¿Problemas con las mujeres?

I know it's a bit long and sometimes gets boring to read but come on, make the effort!!!!


¿Problemas con las mujeres?

Problems with women? Uff, many. There's nothing more torturous than meeting a cutie you like and not knowing what she thinks of you, not knowing if she likes you, if she left a good impression, or if she thinks you're an idiot and laughs at everything you say, just to seem nice and not send you packing. Because that's how it is, women are ten years ahead mentally of men, and I'm saying this because they're way ahead of us. Women know if they're going to get with you within five minutes of meeting you. They give you a cheek kiss and already think 'I'll get with this guy'. It's not the same for men. We have no idea what's going on, we don't catch the hints (we realize them when we get home after the date) and when we do, we get it wrong. Uh, she said I was a fun guy, and also said she liked guys who were fun, so I figured...” You're moving your mouth towards hers and the cutie pushes you back like your mouth had sulfuric acid and she's saving her life 'What are you doing, jerk?!' 'Nothing, you said you liked fun guys, and you said I was one, so I assumed that...' 'Yes, I like fun guys! Fun guys and HANDSOME ones! You're not handsome!' It's like this, women meet someone and say 'I'll get with him'. Men do too. Do they know where the difference is? In that women do it and we don't.the

Problems with women? Uff, many. Who lie more? Men or women? Both. We men are more liars, but women tell the biggest lies. A man's lie is 'I was at a friend's house who was depressed because they broke up' while they were celebrating the event with a girlfriend...her

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In contrast, a woman's lie is 'It's your son'!!!!!!

Problems with women? Uff, many. Men always have something hidden in our room, on our computer, under our bed, somewhere, and obviously we don't want our partner to find out about it. But the woman finds pornography. And she doesn't find it in all those tremendous hiding spots you made for yourself, eh. No, nothing like that. The woman always finds pornography on the DVD. Always on the DVD. And you say The stupid mother, how can she be so stupid as to leave me the porn movie on the dvd? Do you want to know why? Because when you're having a masturbation session, you're not in your proper mental state. Masturbation can bring pimples, calluses, amnesia and other crap, but it serves to prevent testicular cancer, so that's a very good excuse to keep going.¿Problemas con las mujeres?

Problems with women? Uff, many. The relationships between men and women are getting more insecure and sex is changing, especially oral sex. After a year of dating, oral sex gets lost. It's not the same anymore. I miss those times at the restaurant or in recess.Now you never give it to me again. But that's wrong. You have to keep the flame alive, and what better way than keeping the flame alive by having oral sex? Damn, let's add passion, let's add feeling, I want you to suck me like you had diabetes and my piece had insulin.



[/swf][/swf][/swf]theherLlIt¿Problemas con las mujeres?theherLl
There's no better way to show love. Bah, yes, there is, but we prefer this.[/swf][/swf][/swf]

Problems with women? Ugh, many. I hate it when instead of saying 'do' they say 'practice'. It's already happened to me once because of that. I came home and found her sucking my best friend off, and I said 'What are you doing, crazy bitch?' 'I'm practicing oral sex'[/swf][/swf][/swf]
¿Problemas con las mujeres?theherLlIt¿Problemas con las mujeres?theher



Problems with women? Uff, many. Many women complain that men don't talk to them. 'My love, you're not talking. What's wrong? You're not talking. I want us to talk. Let's talk. Why aren't you talking? Talk! Tell me why you're not talking!' It is like this, women love to talk. If there were speaking competitions in the Olympics, there wouldn't be a single man left. But still, women don't like men to talk and talk and talk, eh. Women like it when they are listened to, and when you ask them the right questions so they can let their voices out. A man only has to ask the right questions, that's how it is. You get home 'How was your day, my love?' That's a correct question, and it's a 45-minute conversation with a woman. Give her all the time to express herself and listen to her at the same time. That's fine. And as a man, you don't have to talk, just pretend to talk following the little manual: 'Really?', 'No!', 'Yes', 'Go on', 'Yes, it happened', 'I can't believe it!', 'Take them seriously? Really?' 'Look at yourself!' 'You're right'. But something you can't do is come home and tell your wife 'You don't know what happened to me!' Because the mental response of a woman to that is: 'No, I don't know what happened to you, and I don't want to know'. Women should be listened to, and it's perfect, besides it avoids men from talking because when we talk, we say nonsense.[/swf][/swf][/swf]

Problems with women? Uff, many. Women like having platonic friends, they love having platonic friends. “Oh yes, he's my platonic friend, my companion, the one who is everywhere, I love him and it's like my brother” They love having platonic friends. Men don't. We don't have platonic girlfriends. Those are women we haven't turned yet...Those from the photologs, or amateur ones that teach to get us hot but you'll never touch them...[/swf][/swf][/swf]
¿Problemas con las mujeres?the
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[/swf]herLlIt¿Problemas con las mujeres?theherLlIt
That's what they are. I mean, we all have a couple of platonic friends, I have some platonic friends, but it's by accident. Each platonic friend I have is a woman who was trying to get rid of me, and suddenly there was a detour and I ended up in the 'Friend Zone'. Women keep platonic friends for life, why? Because you never know. They change friends every six months What happened to Pamela? No, she got over it But they keep platonic friends for life, why? Because you never know. What happened to Carolina? Nothing, I can't take her anymore! But they keep platonic friends for life, why? Because you never know. Do you know what a platonic friend is for a woman? It's like a cock in a glass box. In case of emergency, break the glass.[/swf][/swf][/swf]
What do you know about a platonic friend for a woman? It's like a cock in a glass box. In case of an emergency, break the glass. Men, don't ask how many she was with before. Why not? Because you don't want to know. What do you want to know? Just be content that now it's happening to you too. And no matter what she says, it will be too much for you. She'll say 'I slept with two' 'With two?! With two?! You were with two?! I suppose that's how they raised you!'[/swf][/swf][/swf]
¿Problemas con las mujeres?

Problems with women? Uff, many. I'm a one-woman man. I still haven't met her, but I'm a one-woman man, and the thing is that I don't see any woman by my side...because there isn't any woman by my side, because if there was a woman by my side now, I'd see her wouldn't I? The truth is that I'm single by choice. Not exactly by my choice, but...I understand why I am. It's more, I still don't get how I could have had girlfriends. I don't get it. How could women have been with me?! I look in the mirror and I don't understand. When I'm in a relationship, I look in the mirror and ask myself “Have I sold my soul to the devil for a woman? I don't remember but it might be” That's how it is, I don't get it.[/swf][/swf][/swf]

Problems with women? Uff, many.

A former girlfriend of mine called me and said... I have to give you both good and bad news. Okay, what's the good news? We're going to have a child Really?! That's great! We should celebrate! Bring champagne! Uh, I'm so excited! I'm going to be a dad! And you're going to be a mom, and uh, you're going to be an excellent mom! You're going to be a ten out of ten mom! And how did you know the bad news?

You've probably guessed. When I found out I had ten kids, I ran faster than Forrest Gump in a villa.

Because that's how it is. When you have one kid, you think it's the most beautiful thing that's ever happened to you. When you have ten, maybe you'll think the most beautiful thing that could've happened was using a condom.

But not abortion. And if it occurs to you to suggest it, forget about it, because imagine if you suggested it and she still went ahead with it. The kid will be nine years old and will tell you off... son, how are you? Alive! I'm like that! Alive!

40 comentários - ¿Problemas con las mujeres?

Espectacular post! a favoritos para leerlo tranqui!

muy bueno rodri!
A favoritos y luego lo leo tranquilo. Saludos!!! 😀
Como le dí una leída rápida...

luguercio dijo:Espectacular post! a favoritos para leerlo tranqui!

muy bueno rodri!

Pero en lo que leí, puedo decir que...


🆒 Así que gracias por invitarme 😉
jjaja terrible past amigaso
jajja me cague de risa por que tuve situaciones vividas
😀 😀 😀 , amigo platonico jajaja es una pija de emergencia 😀 😀 😀
terrible post amigaso felicitaciones por excelente post

a favoritos para leerlo

sos un grosoooooooooooooooo

P! Gracias por el post,

quien comenta agradece

Rumal dijo:jejej muy bueno.
muy bueno

ufff vale mas que yo no tengo problemas con las mujeres 😀 😀


[Font=engravers mt] poringa es un vicio sano y entretenido P! a full! [/font]
😀 😀 😀 😀 Excelente post amigo muy divertido...además de

los videos...Yo creo que la mentira más grande del hombre cuando

está con una mujer es:


