✧ â–¬â–â–¬ â–¬â–â–¬ ✦✧✦ â–¬â–â–¬ â–¬â–â–¬ ✧Previous post below(Click on the image) Artist of this Post:I couldn't find a translation for Daruguxwa. It's possible that it's a proper noun or a word that doesn't exist in Spanish.✧ â–¬â–â–¬ â–¬â–â–¬ ✦✧✦ â–¬â–â–¬ â–¬â–â–¬ ✧
:♂ï¸: ····△▽△▽△▽△▽····
▲•▼•▲•▼•▲•[eggplant]•▲•▼•▲•▼•▲Post by the same author(click on the image)Warning:
3 comentários - Como Viven Los Estudiantes N En El Extranjero?,Y Una NoviaðŸ„