como hacer un buen post (simple y sencillo)

I'm going to show you a very simple way to make a post with real-size images and that looks nice

Many times we see collections of images but they all look small and together, you have to click to go to the page and view them, then it gets complicated and that's the first reason why we give up on our post

First step... we open the note block, where we will set up our post with simple commands to place titles, greetings, descriptions or explanations. We have several commands: Alignment command

It's the alignment of the text the options are
> right
> centered
all that we write and also the images will come out in that alignment format until we close the alignment command
by writing:
hello to all the porn boys...
It will be something like this:

hello to all the porn boys...

then we have the font size command with the SIZE commandThe options are:values of 9 to 18and then we close with the command
Hello to all the porn boys...
hello to all the porn boys...
Hello to all the porn boys...
hello to all the porn boys...
Hello to all the Poringa boys...
hello to all the porn boys...
Hello to all the porn boys...
hello to all the porn boys...
Clarification: commands are written without spaces, I did it so they would look betterThen we can choose the colors with the COLOR command
[Color = *options*]
The options are the names of the color in English
and at the end of what we write is the command to close
The options are:DARKRED > dark red
RED > red
ORANGE > orange
YELLOW > yellow
GREEN > green
Olive > Green Olive
Cyan > cyan
BLUE > blue
Dark blue
INDIGO > indigo
Violet > violet
BLACK > black

If we omit the color command it will output in black which is the default color. You can make combinations of each of the commands... Example:
Hello to all
Hello to all
Hello to all
Hello to all

Now let's move on to the images. To put an image in our post is very simple. First, we write in the notes block the command [img = go to the page that has the image, click to view it and when it's visible, right-click with the mouse button and select COPY IMAGE PATH. This will copy the link of the image we saw in the clipboard or memory. Then, we paste that link into the notes block leaving us como hacer un buen post (simple y sencillo). For example, [img =] closing with a bracket ] (remember that commands are written without spaces) and it will remain something like:girlsNow if we want it to be more verbose, before the image, we will write the ALIGN command for alignment. EJ:
[img =]
and it would be something like...
imagesAfter having set up our post in the note block, we're going to Poringa's page and select add post. There, we'll need to fill in the title box with an attractive title, not too exaggerated and without capital letters. Then, where it says content of the post, we'll paste everything we wrote in our note block (copy from block and paste into content of post). We'll choose tags that are reference words for what's inside the post, separated by commas. For example: amateur, girls, sex, photos (at least 4 words). To finish, we'll select which category our post belongs to. We'll click on PREVIEW and if everything looks like we want it to, we'll click on ADD POST. I hope this has been

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