Test post, there's a lot of content from this character, apparently an entrepreneur or model representative, I have no idea, takes his girls to different events, fashion shows in clubs, etc, in my opinion the presence of him is too much, but tastes are tastes and I felt the need to share this material with my P! friends so I hope you like it :F
Let's get started! :winky:
That's all, if you like I have more but the Ricardo Forte beretta that appears in the photos half that gives a damn, but okay, greetings! 😊
4 comentários - Beautiful women, tremendous! / Andy Models 1st Part
Muy buen post , saludos Misko
igual el chavon parece un ricardo fort trucho, es probable que sea gay pero eso no importa, el hecho de que tenga tantas minas en sus manos es verdaderamente envidiable! :buaa: