What had happened to my brother was the most yummy and strange thing that I ever imagined, surely everyone wondered where his head was for messing with his own brother? but does it really matter? There are worse things and they are less noticed and judged, but it will be a too difficult topic to debate, better I'll continue with what happened after Leo. In reality it was too hard to get used to not masturbating daily with my brother, it was like discovering a new world outside the room when we got back from classes, he spent more time with his girlfriends and I felt less and less; pornography turned out to be a good ally for those moments when I needed to release, but after physical contact, it wasn't enough just a magazine, a movie and a jacket before sleeping. The topic homosexual was very complicated to shout that I needed sex; it wasn't like now, now you can almost lift a rock and find it anywhere; for a long time I kept myself with my own hand, then that vague feeling came back. Suddenly my eyes focused on my father again, with the years his age had settled more, he was one of those mature men who carried arms like a mason, broad back and legs like an American football player; and with his masculine way of behaving only managed to draw my attention more. I loved seeing him walk around the house in underwear; rarely used boxers, always wore trunks, and when it was weekend he would put on just the lycra shorts, without anything underneath; his cock would swing and you could have a wide view of its size, oh how excited I got seeing him like that. —And Leo?—My father asked, arriving from the workshop, with his white shirt dirty and his pants twice as dirty, he smelled of sweat, it was very penetrating his aroma—And Dani? —He went out to play soccer with his friends —Did you give him permission? Did he do his homework? —Like that, or I let him go before he finished his obligations, even I help wash clothes Do you want me to wash what you're wearing? I noticed that my father would bring something with an alcohol smell and always when he arrived like that, he would drink more beers than he usually had in the fridge and then he would stay looking at TV until he fell asleep. —I'll take a shower Do you want to order something for dinner? —No, I'll make do with what's in the refrigerator—while we were talking on our feet, he started taking off his clothes, first the shirt, then the pants, leaving only his underwear and those tight briefs that made me tremble. When he took off his shirt, I noticed the perfect muscle definition that was still very evident even at rest in his chest and arms, maybe he had lost some definition in his abdomen, but it didn't look bad, he had a lot of hair, from the belly button up to sign like an enormous T with his breasts. He took off his pants with some difficulty, they always got stuck on his feet, he wore size 10, he was a big person, and his legs intimidated; his volume was big and his shins were perfect, there was also a lot of dark hair, but what I liked most was those huge testicles that drew on the fabric. —Can you wash this?—He extended his hand; without problems, I picked up his clothes. —Do you want me to wash your underwear too?—I didn't lose anything by trying to see a little more; after all, it wouldn't go any further. —When I'm done bathing, I'll give them back to you; while I drink a beer; and when I'm finished bathing, we'll eat together—He walked towards the laundry room, while walking, I fantasized about him. His clothes smelled of male; never failed to remind me of that occasion when I could see his erect penis; and boy did it make me remember seeing his robust image in underwear; I put his clothes in the washing machine and went back so as not to miss anything. When I entered, I heard the shower water breaking on the floor—Do you have more laundry? —Wait!—He shouted, opened the drawer, handed me his underwear and two shirts that were in the bathroom—It's all. I only managed to get more morbid, wanted to burst in and invent something to look at him naked once again; but it wasn't prudent; so I just limited myself to smelling his underwear, placed my nose at the height of the testicles, smelled too tasty; didn't smell dirty, was a genital aroma, that aroma we all carry naturally; oh how I let out an erection imagining how tasty it would have been to take off his clothes myself. Wanted to pull out my cock and sprawl over that garment, but it wasn't prudent, so I had to keep modesty, lower the hardness and return to the kitchen; when I got there they were with a towel held up in their belt, was barefoot and drinking the second beer; we ate and soon the two bottles turned into several and hers, was yawning and struggling against her eyes. Oh how she wasn't wasting time, every time his head fell in sync with his eyes that were slowly closing, I took advantage to look at his almost naked body, his thick calves resting on the bare floor, his thighs almost open and rounded by a towel, the hairs of his navel to his pectorals, and his hands fallen to the sides as if he didn't have strength. As soon as I heard her snoring my neurons gave a shock throughout my body, my nerves got sharp experiencing a sensation of curiosity and desire to