we experience during these parties, and I want to share them with the good people in this particular community that is P!
All I have left to wish you all the best in the world and that you have a great time at these parties with your families/friends and at midnight let's raise our cups to toast to the friends we made in this beautiful community.

If you like big-breasted women or small-breasted women, I invite you to join the community of 'Tender and Sexual Big-Breasted Women'


Comentarios Destacados
Muchísimas gracias amigos y amigas por comentar, puntuar y recomendar mi post, me da gusto saber que hay gente que disfruta de esta mezcla de sexualidad y fiestas navideñas. Les deseo todo lo mejor del mundo para estas fiestas, que Papa Noel se porte bien con ustedes y que comiences de lo mejor el 2015, les obsequio una de las imágenes que mas me gusto del post 🤘 🤘 🤘
35 comentários - Especial Navidad, Megapost
El mejor regalo que le pueden dar a una mujer en Navidad, una buena Garchada 🤤
estas putas son mumentales el video es muy bueno
y otra la navidad capo en tu mensaje es sagrada esa fecha se pasa con la famila y recordar buenos momentos el año nuevo se puede hacer de todo tomar ,follar fiestas todo sta permitido y pasarla bien moderandemente ylos que trabajan es una lata por ejemplo policias el ejercito guardias los que trbahajn hospitales los bartman que hacne tragos en fin me gusto el mensaje positivo y las putas en las imagnes xd que pase felices fiestas y que el proximo año vnega mas recargado
que buenas fiestitas me haría con estas putitas y todo el año no tan solo en noche buena :F:F gracias por traernos semejante post y por tus palabras chelo ojala la pases bien y sin los percanses que suele ocurrir para esta fecha 😀 te mando un abrazo y felices fiestas hermano 😉
Felicidades !!!!
Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
como regalo de navidad le pido a papa noel esta adicta al sexo anal, Angelica una delicia la flaca!!
Gran compilado de Mamás Noel amigo, buenisimo!!
Muy buen megapost navideño me encanto
Excelente el post 🙂 🤘
😉 😉 😉
Gran aporte amigo, sale reco y van +10
Que pases felices fiestas 👍
Mortal el regalito que nos trajiste hermano @CHELOMARCHELO30!!! quedate tranquilo que con la belleza que nos llevamos vamos a tener muchas noches Buenas 🤤 🤤
esta alta esta morena tetuda! 🔥
gracias por compartir!
feliz navi! y regresare....
ssing_heart: 😘 😘
Genial post!
Muchísimas gracias amigos por comentar, puntuar y recomendar mi post, me da gusto saber que hay gente que disfruta de esta mezcla de sexualidad y fiestas navideñas. Les deseo todo lo mejor del mundo para estas fiestas, que Papa Noel se porte bien con ustedes y que comiences de lo mejor el 2015, les obsequio una de las imágenes que mas me gusto del post 🤘 🤘 🤘
Asesinas!!!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🤘
por dios! +10