
Acomoclitismo: excitement caused by depilated genitals.
Acrofilia: people who get excited only when their partners are very tall.
Acrotomofilia: fetish for amputated limbs.
Actirastia: sexual excitement resulting from exposure to sunlight.
Acucullofília: sexual excitement caused by circumcised penises.
Agonophilia: excitement resulting from a fight with the partner.
Agrexofilia: excitement produced by others hearing sexual activity.
Albutofilia: excitement thinking about hot baths and showers.
Algofilia: excitement caused by pain (distinguished from masochism by the absence of an erotic component).

Alophelia: experiencing an orgasm only by watching others having a sexual relationship.
Alorgasmia: excitement from fantasizing during sexual act with someone other than the partner.
Alveophilia: attraction to having sex in a bathtub.
Alvinolagnia: sexual attraction only to stomachs.
Amaurophilia: passion for blind couples or those with their eyes covered.
Amelotasis: sexual attraction towards people missing some members.
Amicisia: sexual excitement from scratching the partner during sexual act.
Amokoscisia: excitement from the desire to punish the sexual partner.
Amomaxia: excitement only when having a sexual relationship inside a parked car.

Androginofilia: sexual attraction to androgynous people.
Androidismo: excitement with human-like dolls or robots.
Andromimetofilia: attraction only to women dressed as men.
Anisonogamia: attraction to a much younger or older sexual partner.
Anofelorastia: excitement at desecrating sacred objects.
Antolagnia: excitement from smelling flowers.
Apotemnofilia: excitement about being amputated.
Aracnofilia: sexual play with spiders.
Astenolagnia: attraction to someone's humility, humiliation, or foreign sexual weakness.

Audiolagnia: the main stimulus comes from hearing.
Autagonistofilia: the stimulus is being seen by other people during sexual activity.
Autoabasiofilia: the stimulus is being or becoming fuck you.
Autoasasinofilia: a masochistic fantasy of being killed.
Autoasfixiofilia: the stimulus is being asphyxiated during sexual activity.
Automisofilia: attraction to being soiled or corrupted.
Autonepiofilia: the stimulus is using diapers and being treated like a baby.
Autopederastia: finding only pleasure by introducing one's own penis into one's anus.
Autoungulafilia: getting pleasure from scratching one's own genitals.

Axilism: masturbation within the armpit of the partner.
Balloning: sexual pleasure obtained only by watching women inflate, explode, mount, stretch, and play with balloons.
Barosmia: excitement through smell.
Basoexia: excitement produced solely by kissing.
Belonephilia: excitement produced by the use of needles.
Biastophilia: those who only get sexually excited when they assault someone against their will.
Blastolagnia: attraction to very young women.
Bukkake: sexual excitement when ejaculated upon.
Candalagnia or candaulism: watching a couple copulate with another person.

Catafílico: sexual excitement only occurs when a man submits to his partner.
Cateterofilia: sexual excitement with the use of some type of catheter.
Chezolagnia: only gets excited while masturbating during defecation.
Choreofilia: sexual excitement from dancing.
Cinofilia: excitement from having sex with dogs.
Ciprieunia: excitement only with prostitutes.
Clastomanía: obsession with tearing off the clothes worn by one's partner.
Clismafilia: excitement depends on receiving an enema.
Coitolalia: excitement produced by talking during sexual activity.

Coprophilia: sexual pleasure derived from saying obscenities in public.
Coprolagnia: using feces in sexual practice (whether observing someone else defecate or applying feces on the body).
Coprolalia: sexual stimulation through the use of bad words.
Corealism: sexual excitement only by practicing anal sex with girls.
Coreophilia: excitement through erotic dancing.
Cratolagnia: excitement provoked by the strength of the couple.
Crematistophilia: excitement produced by paying for sex.
Cryptoscopophilia: excitement from contemplating the behavior (not necessarily sexual) of others in the privacy of their home.
Crurophilia: sexual attraction to legs.

