Upon returning to the campsite, I see a boy gathering twigs, I greet him amicably and very dry returns the greeting.
- Hello, how are you?
- Hello, I'm Pedro, are you Juan?
- Yes...
- Santi told me you were here, if you need anything just let me know.
- Okay, thanks. Can I put up a stove for some mates?
- Yes.
There was no more dialogue than that I sat with the last rays of sunlight in the gallery between a Nestornauta and two dogs. Like the hour, Pedro came with the last resolana, who had been gathering and selecting twigs.
- Hey, do you have a cell phone?
- Yes
- Didn't you call me? Why did I hang up and can't find it.
- Yes, tell me your number...
Pedro's cell phone rang...
- Thanks brother, I hung up wrong with the phone.
- No drama...
He put on a worried face and complained lowly...
- Can I help you with something?
- No brother, thanks. It's Santiago who is pure bardo. He just told me he'll be late today and to top it off with two dudes from the group, see how we settle in.
- Don't make trouble, I can leave...
- No brother, no, you stay, relax.
- Seriously, don't worry. You're not bothering me, and I apologize for being so dry, I'm very friendly but sometimes this happens to me.
- No problem, all good.
- It's more to apologize that I'll make a yummy food.
- Just in time, tell me where there's a place to buy some things so I can collaborate.
- Don't worry about it, we have what the boss sends...
- Well, no matter, I want to collaborate with something...
- We have food, we have firewood and macoña (he laughed)
- (I laughed)
- Do you smoke?
- Very rarely, and when I do it's because I'm ashamed. I get heavy talking about love and those things.
- I can handle it, I like that philosophy.
- (I laugh again) You I appreciate but don't believe, just give him a break, did you bring wine?
- Holy juice...
- Yes...
He tells me where to buy and I'll go get two bottles and come back. It was freezing cold. When I entered, there was an aroma of sauce, he was cooking some dry noodles with sauce without meat.
- What's the temperature like, it smells so nice...
- Yeah, it tastes good... (he takes a taste with the wooden spoon and it tasted very good)
- It tastes good, very good...
- Now I'll turn it off for a bit, and take a shower to calm down a bit from the cold.
- Does that help?
- Yes, it brings down the temperature and forces the body to generate more heat, it hurts a bit but then it's nice.
- I think you're going to make me listen...
- Open the wine, let's have some cups to gather courage and then take a shower.
I stayed looking at him surprised, there was something that didn't close... I opened the wine and served it and looked at him...
- Hey, don't think badly of me, I told you we're going to take a shower because here the water takes a while to recover in the calderita...
- Of course, I stayed thinking... I didn't think badly.
- Na, I just bathe in my shorts, stay calm...
- It's not that, everything is fine.
- It's because of me...
I didn't ask anymore, we took two cups of wine each, the fire was ready and he said:
- Shall we take a shower?
- Okay
We went to the room and the cold was taking away the desire to live. I undressed quickly in front of Pedro and he, wearing boxers, trembling, said...
- Let's go...
We entered the bathroom, it was warmer due to the stove (a garrafa).
- Is that stove safe in here?
- No, but it's worse outside... (he laughed)
We showered without touching or looking at each other, each of us fixed on a point on the wall. We finished and he grabbed the towel, dried himself off, and wrapped up, I was still washing my back. From behind, I start to pull down his shorts under the towel. I look him in the eye and say...
- Uh, Pedro, I don't have a towel, lend me yours.
- Wait, let me find one...
- It's not necessary, just pass me yours (and I extend the... mano) He got red and told me... - Wait until I put on my boxers and I'll give it to you. - Okay. It started putting on the boxers from below and the towel fell off. Ah, I could see it, had a small cock, no more than 5 cm. - Okay, pass me the towel, I'm cold... - What shame! - Why? - I never undress in front of other people, it makes me uncomfortable. - It's natural, old man, there's no need to be afraid of nudity... - But it's small, I don't like it. - Nothing is small when you know how to use it... He stayed looking at me for a while, I got out of the shower and he wasn't talking to me. We finished getting dressed, ate some hot dogs, smoked a pack, and drank a bottle of wine. Then we started talking nonsense until little by little we started talking about energy. Anyway, I had gotten drunk more than high on the pack. He told me he knew Reiki and showed interest, we talked for two hours in silence. And then we went to bed. In bed, he initiated the dialogue again... - Can you do Reiki on me tomorrow? - Yes, of course... Do you need it? - I'd like to know what it feels like... - You're better off now that you're drunk (I did it as a joke) - Are you going to make me one? - Better tomorrow because it's cold to get out of bed (I really laughed, the cold was very much) He got up, stumbled a bit... ran back to the bed and put it next to me, brought the stove and said: - Ready. I told him to pass his hands under the blanket, he turned over. The connection was very strong, but I was sure it was because of what we had consumed. At one point he started breathing deeply and I took my hands away... - I'm flying, brother, what power... - I thought you'd fallen asleep... - No, I'm close... - Well, turn off the stove. - Okay... He got up quickly, turned off the stove, and went back to bed... - Where does it continue? - Ah, I thought that was it... - No, please keep going, I haven't slept in a long time. I put my hands on him, already in complete darkness, every time I separated them slightly he moved. It was almost... our language to confirm that I hadn't slept. At one point, he turned over and without saying a word, pressed his hands against my chest. He fell asleep and the vibration was very high (those who know what I'm talking about understand). He fell asleep, breathing heavily, little by little I lowered my hand with the intention of not waking him up to remove it. When I was reaching his navel, he moved and I left my hand on his cock. At that moment, there were sounds like a conversation and I woke him up.
