It's a pleasure for me to bring you a post we've made jointly with my friend Pabloalmagro

No te preocupes por mi, voy a hacerlo yo mismo

The story behind the story.
I was fascinated by my friend Pabloalmagro's writing style a long time ago. I had seen some very delirious images that matched his writing style and it occurred to me to propose sending him some images for him to get inspired and write a story about what he saw in the photos. Obviously, he said yes.We agreed but the first problem arose... I never could find the photos I wanted again.
Time passed, I found others just as hallucinatory and sent them. 15 days later, I had the text in my hands and now it was my turn to try to reflect Pablo's words with images. This is the result of the cosmic delirium.
You know that I post because I like it and not because I expect those who see my posts to give me something in return, but this time it's different. This time I want to know what you think because this gave us a lot of work and I think this is one of the most different posts you can see on Poringa.
One more thing: this post is meant to be seen and re-read several times to understand all its most delirious sides and the relationships between the text and images.
Obviously, my congratulations and thanks to my great friend. The credits are for him.

Enjoy it

Dawns within this cage and still on the hangover, memories of rock nights, disorder, substance abuse, and unforgettable situations appear: orgies of sensations in my head spin like a flash fired from behind my eyes.

I remember flesh of fetuses, piling up one on top of another,

I remember the weight of my camera as if it were a Steinway piano hanging from my neck and, in that delicious bite of a vampire who doesn't know if he wants to be one, biting with timidity his killer teeth into a throat that opens like a flower in spring to be stabbed without pause or compassion. And that suffering is glorious, walking between so much nudity depicting it in chapters of a history that has no beginning or end.

only a avalanche opening up amidst the turmoil of words, music, shattering glass and fights that will soon be celebrations of pagan and forbidden sharing of love,

The leek, a foreign woman twisting herself in the darkness of something that barely takes shape as sex.

This house is a labyrinth, it doesn't seem mine. It's my home or the sick reflection of my subconscious that buries that incomprehensible, infinite pain of not understanding life, even though it comes with a reference manual.

But no, this is real, that reflection of lucidity seizes what's left of me and fires again and again in search of beauty, of something that distracts me from my own confinement. Of curves, incomprehensible beauties, velvety skins untouched, corners of a world that doesn't stop existing.

I repeat the same senseless curve, I give turns by this festive mantra and at each step I turn back onto myself and don't find what I'm looking for when I turn my head: a bathroom that's also a dining room, a dressing room where they undress halfway and pose, another bathroom where there should be an existential nothing and a girl who looks at me and discovers me floating, gliding in the ether of something that, by definition is a dream and yet I feel it, I can cut it with a knife, savor it, swallow it and vomit it after the infamous hangover that's tattooed on my heart.

The figures become themselves, triple, and pile up, I close my eyes and delirium presents itself as the only possibility of something that resembles reality, but one can't walk through life with their eyes closed to the world, or can they?

Perhaps being locked up in one's own confinement is the only way to preserve oneself when the state of comfort has saturated the soul of every apostle of what was dreamed with disgust and nausea. The hope that pierces like a small thorn on the bare plant of a Jesucristo who wanders through his own apocryphal desert of sensations, anesthetized by life. And at the bottom of my memories, I am not God, Jesus or Devil.

I am that piece of the immense productive gear of a business world, which devours my energy ceaselessly, imperfect cannibals who don't even know how to devour the flesh of thought, tear tendons with their teeth before killing the prey, splash in puddles of blood that coagulate while the incredulous eyes of the victim gaze at the landscape of their own death, in life.

That madness of surviving that we humans have, of not giving in until the last breath leaves our shell to head towards nothing.

And already at the end of that imaginary journey (not so) I shake my head and thousands of bell-ringing balls with spikes inside my brain and deafen me. I adjust, for the umpteenth time, the camera in focus and continue the journey through this private, delirious, magnificent universe, photographing things I doubt exist, but it's all that can be done: drawings of ghostly life.
The end

If someone congratulates you privately through a message:

Text: Pabloalmagro Compilation: Alejo73 Source of the photographs:

