Learning the Hard Way
Title: Dokidoki Haha Musume Lesson
Alternate Title: Learning The Hard Way
Genre: Hentai, Virgin, Haren, Orgia, Yuri, Trio
Chapters: 2/2
Year: 2007
Audio: Yes (Japanese)
Subtitles: Yes (Spanish)
Studio: Milky
Format: Mp4
Censorship: NO
Synopsis: This story follows protagonist Atsushi Itaku, a university student who gives private lessons and is in love with Chidori, who asks him to teach the daughter of her friend Arisa. When he goes to Aki's house, a casual encounter with Nami Sato, a neighbor who also asks him to be the tutor of her daughter, takes things beyond simple private lessons...link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5rM2O9Klpo&feature=youtu.beSecond Part:link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHiPZo7GnaM&feature=youtu.be
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