- Me, Pedro... There are noises.
- It must be Santi.
Santi had arrived with two cumpas who seemed to be staying overnight.
They turned on the light in the office, Pedro got up, argued a bit with Santi, and went back to bed.
- Juan, does it bother you that he sleeps with us?
- (I doubted) No, did something happen?
- I'm going to give this jerk a mattress and let them sort themselves out tomorrow.
- There's no drama. Bring the mattress, hide one of my blankets, and tell me: Perdón, they'll probably freeze their ass off.
- (I laughed)
- How do I get in without bothering you? Do you want me to put my feet at the end?
- No, it will be cold, lie down here next to me but don't lean on me (in a joking manner, as if to relieve tension).
- What a jerk...
- Relax, dad...
- Otherwise?
- Yes.
We stayed there looking at the ceiling, with our hands under the blanket very close, and I said: I'm uncomfortable, the bed is small and I'm doing everything not to touch your hand.
- Me too.
Then I turned over against the wall and outside. We were ass to ass, it was really very uncomfortable. Little by little, we started to relax our bodies. He was cold from that infernal triangle of backs and started to shiver.
- Am I shaking because of the joint or the cold?
- I don't know, I think I'm just moved.
- Let's see...
I turned over, passed my hand underneath and put it on his chest. My chest against his back.
- This is the only way not to let in the cold.
- Never thought I'd be so warm sleeping with a guy.
- And that's even though I already saw your cock and all.
- (se) put tense) pará, that kind of joke makes me feel bad. I apologized and he fell asleep and I relaxed, without reiki in the way, I started to think and it got harder. This close and since he was sleeping I relaxed too. Every time it got harder (up above) and seemed to fit just right between the cheeks. I moved quickly and positioned well at the same time lowering my hand. Not as much as I wanted, my index finger stayed in the belly button and my pinky ringed the part below the elastic of the boxer. Anyway, with my chest I felt he was tense (and not asleep). He moved and ended up on his stomach, pressing his cock against the mattress, but my right hand was nearby. I thought I had been caught. I put myself back against the wall. And then... - You moved... - (made an excuse) I was uncomfortable. - Now it's my turn, the only thing is that I'm leaving my hand here because if not I won't find a position. (he put his hand on my waist) - What's uncomfortable about tonight? - The good thing is that it will be over soon... - Watch out for what ends and we tempt each other... Suddenly, I felt something hard. I pulled the booty back and positioned better. It was really hard. I stayed still, didn't understand anything... - (with a hoarse voice) Better? - Yes... Better than being too big (by this point, I knew I wasn't going to sleep) - (for the first time he laughed) We remained silent, started pushing very slowly... every time it grew bigger and got harder. He lowered his hand to my hip, didn't say anything. A little more, didn't say anything. I wanted to know if it was hard or just my head. He lowered his hand like to scratch, he didn't move. - What's up? - The elastic is annoying... Am I complicated now? - Are you uncomfortable? (while leaving the cock resting) - No, don't move. We're there, only my leg is bothering me. He put his hand in, adjusted the cock and touched my booty by the way. - Does it hurt? - It bothers me, I stayed with the idea. I lowered the boxer at the back. And felt like my skin was beating against his hard cock. Almost with movements... Imperceptibles, he started pushing. I put the cock between my cheeks and further in each time. One of the guys slowly entered. - Slowly speaking: Pedro, doesn't one blanket suffice? - (As he was talking to me like I was asleep, I raised his boxer and mine) Speak slowly, Juan is sleeping. No, we have two more, if you want bring the quilt here and turn on the stove. - Okay. - He said slowly: everything is fine, trust me. The guy came in, I remained motionless and silent, he lay down next to me, I didn't say anything, I lowered my boxer and with him still not asleep, he slowly pumped. He started making me masturbate while pumping. He filled my booty with cum (without coming) and fell asleep, with his hand on my cock. The next day I woke up, Pedro wasn't there, next to the guy. I started changing, the guy woke up. - Hello. I'm Ari. - Hello, Juan, did you wake me up? - (Laughing) You didn't let me sleep, it's different. - (Nervously) Why? - I made my head listen to everything. - I don't know what you're talking about. I'm leaving now. He undressed, the first thing I see is his gummy cock marked and his boxer with a wet stain. I put on my jeans, grab my cock, take it out of the jeans and suck it. While sucking my cock, Pedro appears. Look, he enters, closes the door, turns on the stove without saying anything. He lowers his jeans from behind, gets down on all fours, leaning against the bed, and makes a sign to me; I caught him for an hour. The guy? He got his cock sucked by Pedro. We ended up really deep inside. Pedro said: 'Comrades, let's have breakfast?' Like nothing was wrong, in absolute secrecy between us, Cristina and Nestornauta.
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