32 comentários - Los delirios de Pablito
Esto fue un placer, man! Laburar es otra cosa.
Pensar que por escribir mucho menos que esto hay tipejos que le dan una melodia de mierda, unos paparulos tocan como el orto y hacen un disco, como Calamaro, por ejemplo!
Me da mucha verguenza y agradezco la buena onda de Alejo, el verdadero craneo de esta historia es el, yo solo deje correr un poco mi imaginacion! 😬 😬 😬
Abrazos... totales! 🆒
me encantó che!!! favoriteo y recomiendo 😉
Gran Aporte alejo, gran escritura y compaginación que va de la mano de (¿raras?) imàgenes.
Jaaaa! Si, seguramente mis relatos gustaron. Si un dia vuelvo a tener tiempo, quizas haga algo asi. O no!? Que se yo!
Lo importante es que te acuerdes de eso!
Y actualmente, lo mas que "tiro" es mala onda contra los craperos, los posteadores repetitivos y compulsivos y esos extraños clones de si mismos que suben 32 posts iguales con diferente nombre y no los bloquean... 🙄
Eso y terminar de mirar todo los Thundercats completo, en idioma Italiano voy por la mitad, me falta verlo en Frances...
Recuerdo el del brujo con magnum, donde según la porno star que elegías, el brujo te decía como eras. 😀 😀 😀
Cuando se juntan dos grandes, el producto sin dudas de alta calidad, llámese post a mi entender, históricos.
Del maestro alejo, que decir a esta altura, un gourmet a la hora de elegir imágenes y un referente sin dudas, de Pablitoalmagro, uno de los comentaristas más inefables, creativos y ocurrentes, que he visto en esta y otras páginas, dos monstruos que se juntan para que nosotros degustemos de un post para verlo varias veces, apagar el celular, enfriar alguna bebida y leer y releer las metáforas y apreciar las exquisitas imágenes.
en fin, gracias totales! a favoritos y agendau.-
Vos tenes puestas las gambas que le cortaron al Diego en el 98, sabelo! :alaba:
Imágenes excelsas + texto oscuro y soberbio = Gran post !!!
Felicitaciones a ambos, a favoritos y volveremos !!!
Gracias por compartir.
Besos y Lamiditas !!!
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
deci la verdad q sabemos q tiras algo mas q eso topu 😀 😀 😀
un groso mi amigo pablito, tengo afinidad en hacerme amigo de
locos re limados, sera q yo estoy un poco asi 😉 😉 😉
no hay nada como ver delirar a un tipo, pero viendo q las cosas
q pone son reales y sentidas, pero bue...
eso es cosa q pocos pueden ver, otros dicen q decis boludeces y no saben de q hablas 😒
sos groso pablito, sabelo 😉 😉 😉
volvere 😉 😉 😉
pablo lo que tenia para decirte te lo mande por mp 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️
alejo muy buena la idea,muy locas y derrapantes las fotos 😳 😳 😳
un post explosivo,dificil y hermoso 😉 😉
besos a los dos 😉
El gran alejo y su pecado de postear diferente, con la filosa pluma delirante y al mismo tiempo racional del gran Pabloalmagro.
Todo un desafío, un post cautivante, complicado, sorprendente, loco, inverosimil, con miles de interpretaciones posibles, un post yo diría como la vida misma!
Felicitaciones a los dos por esta asociación para delirar! 😀
Los puntos de hoy, y un gran abrazo.
Un delirante muestrario de imagenes entre o oscuro y lo artistico.
Me encanto!!
🆒 Estaschapable 🆒
No te olvides chiquilin, que al lado del armario donde guardo un cargamento de Glostora (que es con lo que le lusto el budin a Lau todas las noches) tengo la escopeta y una bolsa llena de cartuchos! Abrazo! 😉
Prometido es deuda. +10
sublime!!! arte sin más
saludos a los dos
pd: (aunque no se porque pablito esta chinchudo conmigo, igual te quiero )
Volvimos con simbólicos puntos de reconocimiento !!!
vos lo unico que lustras es el caño de lord putazo 😛 😛 😛
volvi con puntos capos
Al mejor postor, lustro lustro!! Al menos ahora me valorizo, no lo hago mas gratis, como otros! 😉 Jajajjajaa!
Logre un milagro, que escribas mas de un renglon... al menos tus comentarios no son copy paste de vos mismo, man! Eso tiene un merito, como cuando lograste dormir sin mearte en la cama! Igual no te preocupes, mis comentarios no los lee nadie! 😀 😀 😀
este aporte es un arte digno de verse
gracias camarrada