Hello again friends.
Do you remember JEFF MILTON?
Yes, model of METART and RYLSKYART from Ukraine, has 20 years...Don't you remember yet?
Well some photos...

Still not? Well, I think you'll remember after seeing the photos that come next. If you didn't know her yet, don't miss her...(COMPLETE SET, click on the images to view them in their original size)

Still not? Well, I think you'll remember after seeing the photos that come next. If you didn't know her yet, don't miss her...(COMPLETE SET, click on the images to view them in their original size)

11 comentários - Jeff Milton has returned...
Gracias por compartir
Las dos primeras fotos las he retocado un poco, antes eran a color y alguna cosilla más que he cambiado 😉
los pezones me encantaronen esass tettitas gordititas pero chiquitas
le mando un mensaje al beeper de @mexiclon328 para que la venga a ver ya que a el le gustan las chicas con nombre de chco y poca tetita, o era al revez los chicos con nombre de chica y mucha teta...?
y ayer descubrimos q la esposa del vicepresidente tambien paso por el ojo de met art... jua,..jjuuajuaujjuaa
De esta chica te recomiendo otros sets que he posteado, por ejemplo 😉 😉
SET NUEVO: http://www.poringa.net/posts/imagenes/2584547/Jeff-Milton-sin-colorantes-ni-conservantes.html