Feminine Pleasures in Quarantine

The last year had us all locked up, with more free time; alone at home or maybe the opposite, with less privacy than before. And in that time I could talk to some women who told me they discovered some things about themselves and their sexuality during these months.
I was writing some shouts asking about these details but now a new post to see if it has more impact.P And THE LESBIANISM
I wonder how many new lesbians Poringa has created, how many women have entered the page with desires to see some sex and ended up discovering their desires through their own gender. How many new lesbians will have been born thanks to this site? How many women have started having lesbian as one of their favorite categories when searching for something to relax after a long day of work?

Feminine Pleasures in Quarantine





Men are used to taking it off and getting undressed, wearing clothes is no novelty. But I don't count it as a novelty in the female gender but if I imagine that due to the lack of intimacy given by isolation in many homes women had to give themselves kisses with more clothes on, doing it quickly to be able to hide quickly in case someone disturbs that intimate moment of self-pleasure. Am I right girls? Was there more clothing during their fondling?

Feminine Pleasures in Quarantine


Are there milfs who have discovered the world of porn during quarantine?
Some discovered it, even those who re-discovered masturbation as it wasn't very common in their day but this year they've learned again how good it is to have moments of self-love, reaching pleasure like one desires with time, energy, strength and stimulation that each of you knows what you like. Are there more milfs who discovered this year the porn, hot chat, cyber sex?




Feminine Pleasures in Quarantine

The Taboo
Is female masturbation a great taboo?
It's talked about a lot here and in general about how men touch each other. It's known, it's commented on, everything is said. But few women talk about it, about their personal pleasure.
And that made me think of men who enjoy masturbating with other men, which was their first sexual experience.
Are there women who have lived that? Have they discovered orgasm with a friend in their youth? Do women not have that level of trust to enjoy something so intimate with others?


LesbiansAnd I started thinking about these things over the past few days, imagining and wondering. I imagine that many women or P users don't openly comment on these topics because they know it's opening a door to thousands of chat comments and more. I'm leaving this post in case some brave woman wants to share if she lived through all this over the past months, if she thought about it or if someone else asked themselves these questions like me. Obviously, comments are open to everyone and also the chat if you need to comment but in a more private way. Total confidence with me. Greetings

12 comentários - Feminine Pleasures in Quarantine

blopayo +1
Muy buenos planteamientos. Sé de varias chicas que en la cuarentena acrecentaron sus colecciones de juguetes, comprando online y eso, asi que si, calculo que ellas supieron darse mucho auto amor éstos meses...
si, de eso se tambien. De los negocios que supieron vender mas estos meses. asi que hubo mucha paja.
Asi que a no tener verguenza chicas, a contar como les fue
Interesante. Estos planteos me despiertan ese bichito morboso de la curiosidad. Hay acaso algo más bello que una mujer desnuda dándose placer? Es una de mis imágenes preferidas. Espero se animen a responderte y luego a contar conclusiones que las espero a
Esperemos que pase, aun no se dio. Hay que motivar para que mas mujeres hablen y cuenten
Excelente post querido
Gracias por compartir
Gracias a vos por pasar. Me alegro que guste
juuli88 +1
mi lado lesbi ya lo tenia descubierto antes de la cuarentena. el aislamiento me encontro sola, en otro pais con mucha incertidumbre... y descargaba toda la angustia e incertidumbre con la paja. nunca, ni en mi adolescencia, fui tan pajera como el año pasado. y lo hice sola, con mi amiga, o con los dos chongos de ese momento (todo virtual, obvio). hasta con una usuaria de aca 😛
p.d: por suerte, antes del encierro me habia comprado un consolador para jugar 😃
Lo mas posible es que si no lo tenias de antes el consolador lo comprabas en pandemia como muchos jajaja
Y si. La paja con acompañamiento virtual nos ayudo a muchos. Y yo tambien, mi ritmo pajeril es mayor al de mi adolecencia
Excelente estilo para encarar uno de esos temas que la sociedad pacata etiqueta como tabú! Bien ahi!
Gracias por el comentario y los puntos
Ya paso cuarentena y encierro. recorde ahi conoci poringa y nacio la exhibicionista, empece a hacer mas largas las sesiones de manopleada, y no usar corpiño. No me pego la curiosidad lesbica, sino el calentarme viendo tipos hetero buscando ser empomados.
Muchas conocieron la pagina en esa epoca y estar mucho aca hace que la ropa se vaya y mas manos se pongan inquietas...
Quizas la curiosidad bi llegue dentro de poco.... Y que lindo eso de los hombres con la cola curiosa, somos muchos 😏😘
@EscritorOculto 😁
@GorditaCulona si necesita material de heteros gozando para ayudar a la manopleada no dude en pedir
Se que es un post viejo pero buenisimo che, esuve viendo un poco de tu contenido y es genial
gracias por pasar y comentar