take everything off; was between a rock and a hard place, didn't want to break that good bond we had, was analyzing the pros and cons of my recent actions to do it, even thought about not doing it, but my morbo could more than my modesty. I got up and walked to the sofa where he was resting; sat down beside him; in multiple occasions we would throw ourselves at watching TV together on the same sofa, even came to lie on his legs using them as pillows, wasn't something that intimidated or bothered him, we did it with all three sons, so it wasn't something strange for him; and that's exactly what I did. I reclined over his legs leaving my hair over his leg. He made some sounds, between opening his eyes but only adjusted to give me space, opened his legs a little more and threw his head back; I reclined on my side to simulate watching TV as he fell asleep again, put one of his hands on my ribcage, and in about fifteen minutes the snoring began to present itself again. I made several movements to see if there was any reaction, but this time there was only his strong breathing, a light movement over his hand and several symptoms of a deep sleep; as I could pose my hands behind my neck, as if they were playing the role of support between my head and his thin thigh, but the real reason was to be able to touch him a little. Feeling the hardness of his muscle, thick hairs between my fingers, only gave me the desire to get closer, immediately I directed myself to that towel that barely hung from his sharp hips, as it came undone, I had to help with my hands to put them in such a way that they would let me look at him sideways, the surprise is that he wasn't naked, he had another one of his boxers on, and was ready to touch over them. Rose my hand over the smooth skin and coarse hairs covering the entire area, my fingers went down until they touched the elastic of the pants, from the edge came out some trimmed hairs and immediately the mound of the package rose imposingly to the side of my face, with much care I rose over the fabric barely touching with the tips of my fingers, it felt soft but thick, began to search for a way to know what I was touching. Could identify his penis very quickly, it had about 10 cm asleep, and such as I remembered its thickness made more than obvious its position, went down a little more if I understood his hanging and adjusted testicles against the garment; at the same time my heart didn't stop accelerating, my fingers trembled with the position, and my neck began to bother me, so I decide to take a risk To move myself to lie on my back and thus be able to move with greater flexibility. I managed to do so but had to wait for a few more minutes in case he woke up, again my hand palpated his bulging package, but this time with greater confidence I began to touch, press, and handle his equipped bundle—It's bigger than I imagined—it said to me while pressing and pressing. My desires didn't stay there, I wanted to look at it, feel it, even try it, so I prepared myself to take it out of its hiding place in order to indulge a little; if anything helped a lot is that my dad always had deep sleep, always happened to us that when it was time to rest he was an immovable rock, so I could be calm about that part. I started pulling down his pants to look at what was inside, there was a thicket of intertwined hairs with a sleeping member; the size stood out among the pubes and its smell released an aphrodisiac aroma; I put my hand in, it was very warm inside, still soft, I couldn't believe I was touching my father's penis; I wanted to figure out how to remove all his pants, even though with such a size, it would be complicated. It was impossible to make his enormous legs and thick buttocks rise without waking him up, so I did something stupid but ingenious, risky and at the same time something that wouldn't have any form of justification, so being caught would be the worst thing that could happen to me; I got up, went to Dani's certain things and took some scissors to cut the sides of the pants. In truth that was going to be the most crazy thing that had occurred to me, anyone in their right mind would have limited themselves to just looking and all they could, but I always wanted more, always wanted to satisfy what I desired, so with care I crossed the first edge of the fabric and cut slowly, the sound of the cut seemed as sharp as to wake him up, even though at that height any sound seemed exaggerated. The first cut came out perfection, immediately the pants left off being tense, throwing themselves to the other end that was still holding on, with that it was enough for me to have more amplitude of the panorama, but I wanted to reveal it completely, so I carefully stretched my hand with my fingers placed in the rings of the tool, cut it even though it got a bit complicated, had to do counterweight on my dad's leg, but finally I had achieved what I wanted. I took a breath, the cut pants fell between his testicles, oh beauty, tremendous testicles, and such a lovely penis, yet my inconformity wanted it to be literally without pants, so I could well confuse my dad into thinking he wasn't wearing underwear; so I started pulling on the torn garment to see if I could get