Here are some extra images of Ikkitousen by the same artists
to compensate for the cartoon so short.
Don't worry I'm still working on 'mizukagami no magnolia' but I already had this project forgotten (I even thought I was lost). The dialogue isn't very Shakespearean so I only modified the text that weren't moans; if it's very loose (I finished in 1 hour and a half) but keeps the factory running. It also seems like the client of masters JadenKaiba (Two artist brothers) who commissioned this project, has abandoned it, but I translated it anyway because I'm a fan of Ikkitousen girls (After Senran Kagura the best harem waifus in anime).
Despite the lack of initial interrogation and exclamation signs (Those who are upside down and are used at the beginning of the sentence), use the Manga Temple font to combine with the text of the moans.
If you want to see more of these brothers, support them or commission a job from them, these are some links:
1 comentários - Chouun Shiryuu X Ryoumou Shimei