The security guard watching over the passengers on a subway in São Paulo has dazzling beauty. Get to know him and let yourself be tempted. There are people who throughout their lives behave as if they're under orders just to avoid any kind of contact with uniformed personnel. There are others, or at least in Brazil's metro, who would be willing to commit any 'infraction' just to catch the attention of the security guard.
It's that the 22-year-old young man who watches all the passengers on the São Paulo metro every day measures 1.87 meters, his muscles weigh 80 kilograms, his face looks like it was carved by hand, and the fruit of the dessert has green eyes that dazzle
Guilherme Leão has become a celebrity in his country and poses for photos without shyness. But all his beauty is not just in one place, he also squanders it on the catwalks. You have to get to Brazil and travel by that subway, no matter what.

25 comentários - The sexiest cop is from Brazil
Un bombonazo, pero... ¿tendrá onda?
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