Fake Course 6th Grade - Most Demands

Fake Course 6th Grade - Most Demands
Big bust

Dear porn boys, we're back again, a bit worn out from this last FAKE class that was born as a way to innovate, bring something new to the site and see the fakeo (with or without porn) also as a form of art where colors, textures, and shapes are combined to achieve the restoration or modification of a photograph. And it has a lot to do with that since one of my hobbies is restoring and coloring old photographs...

To those who sent me photos to fake, I'm telling you that some could be done and others not because in part it's due to the quality of the photo and on the other hand the angle from which it was taken doesn't allow working and leaving a result... satisfactory. That's why I'm coming today to bring 1 orders from my friend @Argentanian


In the first place we have the following photograph.
How come it's a task... simple. from behind, remove the mesh, work with the layers. trunki.


In photo #2, we remove the bottom part and then proceed to remove the top part. I don't recommend doing it all at once because you'll lose the game of shadows from the light on the body and distort the result.


While we included the sun mark in the second one, we didn't in the third one.

Fake Course 6th Grade - Most Demands

And this is our finished model. Behind everything, inside the sea, I included a face of a type looking at the girl to give it a more believable touch. Seeing a little girl completely naked entering the sea is not something you see every day!'

Big bust

As I always do, I'm including the compatibility test... OK!'



Next, another photo of the same girl, now much more detailed. In this photo, we took off her bikini (with quite a few flights that made the task a bit harder, and we chose the parts we were going to replace. In this case, the breasts and their ... pubic area. Going a little further and as the photo was coming out better than I expected, after finishing I realized some alternatives.

The Original Photo is this


As always, we're going into parts. We start by unwrapping the breasts...

Fake Course 6th Grade - Most Demands

With the bra already undone, we're going down to the lower part...

Big bust

Once we have the full nude, now it's the most difficult part. Now we start with sunburn marks for those who want to do them.


At this point, the mission would be accomplished. But since I like challenges, I wanted to go for more...



Fake Course 6th Grade - Most Demands

After finishing as always, compatibility test... PERFECT!

Big bust

The truth, a beauty of a woman and a true pleasure to realize this fake.


Good friends this has been all. thanks to those who support, to those who follow and leave some point that always helps.

Warning that the next fake orders will be added at the end of my posts.
thanks for the support.
See You Later.!!!!!

15 comentários - Fake Course 6th Grade - Most Demands

la primera salio buenisima la otra ai nomas jejej
callate..! la segunda es la mejor...!!!! jajajaja con decirte que lo hice yo y ya le dedique un par.!!!!!
josavip +1
Buen post, siempre aportando buenas ideas y fotos para fake, un saludo.
Te quedan muy bien los Fakes !!!!
Hiciste una serie de buenos tutoriales !!!!

Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!

Fake Course 6th Grade - Most Demands
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
Hola, vengo por la reco de Kalu... Jeje. Muy original laburo. Siempre es bueno ver cosas distintas e interesantes, sonde la creatividad y la inteligencia se mezclan sublimemente con el arte natural de la paja! Se agradece el compartir su trabajo!
Kyanm +1
Muy bueno che, pareces avanzado en el tema. Algún día podrías hacer un tutorial. Preg: ¿Lo de la segunda tuviste que buscar un reemplazo o esas ttas las hiciste vos mismo? 😃
nooo ... son tetas de otra mina. hice el recorte y despues lo adapte para que encajen. la mina es esta:

Kyanm +1
@tombiron ah buenisimo 🤤
Ah pero te quedo de 10 las fotos ..buen trabajo maestrooo ---te jode si te envio algunas fotos para que las fakeesss
Hola man. ante todo gracias x pasar.! momentaneamente no estoy haciendo mucho en ese sentido porque estoy pasando un momento complicado en mi vida. pero pronto estare de nuevo con mi arte. cuando arranque, te aviso. saludos.!
@tombiron ahh ok capoo ..dale espero que todo se soluciones para vox amigo un abrazao suerte
me encantaria que me pudieras ayudar con unas fotittos
Hola, me podrias ayudar con unos fakes? te prometo que valen la pena..