Cyesolagnia: sexual excitement only with pregnant women.
Dacryfilia or dacrilagnia: sexual excitement from seeing tears in the eyes of one's partner.
Dendrofilia: when excitement is produced only by rubbing against trees.
Dipoldismo: getting excited by hitting children's buttocks.
Dysmorfofilia: attraction to deformed people (mastectomized, hunchbacked, etc.).
Doogging: sexual excitement from being watched having sex in cars.
Dorafilia: sexual excitement from touching animal, synthetic, or other types of skin.
Ecdemolagnia: excitement resulting from traveling or being away from home.
Ecdiosis: excitement produced only by undressing in front of strangers.

Elefilia: sexual obsession with tissues.
Electrofilia (electrocutofilia): excitement only produced by using soft electric shocks during sexual practice.
Emetofilia: sexual excitement resulting from vomiting.
Enditofilia (endytophilia or enditolagnia): excitement only produced by seeing the partner dressed.
Erotofonofilia: excitement from making phone calls using erotic language.
Erotolalia: stimulating oneself sexually only by talking about sex.
Escopofilia (escoptofilia, escoptolagnia or mixoscopía): excitement depending on openly looking at other people during sexual acts (not like voyeurism).
Spectrofilia: excitement produced by the image in the mirror.
Estigmatofilia: excitement caused by tattoos, piercings, sacrifices, or scars.

Falofilia: attraction to large penises.
Flatofilia: excitement caused by the smell of one's own or partner's intestinal gases.
Formicofilia: sexual excitement from crawling insects or small animals (ants, snails, worms, etc.) over genitals.
Fratrilagnia: attraction to incestuous sexual relations. Excitement at imagining sex with one's brother.
Frotismo (froteurism): the person obtains sexual pleasure only by rubbing their genitals against unknown people.
Fúrtling: getting excited from inserting a finger through a hole cut in the genital area of a picture or drawing.
Gerontofilia: sexual attraction of a young person to an older man. The attraction of young people to milfs is called graofilia, and the attraction to both old women and men is called cronofilia.
Gimnofilia or nudomania: excitement caused by nudity.
Ginemimetofilia: excitement will only occur if the couple is a transvestite.

Grafolagnia, iconolagnia or pictofilia: stimulation occurs only before erotic photos or paintings.
Gregomulcia: excitement from being handled by an unknown person in a crowd.
Harpaxophilia: experiencing pleasure from being robbed.
Hebephilia: attraction to pubescent girls.
Hemotigolagnia: sexual attraction to used tampons.
Hibristophilia: sexual excitement from fantasizing about having relations with a rapist.
Hierophilia: sexual attraction to crosses.
Hifefilia: the excitement will depend on possession of some alien object, clothing, hair, skin, etc.
Hydrophilia: excitement caused by any type of bodily fluid.

Masoquismo (duololagnia): pleasure linked to one's own humiliation or physical (slaps, lashes, pinches) or moral (humiliation). It differs from algomanía by the presence of an erotic component.
Matronolagnia: sexual excitement caused only by older women.
Melolagnia: sexual excitement caused by music (not necessarily erotic).
Menstruofilia or menofilia: sexual attraction to a menstruating woman.
Merintofilia: sexual excitement caused by being tied up.
Microfilia: sexual attraction to small or dwarf people.
Microgenitalismo: excitement by small penises.
Misofilia: sexual attraction to dirty clothes.

Moriafilia: excitement provoked by sexual jokes.
Nafefilia: excitement from touching or being touched.
Ipsofilia: excitement only for oneself. It's not the same as masturbation, where the sexual object can be a present person, a photograph, or a fantasy.
Narratofilia: sexual excitement only when listening to erotic narratives.
Necrofilia: sexual attraction to corpses.
Nepirastia: excitement from having an infant lifted up.
Ninfofilia: adult sexual attraction to an adolescent.
Nosolagnia: excitement from knowing the partner has a terminal illness.
Oclofilia (ochlofilia): excitement in front of a crowd of people gathered.

Odofilia: excitement produced by travel.
Ofidiofilia: excitement caused by snakes.
Omolagnia: excitement caused by nudity.
Olfactofilia: excitement due to the smell of sweating, especially genital.
Ozolagnia: sexual excitement from strong smells.
Partenofilia: sexual attraction to virgins.
Pediofilia: sexual attraction to dolls.
Pedophilia: sexual attraction to minors.
Picacismo: sexual excitement from introducing food into one of the body cavities for the couple to recover with their mouth.

