The Paraguayan Larissa Riquelme had been threatening to really peel and after a teaser in Brazilian Playboy (where she undressed but the 3D effect ruined her empanada) finally fulfilled by revealing a chipá cut in half like to fill it with cheese. There are many beautiful Argentine women, but there are few who show off their whole body, says the Guarani, relaunching her challenge to local colleagues, and I think if they don't undress it's because they don't have anything as good to show. Or maybe locals prefer to reserve the merchandise for larger clients (in their wallets) while Larissa says she is super accessible. It's very easy to conquer me, says the Paraguayan with her kitty in view, I don't look for much, not even expect fidelity from a man because I know it's impossible. Argentina said that war doesn't give rights, but this free pass to go whoring seems like a beautiful consequence of the Triple Alliance, which left few Paraguayans on their feet. That's how Paraguayan women are, explains Larissa, loving, sincere and faithful although they know the boyfriend goes out with others. If you had one of those cuties that mark you as Gentile to Maradona in the '82 World Cup, you'll know how to appreciate the offer, which doesn't require making a verse. To win a Paraguayan woman, you don't need much, explains Larissa, I'm fine if they just tell me 'excuse me, can I have your number?' and that's it because the response will be yes. And your response will also be a see! when she makes her specialty in guaraní blow job. Every now and then someone wants to compare who does better oral sex, says Larissa, launching another challenge to local trolling, I tell you that Paraguayan women know how to kiss very well, I surprise you when we're alone because I vary to please you completely, however. And when I finish taking the tereré in a meat bomb, it's your turn to savor that toasted chipá. In bed, I pass the tongue well and I want to receive the same, explains Larissa, I'm a hot woman, always ready for them to do it wherever and however. Of everything except partitas, because even if you go to whores, don't bring one. Group sex is something that doesn't suit me says the Paraguayan woman, because I assure you that in bed with me is enough. And she's right: with that chipá, why do you want tortillas! Larissa Riquelme impacts with a compact ass fileted by the thong mark and a well-slut tattoo. I got several tattoos because they seem very sexy to me, especially the Booty one, says the Paraguayan woman, I love hearing what people say in different countries when they see it, in Brazil they told me 'Nossa, nostra assim você me mata, ai se eu te pego, ai ai se eu te pego Larissa!' And that butt has already been hit several times in all languages. In each country, men are different, I like variety, says the guaraní woman remembering her work trips, that's why I also change positions in bed, for me it's best if it's comfortable, if I'm on my side I like them to enter from the side, from the front I'll make you the little plane maybe - what's important is that when I feel like it, I do it right there, that's how it works with me.
17 comentários - Larissa Riquelme strips naked and shows her Adam's apple