it under his buttocks; it was very difficult, so I only cut off the mold of the truss that hung there to stop thinking about it and be able to concentrate. I took his flaccid penis and started moving up and down his foreskin, touching his testicles, trying to memorize how it was for later getting more excited; there was no reaction at all, and my eyes were trapped like a hungry shark, I wanted to take him away to my mouth, I wanted to feel more than just the skin, even felt morbid about being penetrated by my progenitor, it was so exciting. When I realized I had gotten that close with my face in front of his member, then I didn't hesitate to try it, I put it in my mouth without applying force or suction, I wanted to feel first how it felt and then avoid waking him up. I started sucking it, licking it, passing my tongue over it, moving up and down his foreskin while the glans remained in my mouth, and that's when I started seeing a reaction, its size wasn't mistaken if it was reacting, so I continued with mine; not wrong! If it was reacting! My tongue covered the entire glans, and I could see how it was increasing in size, it took only a few minutes for the size to have duplicated in size, and I think now I knew the reason for my 22 cm, and the great thickness of my cock, since my dad had an identical one to mine, they were hard, pulsating, radiant, and with an erection at 80%. A part of me wanted to stop, I knew that my mouth would only make him more vulnerable in his sleep, yet I didn't stop, while he got harder, I sucked, swallowed, enjoyed his tasty cock hard; I was very comfortable feeling his thick tool reach the bottom of my throat forcing it all in. I felt like my body froze, my nerves exploded through all my senses; my father's hand had fallen on my buttocks, it was heavy, hairy and hot; I felt like while I kept sucking gave light movements as if trying to get to my anus, discreetly opening my buttocks admitting his thick fingers between my ass; what a thrilling sensation, obligingly began to move to open my legs so he could achieve his goal. I knew that the heat between my buttocks and that suction I knew how to make with my anus would wake up more his desire to penetrate me. And didn't take long before I started moving his finger circularly waving around my narrow entrance; it was so exciting feeling like his hand, trying to awaken the good ass I had inherited thanks to him. His penis seemed to inflame more each time between those thick veins, pressing with force and noticing how lubricated it was too much, I collected it with my tongue, and between my palate and tongue savored that tasty flavor; the pleasure was double when he finally gave a sign of being conscious and agreeing with what was happening, since he had spat on his fingers to penetrate them. When his fat finger entered, I let out a moan, brought his finger to the bottom and began moving it slowly and faster each time, in about two minutes he was already introducing the second finger. My ass was dilating too quickly when excited, I wanted to give him more pleasure and while he was... entertained myself with my ass, lowered my tongue trying to reach his enormous balls to suck them one by one. After a while I got into position like a dog and let him put in his third finger, while I started kissing his abdomen, past that hairy path to his beautiful nipples; while he gave me pleasure with his hand, I licked his nipples with small bites that I noticed he liked; and at no moment did I release the love of my member which due to its size was easy to reach. I could feel him getting agitated, had to leave his cock alone for a bit so I could kiss his neck, he would twist with each kiss, shudder when my tongue passed near his ears, then in an attempt to lick his ear and shake his face due to extreme sensitivity, our lips met making an irresistible kiss. It was the strangest thing I could do in my sexual life, but at that moment it didn't cross my mind that he was my father, it was like being with a sexual friend or lover, well, in front of the morbo there are no family ties or limits, that time was so intense it could have broken his lips from kisses while he broke my ass with his fingers which kept asking for affection, turning my father into a beast. In the end what remained was love of father, with each kiss and lick on his beard we forgot a little more about our familiar position; without letting his lips rest I changed positions to ride his legs, sitting on that pair of thighs, my ass was educated to treat cocks and men of his level. My movements and agile hip danced around his penis, I could feel him trying to push with his strong legs, being held back by the control he exercised; when I felt like he wanted in I would lift up a bit, I wanted him to desire capriciously enter me so I could feel his true performance as male trying to steal the reins. Then he placed his large and thick hands on my hip and with one movement put himself On my feet to load me completely, I had asked for all mobility, with my legs embracing his hip and hard buttocks, he took a few steps, feeling like he was adjusting his enormous cock in my anus, it was so dilated that it didn't cost his cock to give me strong training at the