Soledad Cescato and Andrea Lopez, very hot

Soledad Cescato and Andrea López are the hottest couple of Singing · Both passed through Dancing for Dreams

As Silvina and Vanina Escudero were the first lesbian couple on Dancing, Soledad Cescato and Andrea López could do the same but in the next edition of Singing for a Dream, which will be hosted by José María Listorti and Denise Dumas. The blondes not only presented three musical numbers on This is the Show, but also decided to show their hottest side in a photo production for Man magazine. Remember that Andrea was one of the participants in the first season of Dancing for Dreams, and later joined Singing 2011 with her ex-boyfriend, Jonathan González.
By her part, Soledad was one of the hottest participants in Soñando 2, but she couldn't take the isolation and used a cell phone to talk to her boyfriend. For this reason, the former Playboy bunny was sanctioned by production and later eliminated.
Soledad Cescato and Andrea Lopez, very hot




very hot

4 comentários - Soledad Cescato and Andrea Lopez, very hot

pavlo26 -1
Muy ricas las damas :headbang::headbang:

👨Excelente aporte:D ... :mario:¡Saludos y Gracias por Compartir!;)
Soledad Cescato
¿Seguirás el código jedi? Yo comenté tu post ¿tu comentaste el mío?
...Que la fuerza te acompañe
solo vi una foto

Soledad Cescato and Andrea Lopez, very hot
pero esta si me puso.. chispa.. como strifither...