Me convertí en su mujer, solo debía darle placer…

Poco a pouco fomos nos tornando mais próximos em todos os sentidos, com o passo do tempo até eu mesmo me mudei para sua casa porque entendíamos que não fazia sentido estar indo e vindo apenas para passar todo o tempo juntos, afinal e ao fim, nem tínhamos muitos obstáculos por parte dos meus pais que mais ou menos já entendiam a situação e se bem não estavam completamente de acordo me deixaram ir sem penas nem glória. Ele disse que gostava de se referir a mim como ele, não apenas sozinho mas também com amigos e parentes que frequentemente iam à casa para passar o tempo conosco, ver o futebol e demais, eu precisava atendê-los sempre me agradava, não me importava, desde que finalmente me mudei para sua casa ele havia comprado roupa, perfume e demais, tudo de mulher ou similar ao que usaríamos uma mulher, mesmo em relação à roupa interior, lingerie e demais, eu não me importava, me sentia tão hipnotizado por ele e seu amor por mim que estava permitindo tudo porque eram experiências que realmente me encantavam. Para mim era prioridade agradá-lo e uma vez que terminei com os meus estudos me dediquei de corpo e alma a ele, não apenas no pessoal e íntimo, mas também havia me dado trabalho como seu assistente pessoal no buffet de advogados que dirigia.Me convertí en su mujer, solo debía darle placer…We were all on the sides together and in all sides I had to attend him, he was slowly domesticating me.Anal sex If I had done everything as he asked and the reward for me was his cock, sometimes he would ask me to suck his cock in the office and stay with his cum in my mouth all day at work, other times, when I delayed or did things badly, he would practice sex on me wherever we were, sometimes in the building's bathroom, other times in his office, but also in the elevator or even in the courtyard if we weren't near the coast, when there was people around, I had no problem leaving everything half-done and calling myself to pick him up. And I didn't have permission to clean up anything he left in me wherever it decided to do so, that's what I loved because it was a contract we had both decided to sign, I lived in a state of complete heat and woke up in my most slutty state, that's what he did, I don't know how he did it, but if he gave an order, I had to fulfill it. When we got home and I left being his prostitute and became his woman, his partner, not saying that I didn't stay savage, but always, at all times, took care of me like a princess in every sense of the word. There were days when I dressed discreetly to go to the office, but there were also days when he said what I would wear, I didn't do it so often because the men from the place looked at me with their eyes, even his own relatives came up to me and tried to get me and that excited him because he trusted me and knew I wouldn't do anything without telling him, but at the same time, jealousy was also important, every time something like this happened, he would punish me with violent sex for being so slutty, while he always wanted more and always turned me into an animal for him, it was his dog while he taught me and I gave my body to his pleasure, that's all that mattered. It didn't even matter if I went out debaixo do seu escritório com boca cheia de cume quando eu lhe pedia ficar sozinho com alguém mais que entrava na oficina para ter uma reunião com ele nesse momento. Agora que penso, o perfume importado que me regalava provavelmente seja para que não se sentisse o cheiro de sêmen que em muitas oportunidades eu tinha no meu corpo.oral sex

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