entrance of my cavity. Three more steps ahead and with hard thrusts and without letting me fall, I felt myself being inserted with my own weight, now if I had hurt feeling like he was introducing those 22 cm. At that moment, I completely understood when my brother would stop me why he would hurt me; always when it was his turn to be passive and the poor one complained about my enormous cock, and now karma was returning the favor to me. My dad was so lubricated that it didn't take much to start perforating me, he moved in an amazing way, and even though I was standing in a somewhat uncomfortable position, I didn't want to imagine how he would screw me in a more static place, although I was dying to have him do it; a little further along, leaving myself fall onto the sofa where he was sitting, still impregnated with his warmth, again his enormous chili entered me with more force. It was truly a stallion, I could feel like his great cock was coming out, leaving a big void in me, then entering until the end, filling me with a punch, barely giving me seconds to catch my breath before putting my eyes back on him, before wrapping my legs around his hard buttocks again; his testicles crashed against my buttocks, and I could feel perfectly how they were doing. We stayed like that for a while longer until my lord father wanted to try another position, he lifted me up and bent me over the armchair, separating my legs, both of us standing, I hugged him around the waist and began to kiss my neck, his beard scratched my back and it felt very good. His hairy chest was leaning against my back, it was rough and the heat of his skin burned; he pulled my head back, breaking me with his kisses, and I just wanted him to keep penetrating me, but apparently he was A little rested. I don't know if it was to avoid coming too quickly or because I wanted to give myself some time with his mouth, but in truth my erogenous zones were exploding with his caresses; slowly he went down until he reached my ass, his beard resting between my cheeks licking the entire upper to lower edge; he stopped when descending through my anus and began to lick me very close to my balls, it felt like heaven, his hard tongue making circles and a world of movements in that zone, which made me shudder at my dad's hands. He returned to my anus, but before his hand started to masturbate me, he must have felt honored and proud of the piece of cock he had given me through genetics; concentrated on my cock I led his tongue back into my ass once more and began to suck me like a pro or amateur, a little more of that and my cum would have been his, but he stopped to position himself behind me. The silence was broken again when his cock entered me completely from nothing, the walls were trembling with the hard fuck I was getting, just like my legs with the cockring my father was giving me. I was taking my hips and bringing them back to him one and another time, feeling my soul pierced and my moans began to be more and more devastating, I had to cover my mouth, I couldn't help it, I was screaming with pleasure, even though anyone would have sworn I was suffering his 22 cm. After a while, he turned me around, and again he lingered on my lips; but it only took a few seconds for him to bring me down with his hand until I was kneeling in front of his beautiful cock—Do you want me to fill you up with cum like when you're taking a bath as a kid? Do you remember that I told you not to take it? Today if you can drink it, I won't stop. What a way to break the ice; a scene very similar to one from years ago, very close to dad's cock, with the pipe full of hard stuff, with his macana rubbing it in his hand, like a piece of meat that looked like a pizza dough maker; and the naked and innocent kid on the side Waiting to see what followed; waiting for the hot cum of daddy, with my tongue out, arched like his slut. He started to masturbate, taking a few steps forward to leave my tongue in his balls; I was suffocating from his enormous testicles covering my mouth and nasal fossae, sucking his balls while he almost came on my face, feeling the weight of his cock on my face and the taste of his sweaty balls on my papillae. I felt for a few minutes the thin and soft sacs containing the testicles, before passing to milk those 22 cm that had given me life; I walked behind his balls, returning the favor, and noticed he was excited feeling my tongue near his anus. After pulling my face with his hand to return it in front of his cock, I started to put it in; I wanted to go slow, but for him it was just another ass to put his cock in, my throat became saturated with his piece until I started crying, wanting it to come out and at the same time wanting him to put it back in, when he pulled it all the way out, it was covered in my saliva. I loved seeing that red head about to explode, knowing it wasn't much longer before receiving his semen, I had many years of longing to feel that hot juice again, while he masturbated, my tongue caressed his glans waiting for the big moment. Already ready, looking at him with one hand stretching his balls and the other masturbating with force; I was out of breath when a jet of semen left me almost blind from its force and quantity, another fell on my face and several drops on my chest, then he managed to guide his enormous beast towards my mouth with his hand. They were flooding my throat with his nectar, what could have produced all that? - I wondered while seeing him contract and twist in the last drops. Finally, he finished emptying everything from his semen, and took the cut-off truss to clean me up; he threw it at me like a football player and noticed his smile at the mischief of cutting one off.
