Following with the first account, my relationship with Hamid was very good, very grateful for what both my mother and I with his grades, plus the older sister of Hamid joined my mother and other women all married to men of good social position had a foundation where they helped boys especially from the street with food and education some of those women married to a lawyer and auctioneer in the area got married to their only daughter, and we were all invited to the wedding which took place in a closed neighborhood that had a house used for events, my relationship was very good one afternoon we went with my mom to her house he was wearing short pants showing off thick legs and a very good torso, we greeted Jalil he was complaining that he should take him to see how he played Rugby he wanted to take me no problem none of this happened and we went to his cousins who were one better than the other especially a guy named Siro, the day of the wedding arrived. The elegant one with a smoking suit the beautiful woman with a silk dress very typical of her culture my mother with my brothers and Aunt Dora was my beloved grandmother's first cousin she was a character a lovely night the newlyweds also danced all night with their younger daughters they loved until it got too much for my sister, the party was very nice my mom retired because she had a commitment in the morning he listened to her and approached Coca if you authorize it and if you want me to stay I commit to taking him goodnight I took care of bringing his family we couldn't all fit in the car because his sister brought her daughters from a cousin went back and told me to wait for him I said yes but I think that night was prepared for him to take me, we left and to get home he took another route we went to a very special area where cars would stop to intimate, at one moment stations like a curve well outside the others, he looks at me well, nervous. Look there's something that happens to me with you I don't know but it's very strong being alone with you takes me to this it shows its pubic area and note that it was growing what didn't take long for me to put my hand on it me look he unbuckled his pants and pulled out a spectacular cock in size and thickness I looked at him he was masturbating I got down and as I could I introduced it into my mouth the delirium of pleasure with the other hand he was searching for my Booty and didn't stop caressing it after that situation I was decided to everything days passed then I went to look for him and he wasn't saying anything just looking at me so I got more direct took my hand and put it on his member he looked at me we arrived at a storage room that belonged to him in the same one on top there existed like an apartment kitchen bathroom bedroom I looked and started kissing him he did the same thing I undressed him too and dedicated himself to my Booty as he loved receiving pleasure I took him and threw myself onto the sofa with my legs behind me and dedicated himself to my Booty with his tongue it was very special here I just took a gel put it on his cock and placed it in my Booty played with his fingers like to dilate me and started only when I supported myself and penetrated something felt like if an incandescent bar burned the note my pain but didn't stop he did it very delicately but the pain overwhelmed me but at a moment the mechanism of my mind gave me the order not to leave that pleasure so it was the one who gave the final thrust that I felt everything inside mine I had no experience but tried to move my hips to reduce the pain I knew I felt him inside mine his cum what excited me most when I pulled out he licked my Booty with his tongue what a pleasure we went to shower stayed for a while after that moment my life changed I couldn't express what I was feeling with anyone there were things I didn't understand today if a married hetero man having sex with a homosexual and homophobic culture but it helped me understand that in his culture it was a sin It was mandatory for them not to care who they married, with men they knew on the day of the wedding and even more so at night, only the man is the one who has pleasure if the husband demands different sexual things from the mandate, always believing him, the woman is submissive, and doesn't speak or express herself if her husband satisfies her, but in your culture there's no such thing as homosexuality, clearly our culture is different, I'll continue telling my life story in the next account, the best is yet to come!!!!
1 comentários - Mi experincia Gay que conocí el amor (1)