This post is dedicated to
due to the enthusiasm put into the post, due to actively involving themselves in editing it, without mentioning the dissemination that has given it, and because of this the impact it has had.
Thanks, doc!
Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.
Kyla Cole
If I don't see an image, send me one.
Private message
At my orders... unleash hell!
Attention! Attention!!! I'm asking for only a few moments, just a moment more... The fun will come... It will happen at its due time... Les habla TheUndeath. I'm addressing everyone, including Poringa boys and foreigners. Not long ago, I joined this community. I don't have the highest rank, nor is it my goal to have one. I'm just a new full member, yet I'm no less than that. I don't appear in the rankings. I speak as one more, as someone who gives his humble perspective on the situation and transmits my words according to my experiences. Let me tell you (part) of my story... Many years ago, I left in search of something without knowing what a waste it was. And since I didn't know what I wanted, but I wanted something, I sought something that could answer my concerns. The fears for the risks of life, natural for any being that presumes to be oriented in time and space, necessary for one's own conservation, made me refuse many times what wasn't habitual, which in me is about pleasures. Then I understood that what was holding me back was fear. What kind of fear? Fear of my own desire. I was afraid to express what I felt, afraid to express myself. Fear of the other, whether to make a fool of myself or be taken as sick, but mainly it was fear towards myself, fear that what I desired could be something my conscience would reject and I'd get caught between my desires and my duties. The Greeks had a premise... Know yourself. Because unknown to one can put you at risk, and another. It's good to know oneself, to define for example, the limits. I didn't arrive at these conclusions easily, and if I transmit them, it's not to reveal my intimacy, but to encourage someone who may be going through the same thing and can't overcome it. The truth is that I arrived here very recently... Let me tell you: I used to have a simple and unproductive routine: basically, I'd sit in front of... monitor and mouse in hand and stick on the other side spent extensive hours masturbating fiercely. I navigated around, from one side to the other, without a fixed course, shipwrecked and so always... Until one good day, after several hours of work with both hands, my feet numb and cold, my knees stiff, radial tendinitis, and surely conjunctival redness, internet avatars took me to Poringa's coast! Here is my story... Each one will have their own. And really, I did it, that of arriving unexpectedly, it could be said that by chance. But when you analyze the situation more closely, you realize that that chance was not 'total', but rather you generated something for it to happen, it was a causality. Just as it is a causality that you are reading this. Chance did not bring you here. You were brought. The truth is that those little windows with 15?, 20? photos of a set were a good palliative, I was satisfied with just that. But then, when you acquire certain practice, that becomes insufficient. I wanted more. I wanted to express myself. And so it went like this, slowly getting into P! First by commenting. Observing posts. Observing the big shots how they succeed. Asking for help and advice even from novices. Until I dared to take the great leap of making my first post. So I say to you, don't give up if you're not new full yet... The day will come... There's always a perverse eye watching you... There are always available points... And you'll say more than posting and posting: 'I can't surpass this, look at the flower of posts that guy made', 'I don't have images for the Poringa girl category'... Excuses!!! Excuses that show your weakness!!! Fight! Fight! Fight! Never stop fighting... Try to surpass yourself in your posts... And to those who watch passively, I say: encourage yourselves... Express yourselves... Opinionate... We all need each other. Don't beg for points... be worthy of them... The most pedantic post It can receive points... Don't stop creating... Don't let yourself be carried away by stereotypes... Try to create your own styles... There's always someone waiting for you... What causes disgust in one is a pleasure for another... Don't be afraid... Don't give up on the search... Don't quit... Quitting is the easiest thing... Keeping fighting is what counts... That's my choice... I'll post as much as my possibilities allow. And honestly, if I had more time, I'd post more. We're poringa boys or whatever we are?! What the hell are we, a slut mother?! And do what you want, do it with respect... and respect isn't just shown in opinions... Respect is breaking yourself to give...
Quality to a post
And if your post is crap, that will be determined by someone else, what matters is the effort you put into building it.
Respect... Ja... Respect... What a devalued word! It's time to give it a wipe and make it shine.
Be proud!!!! Be proud of the community!!!!
Thanks, porn boys. Thanks for being there!
May Mars and Bellona bless them. May Apollo crown them with laurels. And may Dionysus, Venus, and their entire retinue of lust pour the nectar of lubricity over their heads!
Today is history... and you are part of it.
Now it's true... with you guys Kyla, Kyla, Kyla Cole! The gladiator!!! They called her
To whom was battling with another or a beast in the public games of Ancient Rome. The most accepted theory about the origin of this word is that it derives from the word Gladius, the sword used by them.