his underwear—It wasn't necessary to do this, I was never asleep. What a way to make me feel stupid, but it was done, I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower; I left the door open in case he wanted to catch me, although in reality he had been cleaner than that, still I kept hoping he would help me bathe like when I was little. I heard the door open, it was him, and he was still naked, his penis was swinging from side to side, and he entered the hot water sharing the same shower, what a way it was existing to see such a body so close to mine; we were barely giving each other space inside the showerhead and that made us even closer; his cock rubbed my ass more than once, and I understood that it wouldn't be the only or the first time. How many times did it happen? Wow! I could write an entire book; my father was the most intense experience I could live, after that night our instinct woke up to not sleep again, I can boast that I squeezed him until he couldn't anymore, and I'm sure no one will be able to fill him like I did, even though practically the one who filled me almost every night was him. What happened with us? Did we keep doing it? The real question is does it really matter? I'll let it end with the best ending they can imagine. But I'll only tell a little more; when we got out of the shower, we came out completely naked, the wall of modesty was more than broken, he looked so sexy walking with those hairy ass cheeks, and don't even mention those kisses we got while trying to dry off our bodies. That night we slept in his room, like a couple of lovers; I liked putting my hand inside his trunks and feeling his cock asleep; I took care of waking it up and making it vomit. I started sleeping with him trying not to let Dani notice; Leo no longer lived with us, it was too premature for that girlfriend thing. We often wondered if we were doing things wrong? Are we doing wrong? Is this right? Will I be punished for this? We always come to the same conclusion, there are worse things and they're not so marked; we just enjoy ourselves, and what a way to do it. I know there are many loose ends, but it's better that way, love is love, and there are a thousand ways, that's why it has no definition, maybe this story is my definition of love, and maybe you have another, or it doesn't mean one is wrong, just love.
his underwear—It wasn't necessary to do this, I was never asleep. What a way to make me feel stupid, but it was done, I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower; I left the door open in case he wanted to catch me, although in reality he had been cleaner than that, still I kept hoping he would help me bathe like when I was little. I heard the door open, it was him, and he was still naked, his penis was swinging from side to side, and he entered the hot water sharing the same shower, what a way it was existing to see such a body so close to mine; we were barely giving each other space inside the showerhead and that made us even closer; his cock rubbed my ass more than once, and I understood that it wouldn't be the only or the first time. How many times did it happen? Wow! I could write an entire book; my father was the most intense experience I could live, after that night our instinct woke up to not sleep again, I can boast that I squeezed him until he couldn't anymore, and I'm sure no one will be able to fill him like I did, even though practically the one who filled me almost every night was him. What happened with us? Did we keep doing it? The real question is does it really matter? I'll let it end with the best ending they can imagine. But I'll only tell a little more; when we got out of the shower, we came out completely naked, the wall of modesty was more than broken, he looked so sexy walking with those hairy ass cheeks, and don't even mention those kisses we got while trying to dry off our bodies. That night we slept in his room, like a couple of lovers; I liked putting my hand inside his trunks and feeling his cock asleep; I took care of waking it up and making it vomit. I started sleeping with him trying not to let Dani notice; Leo no longer lived with us, it was too premature for that girlfriend thing. We often wondered if we were doing things wrong? Are we doing wrong? Is this right? Will I be punished for this? We always come to the same conclusion, there are worse things and they're not so marked; we just enjoy ourselves, and what a way to do it. I know there are many loose ends, but it's better that way, love is love, and there are a thousand ways, that's why it has no definition, maybe this story is my definition of love, and maybe you have another, or it doesn't mean one is wrong, just love.
2 comentários - Bañándome con mi papá (parte dos)