Buenísimo tu post amigo. Contás con mucho humor y buenas dosis de ironía situaciones que nos han pasado y nos pasan a todos los hombres cotidianamente. Es cierto que los hombres somos bastante pelotudos y que las minas en general son calculadoras y tremendas hijas de puta, entre todos los hombres yo a menudo me siento el más pelotudo de todos. Las minas conmigo siempre han hecho que lo quisieron, mientras que yo con ellas hice lo que ellas me han dejado hacer (y a menudo menos, por ser tan boludo).
Gracias por tu post, me pareció de lo más original. Saludos 😉
muy bueno tu post muchas cosas cierta

otras me dieron risa por recuerdos 😀 😀 😀

sino sabes llevar una mujer no duraras mucho con ella 😉

uno aveces no entiende a las mujeres o

uno no capta la seña que te quizo hacer 🤔 🤔

pero en fin siempre estamos atras ellas como unos boludos

gracias por compartir con

capò...estaba empezando a leer tu post ( apenas dos lines, 😀 😀 )

cuando sin queres aprete la tacla de espacio en mi computador 😉 .... y cuando vi esas

fottitos..... no¡¡¡¡¡¡.... me deje llevar por mis impulsos poringueros....... por el

momento que nuanas fotos..se posteo capo... ( yase que ese no era el motivo del post. 😀

😀 ) pero me han robado mi concentracion....cuando la recupere...... me dispondre a

leerlo... 😀 😀 😀 😀

salu2 😉
que Kpo que SOS!!!

como sabes mi correo, porque me mandaste mensaje privado...

que groso +10 y a favoritos...

lo voy a imprimir y lo voy a colgar en el almacen de mi viejo (aunque lo voy a editar por las fotos y las palabras)

tambien voy a darcelo a un amigo que tiene un taller... le viene bien!!! jejeje
🙂 😉 🙄 😛 😃 😞 😩 😢 🙎‍♂️ 😐 🤔 🆒 😬 😀 😳 🤤 :winky::crying::bobo:😁:alaba::lpmqtp::idiot:🤷:8S::]:blind::buaa::cold::hot::love::globo::zombie:👨🤘:mario::info::exc::q:🇳🇴🆗:WOW::LOL::oo::RIP:👽:trago::money::culo::auto::lala::fantasma::buenpost::GET A LIFE::headbang::limon::verde:
No más porque me gusto el comentario anterior jajaja.


-Es la pura verdad, las minas dicen cuando coger ellas mandan sobre el hombre, controlan al mundo... gracias que todavia no se dieron cuenta!!!!!!!-

🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤 🤤

En cambio, una mentira de una mujer es “Es tu hijo”!!!!!!

Loco perdona pero explicame esto porqeu no lo entendi 😀
Buenisimo ! Gran trabajo y hermosas mujeres ...cuantas situaciones reales 😀 😀 😀

excelente tu post amigo tremendo una obra de arte que se le va a hacer las mujeres son asi

una mentira de unas mujer es un hijo

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

muy buen post master

¿Problemas con las mujeres?
Muy buen post, pero no comparto de que las minas estan adelantadas a nosotros por el solo hecho de saber cuando van a coger. Solo porque tienen el poder de desicion de con quien abrirse de gambas no significa que esten adelantadas.
A ver quien es el adelantado??? cuando uno entra a un boliche se fija en una mina y sin que la mina te vea ya estas diciendo que te la vas a llevar a la cama \" A esta me la cojo\" y al otro dia amaneces con la mina al lado. De quien es el merito, de la mina que eligio o del flaco que se propuso encamarse y lo logro???
Excelentes fotos y que sigan los exitos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muy bueno che! Espectacular! Hay muchas verdades, te rompen los huevos, te piden pelotudeces, hablan hasta cuando duermen y esas cosas... Pero que lindo es ver un buen par de tetas, una buena tirada de goma, un culito redondito, esas boquitas sensuales! 🤤 🤤 🤤

Gracias por el aporte y por mi comentario imagino que muchas me putearan! 😀 😀 😀

sii son re mentiroasa las hijas de puta!!!

re chupa pija tambien!!



¿Problemas con las mujeres?
muy vbuen post hermano!

mis +10 de hoy.

alto post!!
Muy buen post!!

muy lindas fotis..........!!!!!!!


\"Frutillita\" 😛 😛 😛

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