The origin of gladiator battles has to be sought in the
Etruscan Funeral Customs
In whose monuments appear represented, and, going back a bit more, it is likely that one could find some relation to the custom of sacrificing prisoners in the tomb of the dead hero from war, practiced by some primitive peoples.
Constituted a part of the funeral games of the Etruscans and seem to refer to the
Saturn cult
which indicates that in the beginning they were celebrated during Saturnalia. Said battles were introduced to Rome around the 3rd century BC. As there weren't always prisoners fighting while the corpse was burned on the pyre 🙎♂️, since it was the moment when the gladiatorial duel took place, where the blood that flowed was like a holocaust offered to the deceased, there were no lack of brave men who volunteered to fight. These were the first gladiators.
As happened with many other customs of antiquity, gladiator battles, which had begun as a religious ritual of significance, ended up being a public spectacle that came to inspire a frenzied passion. 🙎♂️
If one is to believe Valerio Máximo and the Roman historian Tito Livio in his work
Books from the Founding of the City
, were the brothers Marco Junio Pera (Roman Consul in 230 BC, Roman Censor in 225 BC and last Roman Dictator in 216 BC) and Decimus Junius Pera (Roman Consul in 266 BC, and Roman Censor in 253 BC) who gave the first
Gladiatorial service
In the year 490 of Rome, 264 B.C., in the Forum Boarium on account of the funerals of his father, no less renowned Junius Brutus Pera, who was Roman Consul in the year 292 B.C. and a direct descendant (of ancient Etruscan lineage) from one of the founding families of Rome.
As there were many systems designed to combat and various throws and fortunes in each battle, rules were set for the art of gladiator, whose teaching was entrusted to lanists or old gladiators. Under their charge, were fiscal gladiators, or dependents of the fisc, since the State maintained them under a special regime and paid them. Other lanists recruited and maintained boys to fight in the arena, which they later rented out for funerals, meals, and other solemnities. Nor did opulent individuals lack who had gladiators, and the Caesars, as it is logical, possessed the best.
Old authors, especially Suetonius, provide many details about gladiator battles and the emperors' interventions in such festivals. For example, Nero made four hundred senators and two hundred knights fight one day at the amphitheater. Trajan, after his expedition to the Danube, had ten thousand gladiators fight during the 123-day festival.
Trained gladiators educated in schools by lanists were rented or sold, so that lanists were their teachers and employers at the same time. These schools, which people could afford to maintain in the last years of the Republic, were scattered throughout different parts of the Roman territory. The Empire founded many more: Domiciano established four in Rome, called ludus Gallicus, Dacicus, magnus, and matutinus. In Preneste, Rávena, and Alexandria, due to the healthy climate, imperial institutions of this kind were set up, and the Fencing School of Capua retained its old reputation for a long time.
The philosopher Lucio Anneo Séneca left us a text where he shows his consternation before the sterile and bloody slaughter of gladiators in the Roman circus:
By chance, I attended a midday exhibition, expecting a bit of entertainment, some jokes, to relax... But everything turned out the opposite... These noon fighters come out without any kind of armor, exposing themselves defenseless to punches, and none miss. In the morning they throw men to lions; at noon they throw them to spectators. The crowd demands that the victorious one who has killed his opponents be thrown to the man who will kill him, and the last victor is reserved for another massacre. This kind of event takes place with almost empty stands... Men, sacred to men, are killed for entertainment and laughter.
Obviously the source of the information is
This has been an exclusive production for...
I hope you enjoyed it!! 😊
Keep exploring my other posts!
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Any similarity with some being or product is pure coincidence.
35 comentários - La Gladiadora: Kyla Cole
Buen aporte
si hay que seguir que tarde o temprano te haces full
pero si intentas mejorar en tus post como lo decis
y comentando
esta pronto subir
me gusto tu aporte
lo lei todo
estoy seco
mañana paso
me lo llevo
y me voy a estar pegando una vuelta por tus aportes
k guerrera!!! mi dios!!
si mi hermano lo importante es comentar, a seguir adelanteeee
terrible post informativo sobre gladiodores
Sí, tenés razón! Una gran macana... 😞 Edito el post y te aviso!
Si de Playboy alguno lee, póngase las pilas que acá tenemos un Graves del erotismo y la sutileza.
Este post es magnífico, a la altura de los de los mejores (y no quiero dar nombres, pero según mi parecer son dos que empiezan con A y terminan con un cardinal u ordinal). UN POST SUBLIME.
