Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos!

Despite the fact that the only place where my previous post had no impact was Poringa, since it was lifted by several internet news sites and portals as a great revelation (although without giving me not even 10 cents of credit), but ignored and unnoticed in Poringa, today I bring you something similar.

Here they have a collection of photos of Barbara Daiana Armesto
,The siliconed beauty who participates (or participated, I don't know) in the travel program to Bariloche as a flight attendant, when she's not traveling to Dubai with Jessica Cirio's select group of VIP escorts. There are professional, intimate, and private photos from when she was just starting out in the TV world. Enjoy, and comment, it doesn't cost anything.Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos! Argentina Brunette slut Goddess boobs Barbie Sofovich Secretaries Barbara Armesto Bariloche flight attendants The Last Passenger Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos!

9 comentários - Barbara Armesto, album including unseen photos!

a mi me encanta esta mina!! aunque me decepciono q me digas q es una de las putas de cirio!! esa voz rompa y tiene pinta q se prende en todas, no se manda la parte de delicada!! me re calienta la verga esa cara de petera!! exitoss
Gracias por tu comentario. Y si, cuando salió el tema de los viajes insólitos de Cirio a Dubai, y cómo hacía para hospedarse en hoteles de USD 1500 la noche, fue una de las minas que ensució Leandro Rud con tal de salvarle las papas a la Cirio. La cuestión es que van en grupito a hacerle la fiestita a poderosos. En fin, ¿que carajo nos importa a nosotros, no? Está muy linda esta yegua. Saludos.
blemm +2
muy groso tu laburoooo, como me gusta esa minaaaa........
Gracias, slds!
zero80 +3
le llenaron el bombon, esta retirada por ahora
Y.......tanta verga tanta verga..seguro que pasaba...que boluda!!!!!!!!!!!
Debe salir sus dolares este gatito!! ya ni pesos debe aceptar!