Hey, to not lose the habit and the morbo that my wife gives me with her comments, although they're few, but we see there's a lot of competition, haha, we'll put some photos of one of the smallest panties she has. Since I'm short on time, I'll only post a few. NOTE: when you click on the image, these will enlarge (size 3648 x 2432) A juicy fruit...!!There will be a second part of this session!!!
11 comentários - My wife for you 3, her little thong
1) Achicar las fotos (1024x768) y subirlas a un servidor que permita postear tamaño completo.
2) Pintarle la P y postear en poringueras, ahi te van a llover comentarios y puntos.
¿cómo se hace? aprendiendo, mirando los post de las poringueras grossas y leyendo tutoriales.
Gracias por compratir !!! (a nadie mejor a a un swinger le cabe esta frase) jejeje