Gracias por la dedicatoria. Ciertamente esta mujer es una diosa, tiene tanta belleza que intimida por fotos, en persona supongo... congela el tiempo.
ESTE TIENE QUE SER TOP POST. HAY QUE PEDIR STYCKY. Voy a comentarlo a la comunidad, porque lo merece. Los puntos que tengo hoy, los daré -como siempre- a un novato, pero mañana te los prometo todos. Ahora, vamos a ver si hacemos que este post tenga la cantidad de puntos y favoritos que merece.
Undeath, Salud
excelente los consejo para muchos q no se animan.
A este poringuero recien lo conozco... nunca lo vi por acá ojalá siga asi como dice
por lo pronto el post es un gran aporte, bien hecho! Salu2.
pd: gracias x avisar dr. house 😉
\"Un abrazo fuerte desde mardel de parte de este poringuero comentero, alentador y amigo logeado como danielg666 que esta tratando de pasar por todos tus post!;) Pero... vos trataste de pasar por todos los post mios???:roll:\"[/color]
\"COMENTAR es AGRADECER TU TRABAJO y el de que postea para NOSOTROS!;)\"[/color]
\"Es un sentimiento que solo nosotros los poringueros entendemos!\"[/color]
\"Un abrazo fuerte desde mardel de parte de este poringuero comentero, alentador y amigo logeado como danielg666 que esta tratando de pasar por todos tus post!;) Pero... vos trataste de pasar por todos los post mios???:roll:\"[/color]
\"COMENTAR es AGRADECER TU TRABAJO y el de que postea para NOSOTROS!;)\"[/color]
\"Es un sentimiento que solo nosotros los poringueros entendemos!\"[/color]
muy buen post de verdad 😉 😉 😉 😉
la morochaaaa le clavo la espadaa de carne en el orto 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️
Gracias Por Compartir Con Poringa![/color][/size]
> Realmente me agrada que me hayan hecho saber que les gustó! 🆒
> Este post lo hice poniéndome yo desde la perspectiva de un Novato o un foráneo, e imaginándome cuáles eran las palabras de aliento o los consejos que me hubiese gustado que me dieren. Por eso me gustaría que los recién llegados alguna vez, aunque es obvio que no puedan opinar pasen por acá y por ahí tomen confianza o nuevas fuerzas para seguir adelante. Aunque también sé que es medio utópico.
> Además tengo que reconocer que sin el llamado del DrHouse este post seguiría aún sepultado en el olvido, y no puedo remediar como es lógico que inexorablemente en pocos días vuelva a estarlo. Lo que cuenta es que allí estará. Viva Poringa!
>Les estoy tremendamente agradecido A TODOS! 🙌
Muy Original la introducción del post,la música SOBERBIA
Un gran compositor HANZ ZIMMER.
Tu historia y el cómo planteas tus inquietudes,
se reflejan en la realidad,que probablemente
tenemos muchos poringueros
De esta mujer que puedo decir,es bellísima!!!
Felicitaciones y gracias por expresar tu realidad
que seguramentre será compartida por muchos
de los que llegamos a esta costa,como tú la llamas
PORINGA!!! 😉 😉 😉
No te tenía, pero desde ahora trataré de visitarte más seguido.
Espero contar con tu visita también en los mios. 😉
Van merecido puntines
seria bueno que más gente se animara a compartir en esta comunidad, sobre todo a comentar, pero que lo hagan de onda, no solo para convertirse en NFU!
Gracias DrHouseArgentino por el aviso, saludos capo!!!
Gracias por compartir!!!
muy bueno!
Gracias a DrHouse que me avisó de este post.
Me lo llevo a favoritos para volver con puntos.- 😉
YORUGUAONCE La banda de P!
¡Vermouth con papas fritas y good show!
Exelente post!!!
Hermosa trola gracias por compartir
terrible :buenpost: master
🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️
🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️ 🙎♂️
Te Felicito y espero sigas mejor de tu tendinitis radial 😉
sinceras y de corazon, que creo mas de uno de nosotros nos identificamos con tu relato, segui asi compañero, te deseo exitos cuidate mucho salu2
😀 😀
more!!! Sabía que tarde o temprano serías New Full User... 🆒 Felicitaciones, che!!! 😃 Y gracias x tu coment! 😀
muy buen trabajo compañero ,gracias
y si es algo que todos deberían leer al momento de empezar en P!...
voy a recomendarlo creo que me siguen unos cuantos nuevitos!!! beso 😛
Yo tampoco veo las imagenes... te mando MP, cuando las arregles me avisas, de todas formas lo que escribiste es genial y por eso van los +10