Pigophilia: excitement from contact with buttocks.
Pigotripsis: excitement from rubbing or massaging buttocks.
Polyiterophilia: people who need a series of consecutive sexual partners before achieving orgasm.
Psycrophilia: excitement due to cold or seeing people with cold.
Pubephilia or ginelophilia: excitement produced by contemplating pubic hair.
Pungophilia: need to be pinched for the purpose of obtaining sexual pleasure.
Quinunolagnia: sexual excitement from putting oneself in dangerous situations.
Rabdophilia: excitement from being flagellated.
Renifleurism: excitement due to the smell of urine.

Sadism: experiencing erotic pleasure by provoking physical pain or humiliation in the partner. It differs from algolagnia due to the presence of an erotic component.
Salirofilia: excitement at ingesting the saliva of the partner.
Saliromanía: soiling or damaging the partner's clothing.
Somnofilia: caressing and performing oral sex on a sleeping person until they wake up.
Sudorofilia: attraction to the sweat of the partner.
Tafefilia: excitement from being buried alive.
Thlipsosis (zlipsosis): excitement from pinching.
Toucherismo: attraction only occurs when touching unknown people.
Triolism: excitement depends on observing one's own partner having relations with a third person.

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56 comentários - El Lado ¿Oscuro? del Sexo...
Te gusta la Zoo???
😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳
Muchas Gracias
SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE......COPY PASTE ........trabajosssssisimo.............
No vengas a desvirtuarme el post o te meto 30 dias de vacasiones salamin.
lo escribi todo yo esto.
la fuenteee!!!!!!!!!!!!.......la fuente!!!!
10 dias de vacaciones.......obsecuente......................................................................................................(chupapija)
🤔 😀
Ese es el lado oscuro de truncudo 😳
😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
La fantasía de tijereta lésbica con una enana se llama "toallitafilia" ??????
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
tronca esta plenamente identificado, le gustan los gordos.
😀 😀 😀
jajajjaja !! buena info ferry
no habia necesidad de poner los gustos
sexuales de lord y su pareja troliver 😀 😀 😀 😀
No sabía que existieran tantas desviaciones sexuales,creo que soy demasiado normal
entre tanto loco! 😀 😀 😀
Un excelente aporte te felicito FERRY! 😉 😉 😉
Con cuál te sentís identificado Ferreterito ??? 😀
No se, decime vos 🙂
Salirofilia: excitación al ingerir la saliva de la pareja.
Vampirismo: excitación sexual proveniente de la extracción de sangre.
Somnofilia: acariciar y realizar sexo oral a una persona dormida hasta despertarla.
Odaxelagnia: excitación al morder o ser mordido por la pareja.
Merintofilia: excitación sexual provocada por estar atado.
Gomfipotismo: excitación provocada por los dientes. ( el chingadito..... 😀 )
Higrofilia: excitación producida por cualquier tipo de fluido corporal.
Espectrofilia: excitación producida por la imagen en el espejo. 🙂
Estigmatofilia: excitación ante tatuajes, agujereamientos (píercing), sacrificios o cicatrices.
Dacryfilia o dacrilagnia: excitación sexual por ver lágrimas en los ojos de la pareja.
Cratolagnia: excitación provocada por la fuerza de la pareja.
Barosmia: excitación por el olfato.
Asfixiofilia (estrangulación erótica): el estímulo es estrangular, asfixiar o ahogar a la pareja durante el acto sexual, con su consentimiento y sin llegar a matarla.
Acomoclitismo: excitación por los genitales depilados.
Agonophilia: excitación proveniente de una lucha con la pareja.
Seguro que me olvidé alguno..... 🙄
Es que son muchos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
❤️ ❤️
Te olvidaste un par Jejejejejeje
Amomaxia: excitación sólo al realizar una relación sexual dentro de un automóvil estacionado.
Agrexofilia: excitación producida por el hecho de que la actividad sexual sea oída por otras personas.
y no sigo buscando......
😳 😳 😳